Ch 7: A Days off

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No One's Pov

It's been two years since the fateful disaster at the concert of Zwei Wing. Two years since kanade lost her ability to sing, and two years since hibiki threaded the needle of life.

Y/n had a few days of from work, so he was driving through the city when his interest got peeked by something moving in a tree. Y/n pulled over and investigated the tree where he a saw girl and that girl is Hibiki Tachibana.

Y/n: Hibiki! What are you doing up there in the tree?

Hibiki: Woah~! Don't scare me me like that, Y/n.

Y/n: Shouldn't you be in school right now, hibiki.

Hibiki: But i can't, there is a cat stuck in the tree, and looked scared.

Y/n looked up and saw a cat sitting in the tree looking scared.

Y/n: *smiles* you never change do ya, well hurry up, but be careful on the way down.

Hibiki: I will.

Hibiki climbed further down the tree to get the cat down.

Hibiki: Don't worry little one, you're safe now.

Hibiki put the cat in her school uniform and climbed down.

Y/n: Great job, now let take the cat with us to make it's safe ok.

Hibiki: Ok, oh your hungry now are you little guy.

Y/n: that reminds me what about your school?

Hibiki: Oh crap, I totally forgot about school. Aa~h I'm late!!

Y/n: Come on Hibiki, I'll bring you to school.

Hibiki: Y/n thank you.

Hibiki jumped on the bike and Y/n handed her a spare helmet.

Y/n: Okay now, Hold on tight.

Y/n:*thoughts* I guess she can bring the cat with us.

Y/n started the engine and about 20 minutes later arrived at lydian academy.

Y/n: Alright were here, you better hurry Hibiki and try not to happen again.

Hibiki: Sorry and thank you again.

Hibiki jumped of the bike and ran towards the school entrance.

Y/n: Hibiki wait! 

Hibiki stopped and turned around.

Hibiki: What is it Y/n?

Y/n: My spare Helmet please.

Hibiki: What about it.

Y/n: You're still wearing it in your head.

Hibiki: Oops sorry, I totally forgot about that.

Hibiki quickly took of the helmet and gave to Y/n.

Hibiki: thanks again Y/n, bye.

Then Hibiki ran of to the school before Y/n reply back to her.

Y/n: What a clumsy girl she is and very helpful as well.

Y/n revved up the engine and took of.

>The Next Day<

Y/n was getting some groceries for his home when suddenly his eyes were covered by someone.

Y/n: What the!? Ok who's this?

???: guess who?

Y/n: Well it's sounded like a angel, so its definitely not tsubasa.

???: Haha very funny.

Y/n: I'm sorry, kanade. That was to tempting not to do.

Kanade: So what are you buying today?

Y/n: just some food for dinner tonight, so tsubasa still at school.

Kanade: Yeah, she still has two more classes. So do you have some time.

Y/n: Sure, why.

Kanade: let's go then.

Y/n: Hold on, let me bring the groceries walked over to the B/n. 

Once your'e there kanade got on the bike.

Y/n: Ummm... What are you doing?

Kanade: I'm going with you, that way you can't bail out on me, and I have yet to see where you live these past 2 years.

Y/n: Alright you win, but only if you put on a spare helmet.

Kanade put on the helmet and sniffed it.

Kanade: It smells like another girl, do you have a girlfriend?

Y/n: *little blush* no a friend of mine was late for school, so I let her ride on the back.

Kanade: So~does that mean you're still single?

Y/n: Yeah, so what about it?

Kanade: Oh nothing. *whispers* that's good to hear that.

Y/n: Why do you always have to be teasing type?

Kanade: *smiles* because your reaction is funny to watch.

Y/n: S-shut up, let's just go already.

Y/n puts his helmet and got on the bike. Once on the bike kanade grabbed around Y/n and squeezed herself to him, making Y/n blush.

Kanade: *Teases* am I holding you tightly enough? Or do I need to squeeze myself more against you.

