Ch 4: A Destined encountered with the Valkyries!!!

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One Month later while Y/n was working at Flower in the Kitchen.

Owner: Y/n can you get some groceries from the supermarket a few blocks from here, I forgot to order and now the next delivery is the day after tomorrow.

Y/n: sure thing boss, just give me a list and I'll make sure to get them.

Owner: Thank you, here is the list it's only a few items but we have to get them.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll go right away. See you later.

Y/n got a bag and started walking to supermarket. When he paid for the groceries and started walking out of the supermarket, then he saw people running away.

When he got out he saw the noise attacking and turning some people into carbon.

Y/n: not this again, I'm started to have my day.

Y/n walked down to the alley, putting down his groceries and took out his Armor Evoltruster out.

Y/n: I won't let everyone's hope been taking away by fear....*Raised his Evoltruster*Nexus!!!

Now Nexus came jumping out of the alley and punched a noise right in the face(?) Reducing to carbon, turning around he kicked a second one in the stomach(?)

Then he turned around to see some people still running away from the noise.

Nexus: Quick runaway, I will handle the noise, just get out of here and go find some shelter.

The people nodded and run to shelter and Nexus faced against noise.

Nexus:Hey! Freaks don't bully the innocent bystanders around *shoots energy blades* or your gonna get it from me.

While Nexus held the noise the people started running away from the place, when suddenly one bigger noise got passed Nexus and ran towards the people.

Nexus: Crud, watch out everyone!!!

???: Croitzal ronzell Gungnir zizzl

Out of nowhere comes a giant spear from the sky piercing the noise reducing into carbon.

???: Hey there Silver Beauty it looks like you can get some help down there.

Nexus was surprised at what just happened, When he looked up he saw two almost angel like figures descending from the sky.

Nexus: that would be great.

The two girls landed on the ground and started attacking the noise. The red haired girl grabbed her spear and started to slash the noise and the blue haired girl pointed up her sword summoning a lot of swords raining down on the noise.

(A/n: Can't Find the Same Pic here so... I borrow it for this for now)

One thousand tears

Nexus use his signature move to finish the noise.

Nexus: "Cross-Ray Schtrom" 

Shortly afterwards all the noise that attack where destroyed.

Nexus: You girls are pretty strong.

???: You too Silver Beauty, do you have a name? Or do I just call you Silver beauty?

Nexus: name is Nexus and I am the Armored Ultraman.

???: "Armored Ultraman", never heard of that before.

Nexus: So what are is your name's then, If you don't mind asking.

???: Sure our names ar. ....

Suddenly the blue haired girl pointed her at nexus, but nexus didn't flinch at the sword pointing at him.

?????: he doesn't need to know our name's, now surrender yourself and come with us.

Nexus: Sorry I'm not that type of guy who would just surrender to some Angelic beauties here.

When he said "Angelic beauties", both girls were blushing red in embarrassment, but the blue haired girl shake her thoughts out and start pointing her blade at him threatening him.

?????: I'm not gonna repeat myself, surrender or else. *Point her sword at him*

Nexus: Or else what ?

?????: We have to take you by force.

Nexus: Sorry not gonna happen and I thought you girls can be quite a trouble.

?????: I'm not joking, I will not say it for the third time come with us or else.

???" Take it easy he isn't a bad guy.

Nexus: Well sorry, but I some important things to do, so no can do see ya.

That's when he started to glow and the two girls covered their eyes of the flashing light and when the light disappears. He is gone out of their sights.

?????: Ugh... Huh? Where did he go ?

???: Let him be, he's long gone by now.

?????: but we have orders to capture him.

???: Don't worry, we'll be seeing him again when there is another noise attack.

Meanwhile in the Alleyway.

A few blocks away from the two girls Nexus revert back his form back to Y/n.

Y/n: That was a close call, I thought I was going to be cut down but, it feels like whenever I become nexus i didn't flinch when that girl pointed her sword at me. It's feels like a connection between me and the two girls.

Y/n looked at the time.

Y/n: But right now, I need to get the groceries and get back to flower or I'm gonna get in trouble for sure.

Y/n hurried back to get the groceries and then ran back to the restaurant.

Y/n: I'm back and sorry it took so long there was a noise attack outside of the supermarket.

Owner: Oh don't worry about it, I'm glad that your all right.

Y/n: Thank you for understanding boss.

Owner: It's okay, now hurry to the kitchen and get ready for the rush hour.

Y/n: You got it boss.

Y/n went straight into the kitchen and started preparing the food for rush hour, then he noticed a commercial on the Tv.

Tv: now on sale tickets for the concert of zwei wing.

The Tv showed two girls that were singing a song that Y/n gave a warm feeling inside him.

Y/n: That was a really beautiful song, but what do I have a strange feeling that I know those girls.

Owner: Y/n Hibiki and Miku are here they want the usual.

Y/n: okay coming right right up.

15 minutes later Y/n served the girls their food.

Y/n: Sa dozo meshiagare (bon appetit)

Hibiki: how come that for everyone else their food is severed in 10 mins, but our food takes 15 mins.

Y/n: Well that's because one of you always wants a triple serving.

Miku began to chuckle at Y/n's reply

Hibiki: (bloated cheeks) mou! 

Miku: By the way Y/n have you seen the commercial for zwei wing ?

Y/n: I just saw it in the kitchen, but I didn't know their names.

Hibiki: I vow fheir names (I know their names)

Y/n: Hibiki first chew then swallow and then talk.

Hibiki: Sorry, the one with the red haired is called Kanade Amou.

Miku: and the one with blue hair is Tsubasa Kazanari.

Y/n: Hmmm. Kanade and Tsubasa, alright I got that memorized.(To be honest I'm always a forgetful person myself.)

Hibiki: We got tickets to their concert over a few months, I can hardly wait.

Miku: me too their songs just touch your heart.

Y/n: Well then have a fun time at the concert you two.

Hibiki/Miku: Thank you.

(A/n: Hey guys it's me again- I have to inform everyone that I won't be updating this book for while ok, because it's my aunt birthday today so that's a thing,but don't worry I'll be back to update this more when the party's over cya.)

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