Ch 6: A Strange Reunion

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Two months later Y/n was working at flower.

Y/n: One more week and hibiki will be discharged from the hospital.

Miku: you have been going at least twice a week to the hospital.

Y/n: I can't help it, I feel guilty that couldn't protect her, because of that she got hurt badly.

Miku: It wasn't your fault, if you even got touched by a noise you would die instead of hibiki.

Y/n: But it was my fault I shouldn't let her go. Here's your food Miku.

Miku: thank you.

The bell of the front door rand and two people came in.

Y/n: Hello, Welcome to Flower, how can I help you 

Kanade: What kind of welcome is that?

Miku: Ah! It's Zwei wing.

Y/n: Oh whoops sorry about that, I was with a friend to your concert when the noise attack happened. To what we got the pleasure having the duo Zwei Wing here.

 Tsubasa: We heard rumors that this restaurant where there was good food.

Miku: the food here is the best thanks to Y/n.

Y/n: As long it's okonomiyaki. Have a seat you two, I'll be right there with menu.

Kanade and Tsubasa took a seat by one of the tables.

Y/n: Here is the menu for each of you and a glass of water, I'll be right back to take your order.

Y/n walked back to the counter where miku was sitting eating her food.

Miku: I can't believe that Zwei Wing is here in this restaurant.

Y/n: I thought that too as well.

Miku: Who would have recommended this place to them.

Y/n: That's a question I wanted to know for sure?

>At the table<

Kanade: that Y/n boy is pretty handsome don't you think tsubasa?

Tsubasa: Kanade, don't joke around about someone we don't know.

Kanade: I'm not joking, but I do get the feeling that I know him from somewhere.

Tsubasa: You too.

Kanade: Yes, maybe we saw him in the audience or something.

Tsubasa: Let's just order something, I'm hungry.

Kanade: me too, but what is the sizes of food, small, medium, big, and hibiki size. What is this about.

Tsubasa: Let's ask him about that.

Kanade: Where ready yo order over here!

Y/n: coming.

Y/n walked to the table where the girls were sitting.

Y/n: What will it be girls?

Tsubasa: a normal one for me medium size.

Kanade: before I place a order I got one question for you.

Y/n: Ask away.

Kanade: What is it with those sizes you can order, especially the last.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Kanade: I get the first 3, but what is hibiki size.

Y/n: Oh that. Let me show yo, she is a friend of mine when I went to the concert with her, and her best friend is sitting there by the  counter.

Y/n took out his phone and showed them a picture of hibiki with a really big okonomiyaki in front of her.

Kanade look surprised when she saw the picture of Hibiki.

Kanade: It's that girl.

Y/n:*thoughts* I'm glad she remembers Hibiki.

Y/n: Do you know her by any chance?

Tsubasa: Kanade!

Kanade: Ah ha ha no, but I saw her got hurt badly at the concert, and I felt guilty about it.

Y/n: Don't be. It's my fault for letting her go.

Tsubasa: So... what about the order.

Kanade: Oh yeah, I want the same as her.

Y/n: Coming right up with you order.

Y/n walked back to the kitchen, but miku saw his eyes filled with guilt for not saving hibiki back at the concert.

Miku: Y/n, I told it's not your fault.

Y/n: Yeah, I know.

Miku: I'm going to see Hibiki.

Y/n: Say hi for me Miku.

Miku: Will do later.

Y/n: laterz.

Miku walked out of the restaurant.

10 minutes later.

Y/n served the food for the girls.

Y/n: Sa dozo meshigare (bon appetit)

Tsubasa: Thank you, itadakimasu.

Kanade: itadakimasu.

After kanade and tsubasa are there food and paid for it they started to go outside until kanade turned around and ask you.

Kanade: I got a few more question before we go.

Tsubasa: I know, this will only take a few seconds.

Y/n: and what are your questions exactly?

Kanade: Okay, 1. How is the girl is she alright by any chance?

Y/n: It was a close call. The doctors said they couldn't remove all the shrapnel from her, but she will be discharged next week.

Kanade: Shrapnel?

Y/n: Yes they couldn't remove the shrapnel around her heart but it doesn't hurt or something.

Kanade: Okay one more question, you're voice sounds familiar, have we met before.

Y/n:*thoughs* Oh crap does she recognize me.

Y/n: Ah~ maybe from the concert, people do often say they recognize me, but maybe I just have similar look like the others.

Kanade: Maybe I was wrong about it.

Tsubasa: Kanade we need to go now.

Kanade: Alright, I'm coming.

Y/n: Wait! I have a question before you go?

Kanade: Sure.

Tsubasa: Kanade!

Kanade: Relax a little, ask away.

Y/n: Are you two going to perform another concert?

Tsubasa started to look awkard.

Kanade: Sadly no, I also got hurt with last concert. I may be ok physically, but also I lost my singing. So there will be no more music from Zwei Wing.

Y/n: I'm deeply sorry to heart that.

Tsubasa: We really need to go now, Kanade.

Kanade: Alright alright I'm coming.

Y/n: I hope to see you two again sometime.

Kanade: With the food your making bet on it that we'll be regulars here. bye

With that said kanade and tsubasa left the restaurant.

Y/n: *sigh of relief* I'm glad they are okay. Especially Kanade I was able save her in the nick of time in the concert, but in a cost of losing her gear and her voice at the same time. All that matters that there are safe. *Looks at the time* I have few hours left and my shift is done, then I can visit Hibiki in the Hospital.

End of Chapter 6.

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