Ch 12

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"Can we please stop? I need to breathe, ya know.." I panted as I put my hands on my knees.

"You're too slow" the green haired boy in front of me whined.

"How can you have this much energy? We've been walking non-stop!"

"I get bored easily" he shrugged munching on a bag of gummy bears.

I gave a long breath and straightened up. I've been hanging out with Amaimon ever since I got lost. I hadn't seen the other boys around and I was worried, but Amaimon kept my mind entertained.

"I saw you with other people earlier. Where are they?"

"I don't really know. They kind of left me" I answered.

He nodded looking around.

"Let's go in there!" he pointed to a house of mirrors.

I shrugged and followed him towards the house. We walked inside and immediately we stood in a room full of mirrors of different lengths and sizes. I looked at the one in front of me. It made my head look huge and my body extremely tiny.

"You look like a bobble head" Amaimon chuckled. I glanced at his mirror. His whole body looked stretched upwards and extremely thin.

"Look who's talking, Slenderman" I rolled my eyes. I walked towards him and ended up in a mirror that made me look like huge, like a meatball.

I heard Amaimon snicker beside me and smacked his head. His eyes widened at my touch and he visibly shuddered. I gave him a confused look as he reached out to touch me again, but immediately after his fingertips brushed my skin he pulled away as if he just touched an electrical cord.

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Ouch. You shocked me" he whispered and touched me again, the same thing happened.

"Ok now you're just acting weird" I rolled my eyes.

"Hasn't anybody mentioned this to you?" he asked with wide eyes.

"Eh... Mentioned what?"

"When I touch you, you're freezing and then a wave of electricity hits me" he said and poked my cheek before yanking his hand away. I looked at his fingertip, it had turned a pale blue color.

"Okay, what the fuck? Is that paint or something?" I took his hand and started scrubbing his finger. He squealed and pulled his hand away. Right where I had touched, there was a pale blue stain.

"This is really creeping me out" I murmured staring at my hands. They didn't have any signs of paint on them.

"Hasn't this happened with anyone else?" he asked hiding his blue hand in his pocket.

"Uh no. I mean nobody ever touches me. Just aunt Claire and just recently Shima slept on my lap but nobody else..."

"And those people never noticed this?"

"Nothing really happened when I touched them.."

"I have to talk to my brother about this" Amaimon whispered.


"Mephisto. The principal of your school is my brother" he clarified and I nodded wide eyed.

"A-alright.. Is there something wrong with me?" I asked.

"I don't really know. But don't touch me" he shuddered.

"I.. Okay?" he nodded at my confused expression.

"Let's get out of here" he said.

We exited the house of mirrors and walked along the docks until we reached the end of them. There wasn't much lighting and no kiosks were around so nobody was there except for us.

Amaimon sat at the edge and dangled his legs above the water. I followed his actions.

"Hm. You're really tall" I said. His legs almost reached the water below.

"You're really small" he smirked.

Silence took over us. I stared at the water in front of me, it was dark so I couldn't see the bottom. I was a bit scared because I didn't know what could jump up from the water and get me.

I looked over at Amaimon and noticed he was staring at his hand. The once pale blue color had turned a darker shade. He had his other hand near his face, gently biting the tip of the black, pointy fingernail of his thumb.

He brought a hand to his pocket and took out two lollipops, handing me one and keeping another. I opened mine and he did the same. We both sucked it at the same time, making a weird sound that made is both laugh.

"Have you got an endless supply of candy inside those pockets? You've been pulling sweets from them this whole night"

"Something like that" he laughed lightly.

"I wonder where the others are..." I whispered.

"What, am I not good enough for you?"

"No, it's not that!" I laughed. "They're staying at my house and I'm pretty sure they don't know the way back"

"Well then. Let's go look for them" He said and stood up followed by me.

I looked confused as he turned into a hamster.

"It's not their time to meet me yet" was all he said and I nodded. I let him climb up my leg, making sure he didn't touch any skin, and settle inside my pocket. Only his head and front legs stuck out.

"Onward my trusty steed!"


"I said onward my trusty steed!" he said flailing his little arms in the air.

"I'm not your steed" I grumbled and started walking, purposely taking jumpy steps so Amaimon jiggled up and down.

"Don't do that! It makes me feel woozy" he whined and I rolled my eyes but started walking normally.

Well as normal as I could walk, considering I had a green hamster in my pocket.

We entered the crowd of people and I immediately felt nervous. My body began to shake, Amaimon noticed.

"what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I chuckled nervously. "I just don't do well in crowds"

"Hey, look at that!" he said at a huge gathering of people. They were screaming and chanting. As much as I wanted to turn around and leave, something told me I should check it out.

I don't know where I found the strength to push trough all these people. But once I got to the front, my eyes felt like they would pop out of my head.

Right in the middle of the crowd stood Bon and Rin. Both looked pretty beat up. They swung punches at each other, some missing and some landing.

Anger grew inside of me as I strode towards the two, ignoring the people who yelled otherwise.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!" I growled and the both of them faced me. Their eyes went wide.

"Out. Now" I pointed outside the crowd and they both nodded guilty as they pushed through people. The crowd slowly dissolved.

"I'm so disappointed in you both" I shook my head. They looked like they wanted to speak but I held my hand up.

"I'll find Shima and Koneko and then we'll leave, got it?" they both nodded. I glared at them one last time before turning around.

"I've already found Pinky" Amaimon said and pointed forward. Shima was standing in the middle of a small group of girls. I speed walked to him and pushed past every girl. To say I wasn't in the best mood was an understatement.

"Emi! Where have you- ouch! Let go of my ear!" I ignored his protests and the glares from the girls and pulled him towards Bon and Rin by the ear.

"You stay here. I'm going to find koneko"

I left the boys and started walking around the docks in search for the small kid.

"Any luck?" I asked Amaimon.


I continued walking. About ten minutes passed and I was about to give up when I saw a small figure by the edge of the docks. I made my way towards it and found koneko looking at the water.


"Oh hi Emi" he said without looking at me. In the water was a small boat the size of my palm. Koneko seemed to be controlling it.

"Listen Konekomaru, we gotta go. Rin and Bon got into a fight and they're about to get some whoopin' when we get home"

Koneko finally looked at me. He nodded and drove his boat to where he could reach it. He grabbed it and stood up.

"Look. I bought it earlier. Its pretty fun" he showed me the boat, a small smile on his face. I smiled back feeling some anger leave my body.

"Uh, keep walking koneko. I'll catch up" I said and he nodded. I waited for koneko to be out of sight and then spoke.

"Alright amaimon, trip's over. You can get out" I said and he crawled out of my pocket onto the floor.

"I had fun. Thanks" I smiled and he did the same.


"So, I better leave" I said and he nodded.

"Meet you at Pheles' office on Monday"

"Yeah. Bye" I waved at him and turned around.

Rin, Bon... Prepare yourselves

Thank you guys so much for reading! I hoped you guys liked this chap.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Give me some luv! XD

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