Ch 5: The destruction of Music

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(Just image Hibiki is Nexus)

Nexus: Really now, every time we meet this past few months you always point that sword at me. It's been like 15 times you try that on me.

?????: Just come with us and this doesn't have to happen anymore to you.

???: She won't give up silver beauty.

???: Was swinging her sword at Nexus, but nexus dodge all her attacks

Nexus: Me neither, but there is one thing that is bothering me.

???: and what is that ?

Nexus: You two look familiar, but were did I see you girls before ?

???: Just give yourself up.

Nexus realized their faces.

Nexus: Oh, now I remember now you two are the girls on the Tv, what was there name again... is it Zwei Wing.

The blue haired girl pause for a moment.

?????: S-so what if we are them.

Nexus: That's because of your hair color and your names are.

???: Try to guess.

Nexus: The red haired girl is Kanade Amou am I right.

Kanade: Ping pong your right.

Nexus: and the blue haired one is Tsurugi Kazanari... Right.

Kanade chuckle of the words you say.

Kanade: almost, but not exactly nex.

?????: It's Tsubasa! Don't joke with my name.

Nexus: Hey! It's really hard to pronounce your name and besides I even got you to say your own name it's kinda cute though.

Tsubasa: *Blush* shut up. Just give up already.

Tsubasa jumped in the air and enlarge her sword.

>Blue Flash<

But Nexus was able to react quick enough and summoned his blade out and slice Tsubasa's attack in half making both the girls in complete shock.  

Nexus: Are you done yet! So we can move on.

Tsubasa: H-how did you do that!? No one can cut my attack like that.

Kanade: It's like your blade is made out of L-light, H-how?

Nexus: Sorry I can't tell you much, But I gotta go I have some important to do today after this past few months, Well cya.

Nexus jumped to the sky started flying and disappear without a trace leaving the two girls completely shock of what just happened.

Kanade: Well that took him him long enough to recognize us, But what surprise the most that he can cut down your attack without breaking a sweat tsubasa.

Tsubasa: Yeah, your right, but why is nexus so frustrating.

Kanade: I don't know, But right now let's forget about him for now, we need to rehearse for the concert tomorrow can't let old man waiting.

Tsubasa: Alright Kanade.

Meanwhile with Nexus

Nexus: Those girls are strong especially Tsubasa, she can really be stubborn and a little  overconfident for that, Ugh... How can I be so dumb that i didn't recognize them earlier.

The Next Day

Y/n: Man, what a nice day today and what luck that is today is my day off, Now what I am gonna do today.

Suddenly Y/n phone started ringing.

Y/n: Yello! Y/n speaking.

Miku: Y/n can you come to my place straight away ? I don't have much time.

Y/n: Sure but why exactly miku?

Miku: just come now, I will explain when you are here.

Y/n: Alright, I'll be right there.

Y/n got out of his apartment and jumped on his bike and 15 minutes later Y/n arrived at Miku's place.

Miku: I'm glad you could come Y/n my grandmother got into a accident and were are now parking to go get her.

Y/n: So what can I do help you with?

Miku handed over a ticket to Y/n to the Zwei Wing concert.

Miku: Hibiki and I would go to the concert of zwei wing today but can you go in my place ?

Y/n: If that is all you need, Sure I'll go but make sure your grandmother is ok. How late is the concert by the way?

Miku: Thank you so much Y/n and the concert starts in an hour.

Y/n: Then I better get going.

Miku: Hibiki should already be there, I will call her and tell her that you are on your way.

Y/n: Ok I'll be on my way now. I hope your grandmother is ok Miku.

At the Zwei Wing Concert.

Hibiki: Miku where are you, I'm already at the concert.

Miku(phone): sorry hibiki my grandmother had an accident, now my dad is packing and then we're going to her.

Hibiki: Ehhhhh!!! But that means I'm going alone.

Miku(phone): Don't worry about that, I send someone in my place. He should be there any minute now.

Hibiki: He? I don't see anyone familiar to me.

Hibiki looked around her until she saw Y/n coming around the corner, Hibiki started to blush a little.

Hibiki: You called Y/n to come in your place.

Miku(phone): I thought you would like it if it was Y/n.

Hibiki: Y-yes I do b-but it's so suddenly.

Miku(phone): Just enjoy the show. I need to hang up now, we need to go, Bye bye.

After Y/n parked his bike he took of the helmet and looked around to see if he could find hibiki.

Hibiki: Y/n! Over here!!

Y/n: Hey hibiki, miku called me and....

Hibiki: I know she called me too and explained the situation to me.

Y/n: So do you want to go to the concert with me, hibiki?

Hibiki: Y-yes let's go.

Y/n and hibiki waited in line until they could go in the stadium and got to their seats.

