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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or it's characters!

It was a very sunny morning when Yugi Muto woke up. It was in the beginning of May, and he was happy about what his life looked like right now. He graduated from school with some high grades, and now he could start his brand new life as a young artist.

He had always wanted to become an artist, for he had always been really good at drawing and painting. Even when he was a young kid, his grandpa, the one he lived with, was often stunned by the great pieces of art he made. Back then, Yugi already knew that he wanted to make art his life.

And today, he would fulfil that dream. He attended the art academy and almost directly passed the matriculation because of his talent. His future teachers even said to him they would be honored to work with him! He! They would be honored to work with him!

He would be attending the first introduction class next week, and it was only thursday today, so he still had a few days to pack his stuff and move into his new apartment just a few blocks away from the art academy.

He invited all his friends, so they could help them pack all his things and have fun with eachother, maybe for the last time. After the summer holiday, everyone was going to take a different path.

Yugi opened the curtains and the sun seemed to smile at him. This just had to become an amazing day!

After he got dressed, he walked down the stairs to have breakfast with his grandpa. When grandpa saw Yugi coming down the stairs, he smiled. He had never seemed so confident and happy about himself.

"Good morning, my boy!" he said to Yugi.

"Morning gramps!" Yugi said and hugged his grandpa.

"So what is it you want to eat? After all this is going to be an exhausting day for you!" grandpa asked Yugi.

Today his friends, Joey, Tristan, Téa, Duke and Ryou would come over and help Yugi pack his things. However most of his stuff stood on the loft. They had to use the stairs again and again for at least a billion times.

"What about pancakes? A lot of pancakes?" the tiny boy asked his grandpa. Despite he was already 18, he looked young for his age and sometimes, well, most times, his enthoushiasm and the cloud of happiness that surrounded him made him really, really cute.

Grandpa smiled at the sight of the big amethyst eyes that seemed to be almost begging for pancakes.

"Alright, pancakes it is," grandpa said as Yugi smiled at him.

After eating a bunch of pancakes with all kinds of treats on it, Yugi sat down in front of his desk, waiting for his friends to arrive.

He grabbed a pencil and then started to draw another of his favorite things to draw: a duel monster. Duel Monsters was a very popular game at the time Yugi was still in high school, but he still liked all the kinds of monsters and the story behind every single one of them. He also wasn't bad at the card game himself, but after he graduated from school, he had no one to play the game with, except for his grandpa. But he wasn't the kind of player that was hard to beat.

After he sketched the shape of Gazelle, the King of Mythical beasts, Yugi found the doorbell ringing.

"Yugi! Your friends are here for you!" grandpa yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" Yugi yelled back and ran down the stairs in order to open the door.

"Hey, Yug'!" the much taller boy said while giving Yugi a quick noogie. Yugi smiled. He didn't like the feeling of the noogie, but he liked to see Joey again.

"Hey, Joey! How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks," Joey answered while walking into Yugi's house.

Yugi quickly hugged the rest of the gang, let them in and then also walked back in himself.

"So where is this gigantic mess that needs to be packed?" Joey joked.

"Most of it is on the loft," Yugi explained, "and because you, Tristan and Duke are the tallest and strongest of us, you may pack the things on the loft. Téa, Ryou and I will pack the things that are on my room," he said.

"Got it!" Joey, Tristan and Duke said, then walked up the stairs to the loft.

"So, where can Ryou and I help you with?" Téa asked.

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