Ch 11

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"I'm stuffed!" Rin sighed happily as he patted his stomach.

"See, these are real pancakes" Suguro said taking the same position as Rin.

After everyone practically ran away from the house and a really bad joke from Shima that went something like:
Girl, do you like pancakes? Then how about IHOP on dat ass:

we ended up at IHOP.

"We got up early to make those" Shima grumbled

"Yeah. You could be at least a little thankful" I rolled my eyes.

"Honey, we are. But let Rin and I handle the cooking from now on, okay?" aunt Claire patted my back and I glared at the table. Because c'mon, I would never glare at her... Unless I had a very good reason...

"Fine" I grumbled as I pushed my plate back and licked my syrup-covered fingers.

"Aww Emi! Don't pout" Rin teased flicking my bottom lip with his finger. I swatted his hand away.

"Fuck off"

I looked over at the table next to us. A kid laughed as everybody sang happy birthday. Our gaze met and he grinned widely. I gave him a smile back and waved.

"What are we doing today?" koneko asked.

"I've got work so you'll be on your own" Claire said.

"We could have a walk through town" I suggested.

"Actually, I heard there's a festival at the docks. How about that instead?" Rin said.

"We could go but that doesn't start until after dark. We could do something else to kill time"

"Like what?"

"I don't know" I shrugged.

"It doesn't have to be outside. We could stay at your house and watch movies. I can even teach you guys how to cook" Rin smirked earning a glare from Shima and I.

There was silence for a couple of seconds.

"I have a PS3..." I shrugged and the rest did the same. We got up and walked out of the restaurant after Claire paid.

"I'll drop you off then head to work. Is that okay?" she asked as everybody got inside the car and agreed.

"Alright. All aboard the Claire express!"

"Choo Choo!"

... Idiots.


"What the hell? That's not fair!" Suguro screamed and koneko shrugged.

"All's fair in love and war" he said.

"You were camping!" Rin joined the fight.

"There isn't a rule against camping in Call of Duty"

"Well I just made it up!"

"You can't"

Suguro was about to snap koneko's head off but I got in the way.

"Just take it easy Bon. It's just a game after all. If he wants to do it let him do it" I said.

"You're a camper too?" Rin glared.

"Maybe. It's not illegal to hide until you pass by and kill you. It's actually pretty effective " I shrugged. They both glared and koneko smiled in victory.

Hours passed and eventually it was time to get ready for the festival. Everybody left to their rooms to get ready.

"Rin! Get out of the shower!" I yelled as I pounded on my bathroom door.

"I've got to double-poo my hair!" he whined.

"Just get out before I drag you by force!"

"Ugh! Fine!" he said and five minutes later he opened the door.

"Geez you're worse than a thirteen year old girl going through her ' I'm a big girl' phase" I rolled my eyes and he just ignored me. I took a shower and got dressed before meeting everybody downstairs.

"Emi, you look cute" Shima said.

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself" we laughed and walked to the docks for the festival.


Everything was lit up, colors gleaming everywhere. The ships, the kiosks, the houses, even the water reflected the light. Children's laughter was heard as well as lively music. It was simply beautiful.

We walked along the side of the bridge that held us on top of the water. I could see my reflection in it as well as the others'.

There was a happy atmosphere all around us. We were making jokes and singing. I had to admit I was having almost as much fun as when I dance.

"Hey, let's go in there!" Rin said pulling me and the others to a small shop.

Cute figures, key chains and knick nacks adorned the walls and tables, all for sale. Small chatter form the vendor to the clients was heard combined with music and the voices from outside.

Small ships and planes were on top of the tables. A 'do not touch' sign keeping everyone at a safe distance. Once in a while a little kid reached out to grab one, then he would be politely shut down by the owner.

"Hey, are you guys buying-"

Suddenly I realized I was alone. I looked around and everybody had left my side, they were nowhere to be found.

"Fuck" I whispered. I walked outside the shop. Out on the streets there was no sign of the boys. I immediately felt nervous. I was never good with people, so being in a crowded place made my hands sweat and my chest tighten.

I spotted an empty bench at the edge of the docks and quickly made my way over there. I let out a gush of air as I sat down, feeling a bit relieved.

I stared at the water in front of me. Small fish would cross every once in a while. I tried to count them but eventually gave up as I noticed it was the same school of fish passing over and over again. The boys still were nowhere to be seen. I began contemplating whether to go home or not but I shook my head and forced myself to stay. After about fifteen minutes of staring at the sea I noticed a squeak from the bench. I looked at my side and my eyed widened.


"Hello Emi. I didn't know you would be here" he said but his humorous smile said otherwise.

"Right... So why are you here?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here for the festival. I've gotta enjoy myself too you know" he smiled.

After seconds of silence he raised his hand and a lollipop appeared. He extended it to me and I gladly took it.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and continued.

"What's got you so interested in watching me?"

He thought for a second before answering.

"Honestly... Your dancing" he said.

"What about it?"

"You already know. You can summon demons straight from gehenna, something that was not possible... Until now"

"What's so great about that? I just like dancing. I never intended to summon demons..."

"You're a far greater weapon than you know Emi. You posses great power yet to be discovered" he said with a smile that made the hair stand up at the back of my neck.

"I-I don't want to be a weapon" I whispered.

"Too late. The academy is already making plans with you. Isn't that what you wanted when you enrolled at the cram school?" he asked.

I didn't speak. Is that what I wanted? More importantly, is that what my mother wanted?

"Do you know why this happens?" I asked.

"I have my theories " he shrugged.

"Which are?..."

"The less you know Emi, the better"

I wanted to know why was I able to summon demons, but the look Amaimon gave me somehow told me it was not my time to know.

"Will I get to know later on?"

"That all depends..." he trailed off

"...If you don't die first"

Its been some long weeks, without updating my friends. And I'll tell you all about the story when I update again!

See what I did there? No ಠ_ಠ ? Ok :(

Anyways Sorry for taking so long to update. I've just been trying to update my other stories so I could focus on this one. I know it's a crappy update but c'mon bare with me ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Thank u for all the love and comments. It actually makes me beyond happy that you take your time to comment. :)

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