Chapter 1: the Box

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••YUGI's POV•••

"Just follow me, I'll show you!" I said and walked to my room. I had cleaned my whole room yesterday and that had been really necessary... My whole room had been covered in clothes, sketch books and things that I had lost a long time ago.

But right now, it fortunately was all tidy.

As we entered the room, I showed my friends a list that I had made, with all the things that needed to come with me to my new apartment. It wasn't a really long list, most of the stuff that I needed was still on the loft. If we were able to pack all the things in my room quickly, we might be able to help Joey, Duke and Tristan, who I have also given their own list.

I had numbered all the boxes on the loft yesterday, and I had written all the numbers down on the list, so today, they were practically very unable to screw it up.

In about an hour, all the things from my room, that includes my desk, my bed, all my clothes, sketchbooks, pencils and other things I might need when I'm on the art academy, my laptop, my bookcases and books.

After Téa, Ryou and I finished, we decided to check out the others on the loft. We took the stairs and saw Joey, Duke and Tristan, looking confusing at my list.

"Wait, it says box 24, Duke, not box 25!" Tristan yelled at Duke what caused Duke to put box 25 down and lift up box 24, looking aggressively at Tristan.

I facepalmed. I gave them a list. A frigging list.

"Give that list to me!" I yelled and I grabbed the list out of Tristan's hands.

"First, we need box 3. Did you already carry that one down?"

"We didn't carry anything down, Yug'," Joey said. "We piled them all up, over there," Joey said while pointing towards the corner of the loft.

"Well, alright. Does box 3 stand there?" I asked.

"Yup, it does. Also, we have these boxes standing over there," he said while pointing at a couple boxes on the list.

"Great, then we only have to get box 17 and 29," I said, smiling.

We had to search very long for box 29, although I numbered the boxes yesterday, but finally, we found it.

"Hey, Yugi. Do you need this box too?" Duke asked while pointing at a box, on which was written my name in a curly handwriting.

"Strange... I have never seen that box before..." I murmured.

I walked over to the box and lifted it up. It didn't feel heavy at all.

I walked down the stairs and put the box down in the centre of my now almost completely empty room.

I opened the box, revealing lots of old drawings I had made while I was a little kid. Some were pretty good, although. For a four year old, I mean.

"You made these, Yug'?!" Joey asked while his jaw dropped.

"Appearently,' I answered.

"Wow, they are really amazing," Téa said.

"Thanks, I guess. I can't even remember drawing these," I said.

We all started digging in the box, looking for some drawings that I remembered.

Téa held up a drawing of my grandpa. Well, he didn't look like grandpa at all, but the grey, star-shaped hair did really look like grandpa's.

Suddenly, Ryou chuckled. 

"What's up, Ryou? Did you found something?" Tristan asked.

"This looks like a self portrait, Yugi," he said while holding up a drawing of a boy that looked almost perfectly like me. It didn't look like it was drawn by a kid at all. It almost seemed like a professional drew it.

The boy looked like me, but at some angles, we were different. We both had tri-colored, star-shaped hair, mostly wore leather and we were both wearing collars around our neck and wrists.

However, the boy on the drawing looked a lot taller than I was, he looked more confident with the look he had in his eyes, and his hair had also golden bangs in it that reached from the center to the top.

The drawing looked pretty amazing, but I didn't draw it. I had never seen this thing before.

Duke was looking as if he had seen a ghost.

"You drew this when you were like, five?!" he said while raising an eyebrow.

"I-I didn't draw this," I said.

"Then, who drew it? Your grandpa...?" Ryou asked carefully.

"I don't know who drew it, Ryou," I answered, "I have never seen this drawing before."

"You didn't? But how can it be in this box then? It has your name on it."

"But this is not mine... I would know if I had ever made such an amazing self portrait," I said.

"We can also just ask your grandpa if he recognizes it?" Tristan asked.

"That sounds like an idea..." I said and walked down the stairs to ask grandpa.

He was preparing something in the kitchen. He looked up when I came down the stairs, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Grandpa?" I asked. "Did you ever see this before?"

He carefully looked at what I had in my hand, blinking a few times before he could see the drawing clear.

"You drew this, Yugi? It looks amazing! When did you draw it?" he asked.

"I didn't draw it... At least I don't remember drawing it, so we were wondering if you could tell us if you maybe know who drew this...?" I asked.

He blinked a couple more times, and then his eyes widened while looking at the center of the drawing. "Wait, is that my puzzle?! Finished?! Could it be...?" grandpa stared at the pyramid-shaped necklace that the boy on the drawing wore.

"What is it, gramps?" Joey asked as he entered the room.

"That is my Millenium Puzzle, Yugi! From the days that I've been in Egypt! I found this old artifact when we discovered the tomb of the Unknown Pharaoh," he said, "there is an inscription on the Millenium Puzzle's box, that says how to solve it, but unfortunately I never succeeded to do that."

I bit my lip. "How could that be...?" I said, a bit confused. "Are you sure you have never seen this drawing, grandpa?"

"No, I haven't, Yugi," he said. "Wait here, I'll be back."

Grandpa walked away, heading towards his room. We heard some sounds of opening closets, and then after a while, he returned after a while carrying a little golden box.

"Here, my boy, I want you to have this," he said while handing the box over to me.

"Appearently destiny wanted it to be with you. I don't think it coincidence that the boy on the drawing looks just like you," grandpa said.

"You are supposed to have it."

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. "You want me to solve this thing?" I asked.

"I know you can do it, my little artist," he said. "Be careful with it."

"I will..." I said.

He smiled at me and then went to the kitchen again.

The only thing I was worrying about how I was going to figure out the mess in my head.

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