Y/n: No this is fine. *thoughts* Does she always do this sort of thing to me, but I feel really comfortable right... What am I saying, this is just a reward nothing more.

Y/n started the engine and drove to his apartment.

After a few minutes they are arrived at Y/n's apartment.

Y/n: Well, here we are.

 Kanade: What a big building.

Y/n: C'mon let's go up.

Y/n and kanade took the left to the seventh floor and went to Y/n's apartment.

Y/n: Welcome to my humble home kanade.

Kanade: Nice place you got here Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks.

Y/n put the groceries on the kitchen table.

Y/n: So where do you want to go~? Kanade where are you?

Y/n looked around in the house and found kanade in his bedroom on his bed completely...sleeping.

Y/n: Sheesh and you really wanted to go somewhere.

Y/n covered kanade with a blanket.

Y/n: To be honest when she's sleeping like this she looks kinda cute, but when she's awake she can be such a troublesome woman and sometimes teasing me.

Y/n walked  out of the bedroom and put the groceries away in the cupboards, then he sat down on the couch and watched some tv.

About 30 minutes later Y/n heard some sounds from the bedroom and shortly after the door opened.

Y/n: Good afternoon sleepyhead, your finally

Y/n averted his eyes and put his hands in front of his face.


There kanade was standing in the door opening with a just a towel wrapped around her.

Kanade: What is that reaction, is it not "cute" enough for you?

Y/n: You were pretended to be asleep all along?

Kanade: *mimic*when she's sleeping like this she looks kinda cute.

Y/n: Don't forget troublesome when awake, now kindly please put some clothes.

Kanade: I have clothes on beneath the towel, just looked this way.

When Y/n looked towards again, she started to remove the towel slowly and playfully making Y/n blush.

Kanade: Look I am wearing clothes beneath the towel.

Y/n: Will you please put some clothes back on.

Kanade: *laughs* okay give me a moment.

Kanade got the towel from the floor and walked back into the bedroom and few moments later she came back to the livingroom.

Y/n: Yes, that's way better.

Kanade walked to the couch and sat next to Y/n.

Kanade: I always love the way you reacted when I'm teasing you Y/n.

Y/n: I really hate that. So what did you do in the bedroom.

Kanade: just looking around so I can know you better more.

Y/n: Sneaking around the place you mean, you could just ask me about it.

Kanade: Pfft! Where's the fun in that one.

Y/n: Did you manage to learn something about me.

Kanade: that you have pure and caring heart. I did find strange case with a strange and weird looking shape that I never seen before, but when I looked at it it was empty. It did had a weird looks kinda looks like a thruster or some sort, but I can't put my finger on it.

Y/n: *thoughts* Scrap! the case that contains the Armored Evoltruster. Can you please don't do that again or else.

Kanade: Or else what!?

Y/n: Or else you can't come here any longer anymore.

Kanade: *smiling* okay I promise, next time I'll ask before I look to your apartment.

Y/N: Very faunny Kanade.

Then Y/n and kanade's phone rang.


Y/n: Heya, Y/n here.

Hibiki(phone): Y/n! Help! I'm being attacked by noise.

Y/n: Where are you hibiki!?

Hibiki(phone): I'm at the a music store a few blocks from the academy.

Y/n: Just hold on Hibiki, I'm on my way.


Kanade: What is it,. . . I'll be right there immediately.

Y/n: Sorry but I need to leave right away, a friend of mine needs my help.

Kanade: me too, where you going.

Y/n: To the music store in the neighborhood of the academy.

Kanade: I need to go to lydian, can I catch a ride with you.

Y/n: Sure, Let's go we got to hurry.

Y/n and Kande ran out of the apartment and hopped on the bike.

Once they where there by lydian academy kanade jumped of thanking Y/n for the ride and Y/n resumed to find Hibiki.

Y/n:*thoughts* Hang on Hibkik, I'm coming.

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