>Meanwhile Backstage<

Tsubasa was sitting in a corner anxious for the show, when kanade showed up.

Kanade: I know this is a big performance, but you don't have to be nervous.

Tsubasa: But this is really important, sakurai said that.

Kanade: let the worrying to the grownups, we just have to sing to our hearts content.

Then kanade got a little smirk on her face and flicked her finger against tsubasa's forehead .

Kanade: Or maybe perhaps you are nervous because Silver beauty my be there watching us because he knows are identities and called us beauties.

Tsubasa started to blush a little.

Tsubasa: I-if he shows up then I will catch him for sure.

>Somewhere else in the Stadiums<

Y/n: *Shivers*

Hibiki: are you alright Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah I just had a feeling someone is trying to call my name.


Genjuurou: so that's were you two are hiding.

Genjuurou came walking in.

Tsubasa: *looks up* Commander.

Kanade: well if it isn't old man genjuurou, did you come here to wish us good luck?

Genjuurou: I just want make sure that you now how important today's show is.

Kanade: Don't worry about it manager, we know how important it is. Just leave the important singing to us, just make sure that nothing happens with "that" rock downstairs.

Genjuurou: I'll keep on your word for that and don't worry about "that" rock we got that covered. Today's performance will be a turning point in the history of mankind.

Genjuurou took out his phone and dialed a number.

Deep under the stadium was a lab set up where scientists where settings things up for an experiment. A woman picked up her phone.

Ryouko: Hi~ speaking with sakurai ryouko everything is ready on our end here.


Genjuurou: understood, I will be there shortly.

Kanade: Hey old man one question, do you think Silver Beauty will be there.

Genjuurou: I don't think Nexus will be there, because he doesn't want to get caught. that reminds me.

Kanade: What is it?

Genjuurou: You told me about your report about how he slice tsubasa's attack with one swing with his blade, is it true.

Kanade: Yeah, he did without breaking a sweat.

Tsubasa: It's like he's really serious about it.

Genjuurou: Hmm... maybe will figure it out later, Right now you two have a concert to perform.

Kanade/Tsubasa: All right/ok.

>Somewhere in the Stadium Sits<

Y/n: *Shivers*

Hibiki: Are you sure your alright Y/n.

Y/n: I'll be fine Hibiki it's just a shiver that's all.

Hibiki: Oh ok.

Y/n and Hibiki walked in the stadium.

Hibiki: Wow what a big stadium.

Y/n: Careful, Hibiki don't fall down now.

Hibiki: Where do you see me for?

Y/n: *thoughts* I have bad feeling about this, I can feel it.

(I really like this song so much, But also I don't want to get copyrighted though)

>Meanwhile in the secret lab<

Scientist: phonic gain is growing steadily as expected.

Ryouko: Well we write that of as a success.

Genjuurou: *whew* good job everyone.


Alarm bells started to ring and the lab was turning red from the light.

Scientist b: Internal pressure is getting high, we can't handle the output.

Scientist c: At this rate the relic will go berserk.

The rock started to emit a strange glow until.

Explosion!!! *Boom*

Y/n: What was that!?

Hibiki: Y/n look up something's there.

Y/n looked up and saw strange symbols in the air, when suddenly noise started to appeared from them.

People of the stadium started to scream and ran towards the exit doors.

In the confusion Y/n and Hibiki were seperated.

Y/n: Hibiki!!!

Hibiki: Y/n!!! Help me!!!

Y/n: Hibiki!!! Where are you!!!.

>On stage<

Kanade: Tsubasa we need to fly, only we can fight the noise.

Tsubasa: B-but the commander hasn't...

Before tsubasa could finish her sentence kanade jump of the stage.

Kanade: Croitzal ronzell Gungnir zizzl.

(Put the song here Kimi to Iu Oto Kanade Tsukiru Made)

Once landed kanade put her hands together and then her gauntlets turned into a spear.

Kanade ran towards the noise and cut through them, then jumped up.

Stardust Foton

She summoned multiple copies of spear and they rained on the noise from the sky.

Elsewhere in the stadium Y/n finally managed to get loose from the crowd and the to the toilets.

Y/n: I gotta find Hibiki now.

He then pulls out his Armored Evoltruster out.

Y/n: *Raised his Evoltruster Up* Raaaaggggh! Nexus!

>Underground lab<

The lab  was collapsed and everywhere was rubble, genjuurou was lying in the ground.

Genjuurou: Where is Ryouko, is she alive.

Then Genjuurou saw the nephustan rock is changing.

Genjuurou: Is nephustan preparing for something.

>Back at the stadium<

Tsubasa slashed through a few noise leaving them into carbon, but she didn't notice that a big noise was creeping up to her.

Nexus: Spinning Crash kick!!!

