Chapter 33: the Crystal (part 1)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••JOEY's POV•••

"Wait for me!" I yelled to Bakura while running through the longest corridor I had ever seen.

"We're almost there, Joseph," he said.

I sighed.

I wondered what happened to Yugi when the pharaoh froze the time.

Would he be alright?

I bit my lip.

I should have never left him alone.

"I think he is in there," Bakura said and pointed towards another huge door at the end of the corridor.

"What's that for a room?" I asked.

"Well, I guess we will find out soon," he said and smirked.

He slowly pushed open the doors and walked through them.

I could hear his shoes making a clicking sound when walking on the shiny floor.

"Come on, Ramsis, I know you're in here," he said.

He closed his eyes and smirked. "Want to play hide and seek?"

No answer came.

"Fine," Bakura hissed.

Why was Ramsis so afraid of this guy? Had it even been the right choice to choose him as our 'thief'?

I walked inside also, and when I stood inside all I saw was another huge room.

The doors slammed shut behind me.

There wasn't any furniture in rhe room - or was there, at the end of the room?

The golden walls were huge, and so were the windows. The windows reached from the bottoms to the tops of the walls, made of beautiful stained glass.

The windows were decorated with long, red curtains.

And I was indeed right. At the end of the room stood some kind of golden frame. It was also kind of huge, but not as huge as the windows.

But what was it?

"I don't think he is in here, Bakura," I said.

"Of course he is," he hissed. "Come on here, you coward."

"Leave now you can, Bakura," a voice said.

Ramsis walked out of the shadows, and he appeared in front of the frame.

"When the pharaoh returns, he will finish the Necklace. And you know what that means," he said.

"And what if he doesn't?" Bakura smirked.

"What do you mean?" Ramsis hissed.

"You should not underestimate the boy," Bakura said. "He might as well have killed the pharaoh."

"It's not hard to kill him, I assure you," he grinned.

"You didn't fight him, Ramsis. You're not powerful. You're not strong. You're just weak and pathetic."

"Say that again!" Ramsis said and his hands started to light up in a dark light.

"I said you're weak and pathetic," Bakura said.

I could see Ramsis became angry, but he didn't use his magic.

"Come on. Do it," Bakura said. "Try to hurt me."

Ramsis gritted his teeth.

Bakura chuckled. "But you know, when you hurt me, I'll destroy you!"

"Just wait untill the pharaoh arrives," Ramsis said.

"Pathetic little man. Just give me that Crystal," Bakura hissed.

"Never," he answered.

"Okay, Ramsis, enough! Here with that Crystal, or we will give you an experience you will never forget!" I yelled and made a fist out of my hand.

"You can't defeat me, Ramsis. Let alone that you can defeat us both!" Bakura yelled.

His eyes widened and he froze.

"Come on, what are you waiting for? I thought you were evil," I said. "Then why are you so afraid of Bakura?"

"Because he is the one-"

Ramsis was cut off by the huge doors that were being opened.

I turned around and saw that the one who was entering the room was the pharaoh.

I froze when I saw what he was holding.

"Y-Yugi?" I whispered while looking at the little body the pharaoh was carrying.

His eyes were shut.

"What did you do to him!?" I yelled and tried to run towards them, but Bakura held me back.

"Let go of me!" I said.

"He's too strong now," he hissed. "You won't win from him."

"But Yugi-"

"Is dead," the pharaoh said.

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