Chapter 25: the Training

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••YAMI's POV•••

"You still didn't find him?" I hissed while looking Ramsis right in his eyes.

We were in the throne room, I was sitting on the throne and I had Ramsis made kneel in front of me.

"No, but I'm sure someone will after you made that new rule," he said.

"Ramsis, most of the people don't see afraid at all. Only the ones who are hunting for the boy are afraid of me. And they seem so calm when there are people executed.. How does it come? Why isn't there any sign of panic and fear?"

"They are volunteering," he said.

"Volunteering? For what?"

"To be executed in place of someone else. To make sure there are no screams and panic."

"That's insane.. They are far more brave than I thought."

"They are doing it for the boy," he said.

"Why would they?"

"They believe he is the only one who is able to defeat you. And I think they volunteer so that it seems less harsh than it is. So that he can accept it better," he said. "I think, my pharaoh, that he is up to something. And that he needs some time to do what he has to do."

"What does he have to do, for Ra's sake!" I yelled.

"I don't know, maybe learn how to use his powers right?"

I bit my lip. "Is there someone in this city that can do light magic?"

"Not that I know, but in the past there were. Someone had to teach Yugi 5000 years ago-"


His eyes widened at my response. "I'm sorry, my pharaoh."

I laid my hand on my forehead and sighed. "Go on.."

"Someone must have taught him 5000 years ago."

"He has to be dead by now, don't you think, Ramsis?" I said.

"You're missing a very important detail, my pharaoh. The ones who possess any kind of magic are able to become immortal, if they know how to use their magic in order to accomplish that."

"But of course.. You did the same, didn't you?"

"Yes, my pharaoh."

"Impressive," I whispered. "I want you to check every house in this city. Make sure that you bring the ones that use magic, it doesn't matter if they are good at it or not, but bring them in here."

"I will."

"And this time, don't dissapoint me."

"Yes, my pharaoh. I won't."

"Good. You can take all the guards with you. Oh, and burn their houses."

He nodded and left the room.

I smirked.

I will get you, Yugi.

And after I kill you I will finish that Necklace.

And then, nobody will stand in my way.

•••YUGI's POV•••

"Put your foot this way, Yugi," Shani said, who stood in front of me.

I moved my foot a bit to the right, and the feeling of warm sand under my feet made me smile.

"Perfect. Now place your hands like this, or, what you think that feels right."

I placed my arms in a defensive position. "Like this?"

"Yes, that's good. Are you ready?" she asked.

I nodded. "Always."

"Feel the power you possess, Yugi. Feel it flow through you. You're invincible. You are the light. You can overcome everything."

I tried to listen to what she said and to do so.

"Focus, Yugi. Inhale.."

I took a deep breath.

"You know what to do," she whispered.

I assembled all the light I felt in my body in my hands.

Then I made a circle in the air with my hands. Shiny lines became visible and I went so on after I was standing under a dome of light.

"Good, Yugi. Now hang on," she said.

I inhaled and exhaled and by every breath I took the dome grew.

I saw how Shani entered the dome.

"I'm safe now, you may let go," she said.

I pushed my hands to the side and the dome bursted apart in a million pieces, that shot away from us at incredible high speed.

"The dome keeps the darkness outside," she said. "You did a great job today, Yugi. I'm proud of you."

I smiled. "Thanks."

She had learned me a lot today. How to heal, how to defend and how to attack.

We didn't have much time, but I think that at the end of the week, I might be able to face Yami.

But no way I will ever hurt him. It doesn't matter how he looks or how he behaves. I love him.

It did still hurt me though. It almost looked like there was nothing left of the old him.

"What's on your mind, Yugi?" Shani asked me.

"Nothing, just, you know. Yami."

She smiled a bit. "We will get him back, okay? I promise. You are strong."

"But what if it's not enough? I mean, when I had that dream about the Crystal, like I told you.. That voice said that I could only defeat him with the true power."

"True power, huh?" she said.

"Do you have any idea what that means?"

She shook her head. "I hope that he means light magic. And when not, I am convinced you will discover what it is."

She grabbed her bag out of the sand and we started walking home.

Because the city wasn't safe for us to train, we had to cross the hill where now stood a burned house. Behind it was a perfect spot to train. Nobody would see us and it was far away from the palace.

When we reached Shani's house, we sneaked in via the back door. I had to stay hidden in one of the rooms, because of the guards that always walked around.

I laid down on my bed and I practised with magic by making some more birds. But they soon made me think of Yami.

I miss you so much.

"Please, come back to me.. I don't want it to end like this," I whispered.

If he doesn't come back, he will probably kill me.

Then I heared a knock on the front door. I walked to the door of my room and peeked through the keyhole.

Shani walked over to the door to open it. She seemed surprised when she saw who was standing in front of it.

"Ramsis, what a surprise," she said.

"Good afternoon, Shani. I didn't know this was your house."

"Well, now you know. What's wrong?"

"The pharaoh wants me to collect everyone who can do light magic. His theory is that one of them might be teaching the boy how to use it."

"How smart of him," she said bitterly.

"But I guess you aren't one of them," Ramsis laughed. "So I will move on."

"Yes, do that," she said.

When he walked away, she shut the door and said something in another language that looked to me like swearing.

She walked over to my room and came in.

"See, this is why he had to trust me first," she said. "Otherwise we would be dead now."

I nodded. "Right.."

We stayed silent for a while.

"Shani?" I eventually said.

"What is it?"

"I'm afraid."

"For what, Yugi?"

"What if my magic isn't enough to save him? What if one of us has to be killed in the end?"

"I believe in you, and I believe in the good Yami. I know you will find each other."

She's right.. It's what we said to eacn other.

I will find you again.

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