(I couldn't find a the gif of this kick, you why because all of nexus attacks are too big) 

Nexus jumped and spin kick destroying the noise that was about to strike tsubasa.

Nexus: You should need someone to watch your back.

Tsubasa: I can handle it alone.

Kanade: She's just to shy she really means to say thank you.

Tsubasa: *blushes a little* t-that's not true.

Nexus: Hehehe... that was cute, But right now let's just get rid of these noise. Change Junis Red

Nexus change his form into red form, making kanade liking him more.

Kanade: *Thoughts* Oh I'm really starting to like you.

Tsubasa ran to another group  jumping up side down and extended the blades on her ankles and started spinning and slashing the noise through half.

Kanade pointed her spear upwards creating a tornado.

Last Meteor

She pointed her spear towards the noise and a giant tornado ripped through the noise even destroying a big one.

Hibiki: *dazed* what is happening?

Nexus was attacking a group of noise, but didn't notice the noise approaching him from behind.

Blue Flash. Tsubasa destroyed the noise behind Nexus barely missing him.

Nexus: Thanks, but did you really have to that, so close to me.

Tsubasa: I just don't want to be in debt with you, plus hitting you wouldn't be that bad.

Nexus: And I thought this is going well for both of us.

Suddenly kanade's spear started to lose it's glow.

Kanade: Damn the suit is running out of power.

 As kanade was pushed back by a hit of the noise, Nexus saw hibiki on the stands.

Nexus: *sigh of relief* Thank goodness, hibiki is alright.

When Nexus was about to go to hibiki, stands collapsed and hibiki fell to the ground hurting her knee.

Then a few noise rand towards her.

Nexus: Hibiki!!!

As Nexus wanted to run to hibiki he was held back by a few nosie.

Nexus: Get out of my way! Hibiki!!!

Just when the noise where about to hit hibiki kanade jumped between them slashing them into two.

Nexus: Thank god.

Kanade: Run!!!

Hibiki tried to get up but fell down straight away because of her injured knee.

A few noise shot towards them, but kanade held them off by spinning her spear in front of her acting like a shield, but because her suit was running out of power it started to crack all over her body.

Tsubasa: Kanade!

Some of the bigger noise started to spew green like slime at kanade but she blocked it with her spear.

Tsubasa: Kanade!!

Kanade's suit busted of her sending debris backwards hitting hibki, knocking her down and blood spewed out of her body.

Kanade got a desperate look when she saw that hibiki got hit.

Nexus: Hibiki!!!

Kanade run towards hibiki dropping her spear.

Kanade: Don't die, open your eyes! Don't accept death!

Hibiki opened her eyes and looked up at kanade, who is relieved face.

Then kanade got up and walked towards the noise.

Kanade: I used to want and sing with a empty soul and body. Look how many came to listen today. That's why I have to sing my best song. My best zesshou (swan song)

Kanade pointed her spear towards the sky as it started to crumble a little bit. A year ran past her cheeks.

Kanade: Gatrandis babel ziggura edenal
Emustolronzen fine el baral zizzl.

Tsubasa: Don't kanade! don't sing that.

Nexus: What's going on!?

Tsubasa: Please stop her, she is going to sacrifice herself.

Nexus: i don't know how?

Hibiki: I can hear her song.

Kanade: Gatrandis babel ziggurat edenal
Emustolronzen fine el baral zizzl.

Kanade: *thought* yeah. This is my last song. The song that will burn my life away.

When kanade finished her zesshou, she smiled as blood coming down from her mouth.

She started to emit a bright pink glow that got bigger as a shockwave destroying the noise in the stadium.

When that happened the Org. Evoltruster begin to glow. Nexus pulls out his Org. Evoltruster out.

Nexus: Huh, the Original Evoltruster its responding to me.

Tsubasa was running towards kanade, nexus following closely behind.

Tsubasa's holding kanade's lifeless body.

Nexus: Well...this is do or die

Original Evoltruster begins to glow.

Tsubasa: What are you doing?

Nexus: Saving her of course, it's better than stand here doing nothing and beside I can't let her die either.

Nexus put the Evoltruster onto kanade's chest and it got absorbed into her body, reversing her body that already started changing to carbon to flesh saving her life.

Hibiki witnessed this as she black out.

 When she came to she was lying on a operating table.

Hibiki: I'm alive, and What happened back there?

(A/n: Hey guys it's me again Wildmaster123. Thank you so much for 249 reads here of this book and I really am thankful for it, because this is inspired by the authors of the Kamen Rider X symphogear books that I just read alongside with my brother Evolto456. So I had this Idea on making it in Ultraman version of this story but with a mix with two best shows in my opinion is Ultraman in the Netflix series and Ultrman Nexus, Why!? it's because these series are pretty cool and Awesome in the same, So right enjoy today's chapter everyone.) 

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