Chapter 26: the Screams

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••YUGI's POV•••

I woke up in the middle of the night.

I heared a very tragic and loud noise coming from somewhere.

Someone was screaming, or crying. I didn't know how to describe it.

But the voice seemed awfully familiar.

I slipped out of my bed and walked over to the living room and appearantly the others heared my footsteps, because they all came out of their rooms, still a bit overcome with sleep.

"What's up, Yu-"

Tristan started the sentence but was cut off by the terrible sound.

When the person let out a loud cry, I knew whose it was.

My eyes widened at the shock when I realized it.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know," I said. "And I don't know how.. But it s-sounds like Yami.." I stuttered.

Shani froze for a second to listen. "He's right," she then said.

"Why is he screaming, Shani? What is going on?" I asked, a bit panicked.

"He has broken free from his dark side," she said. "But his dark side is fighting hard to control him once again.."

"I-Is that possible?" I asked.

"I don't know it exactly, Yugi. But maybe if we can find a way to sepparate them-"

A new series of cries and screams were to be heard.

"Can I go to him?" I begged. "I can't stand him crying like this!"

"No, Yugi, that's far too dangerous for you. You cannot risk it," she said.

"I will go instead of you," Joey said.

Tristan nodded. "I'll go with him."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt.." I said.

"But we can't stand you being like this," Joey said. "And I think our pharaoh needs some help."

"If his dark side returns, you better be gone," she said.

They nodded.

They ran into their bedroom, which they had to share, and got dressed.

"See you later, Yug'," Joey said.

"Be careful," Duke said.

His broken arm was still.. well, broken, so he wasn't able to join them.

I wished I could go see Yami. But all those guards.. Shani was probably right, I would be killed before I had even reached the palace.

"We will be careful. You be careful too," Tristan said.

And with that, they left the house.

•••JOEY's POV•••

Oh, man, I was scared. If Shani wasn't right and the pharaoh was still the dark version of Yugi's lover..

You could call us probably dead already.

As Tristan and I were running through the dark streets of this poor city.

I could tell Tristan was afraid too.

"You know, we could be dead after this," I panted.

Tristan was panting too.

"We're doing this for our friend," Tristan said. "If he would give his life for him.. he must be a good person. Maybe deep inside.."

"You're right. We're doing this for Yug'," I said.

We had learned from our previous attempts to enter the palace that through the front door or through the windows didn't work.

When we stood in front of the palace, heavily panting from the running, we had to find a new way to enter it.

"You have any ideas?" Tristan said when we heard a scream again.

I listened very careful. "Is he screaming whole sentences? I mean, words?"

Tristan listened. "I think so.." he mumbled.

I looked at the palace. It actually was just a big building in the shape of a square, with some kind of dome made of glass on top of it.

The screams seemed to come from there..

One of the dome's glass panes was standing open.

"Do you think we could climb the building?" I asked.

Tristan now looked at the dome too and saw the glass pane. He nodded. "There has to be a way to get on the roof."

We ran to the back of the palace and discovered an iron ladder that was attached to the walls.

"Ladies first," I teased Tristan and pushed him towards the ladder.

He grumbled but then started to climb.

I soon followed.

The screams became louder as we came closer to the dome and we could understand what he was saying right now.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GO!" the pharaoh screamed.

When we reached the roof, we crawled towards the dome to look through it.

"Be careful, if there's any sign of his dark side we will run, okay?" Tristan said.

"Got it. Now let's see what is going on."

When we looked through the glass panes, we could see him sitting at his desk, trying to get something on paper.

In the meantime he would sometimes pull his hair, scream or sob.

Then, when he was able to calm down again, he would continue working on what he was doing.

Also, it seemed like someone was trying to kick in the door, probably that Ramsis guy. He must have found it weird too that he was screaming.

When I looked at the door, I could see some kind of.. force field? Had he been able to put a spell on the door?

"He doesn't seem 'dark' to me," Tristan said.

"I think it's safe to go inside," I said.

"Maybe if we just take him with us, everything will be solved," Tristan said.

"We'll be heroes," I joked.

I walked towards the open glass pane and let myself fall down through it. It wasn't a very high fall, but appearantly high enough to make me fall down on my face.

And to make it even better, Tristan fell on top of me.

The pharaoh turned his head towards us in panic.

He first didn't know what to say, but then he recognized us.

"W-Wait, you a-are-"

He was interrupted by another scream coming out of his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry, he's going to t-take over again.. I can't hold it.. m-much longer.." he said.

He quickly wrote something else down on his paper and rolled it up.

"H-Here.. Give this.. to Y-Yugi.." he pouted.

"Pharaoh, open the door!" we heard a voice say that came from the other side of the door.

I stepped forward and took the paper out of his hands.

"T-Thank you," he said. "I don't know h-how I should have ever delivered it w-without you."

"No problem," I said. "Do you want to come with us?"

He grabbed for his forehead with his hands and dug his nails into his skin.

"I can't hold this any longer! Please, go!"


"Go!" he screamed.

We used a bookshelf that was standing against the wall to climb through the dome again.

We had already reached the ladder when could hear him scream for a last time. Then his screams turned into laughing.

His voice seemed to have changed completely.

We hadn't succeeded in bringing him with us, but now we had a very precious letter, from the pharaoh to Yugi.

We ran home as quickly as we could to tell the others the story.

"Are you alright?" was the first thing Yugi asked us when came in through the front door.

"We're fine," I said and Yugi gave me a hug.

"Thanks for doing that, guys. You risked your life for me and for him. I'm never able to repay you for that."

I smiled and so did Tristan, who was now being hugged by Yugi.

"So, tell us what happened. The screams stopped, we heard," Shani said.

"You were right about that he had broken free from his dark side, Shani. He seemed to be like the one we met at the airport," I said. "He was screaming and crying because his dark side wanted to take over of his body again. First he could resist it, but eventually, his dark side was more powerful. That's why the screams stopped."

"So if I understand this right," Yugi said, "Yami has two sides?"

"Just see it as a second soul," Shani said.

"And the dark one is possessing him right now?"

She nodded. "And only you can defeat him, Yugi."

"But.. That means.. That his light side.. His true side.. still loves me.." Yugi said.

"Oh, before we forget, Yug'," I said and pulled out a rolled up piece of paper.

"He said we had to give this to you."

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