Chapter 33: the Crystal (part 2)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••JOEY's POV•••

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled and tried to free myself from Bakura's grip. "He trusted you! He trusted you!"

"Don't do anything stupid, Joseph," Bakura hissed into my ear.

He then let go of me and I stumbled.

"I hope you realize what you did," Bakura said to the pharaoh.

"Nice to see you again, Bakura. It's been a long time," he said.

"It sure has," Bakura mumbled.

"I suggest you stay out of this and leave
me alone," the pharaoh said and walked towards the golden frame, where Ramsis was still waiting for him.

"Yami, when you've done this, there's no turning back," Bakura hissed.

"I'm well aware of that," the pharaoh mumbled.

Still lying on the floor, I looked outside and saw that some of the houses were burning. Our soldiers must be fighting hard against the pharaoh's guards right now..

And all for nothing.

The pharaoah laid Yugi's body down in front of the frame and he walked towards Ramsis.

"The Crystal, Ramsis," he said.

Ramsis smirked an awful smirk and took the little gem out of his pocket.

"I'm so glad that you listened to me and finished him off," Ramsis hissed with his little evil laugh.

"Ramsis, you fool!" Bakura said. "The pharaoh just made the biggest mistake of his life!"

The smirk dissapeared from Ramsis' face.

"I have enough of you," the pharaoh hissed. "One more word and you're finished!"

He didn't say anything else after that.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks. The way that Yugi laid there, in the arms of the one that he trusted the most, the one that he loved - the pharaoh had betrayed him. And Yugi had to pay the highest price for loving this liar.

Bakura held out his hand for me and I took it. He helped me standing up.

Then the pharaoh carefully laid Yugi down on the floor and held up his hand. "Soon, the power will be ours, Ramsis. Just give me that Crystal."

Ramsis laid the little gem in the palm of the pharaoh's hand.

"Yami, just think of what will happen," Bakura said.

The pharaoh turned his head towards us and he gave us a smirk - but not the one that he had used before.

Bakura's eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face.

The expression on Ramsis' face dissapeared. "What's wrong?"

"You almost got me," Bakura smirked.

"Got what?" Ramsis said confused.

"That someone changed me," the pharaoh said as he became covered in white flames.

When they dissapeared, I saw he got his normal hair back.

Wait, does this mean that..?

"Bakura, catch!" he said and threw the Crystal towards us.

Bakura caught it. "This is going to be fun to watch," he said.

"Yami, you snake!" Ramsis hissed.

"What were you thinking?" the pharaoh hissed. "You have no reason to be mad!"

"You betrayed me..!" Ramsis said.

"No, you betrayed me! You used your dark powers to make me believe that my aibou didn't love me anymore! You used me! You are just a pathetic coward who can't do anything himself!" the pharaoh yelled.

"Now, kill him," Bakura whispered next to me.

"Your time has arrived, Ramsis," the pharaoh hissed.

Ramsis chuckled. "You can't kill me, Yami. By locking away your dark side you lost your powers," Ramsis laughed.

The pharaoh's eyes widened and he looked at his hands.

"Oh no," I whispered.

"Yami, move!" Bakura yelled, but it was too late..

"Then now it's time to destroy your light side too!" Ramsis laughed and two black orbs appeared around his hands.

He shot them at the pharaoh, turning into a giant supernova when it hit him.

Smoke spread through the room, leaving Bakura and I watching with astonished looks on our faces.

Bakura closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Is he..?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Ramsis! Now you've done it!" Bakura yelled. "I will never forgive you this! He was unarmed! He didn't had any of his powers!"

"But they're back now," a voice that was coming out of the smoke said.

"Yami?" Bakura said surprised.

Two dark spots became visible within the smoke.

Those were his eyes..

"Maybe it's better if you give the Crystal back to me now, Bakura."

"Are you insane?" he hissed through his gritted teeth.

"Don't make this a fight, brother. It's one you will lose," the pharaoh said.

My eyes rested on Yugi again, and I wanted to run to him desperately, hoping that once I looked him into his eyes, they would open and Yugi would just be as healthy and as cheerful as always.

I wanted to say sorry to him for not protecting him as much as I should have.

But something was blocking my way.

"Don't call me your brother. It's an insult now you're acting like this," Bakura said.

The pharaoh walked towards us and held up his hand when he was standing in front of Bakura.

"Now," the pharaoh hissed.

"I thought you said that someone had changed you," Bakura said.

"I think that side of me died just moments ago," the pharaoh smirked. "I can't sense his presence anymore, at least."

"The one your friend there killed, he was my brother."

"Wait, you're brothers?" I asked them.

"Not now, Joseph," Bakura silenced me.

"The Crystal, Bakura," the pharaoh said.

In the meantime I saw Ramsis walking towards Yugi.

I don't think so.

He knelt down next to him.

"Keep your hands off him!" I yelled and rushed towards him.

"You did enough!" I said and knelt down next to Ramsis, whom I pushed away.

"Just to make sure he's dead," Ramsis mumbled.

I sobbed as I took Yugi into my arms.

His pale skin felt still warm, but I couldn't hear the sound of his heart beating.

"I'm sorry I didn't look after you, pal," I sobbed. "I'm s-so sorry. I should h-have protected y-you. And I d-didn't. A-And I'm sorry," I sobbed. "Yugi, c-come back, p-please. Come on, Y-Yugi, do something with your m-magic tricks, but come back, I-I beg you!"

Between my sobs, I could hear what was being said at the other side of the room.

"Give it to me now!" the pharaoh said with his sharp voice.

"As you wish. It won't be of any use anymore anyways," Bakura answered.

"And what do you mean by that?" the pharaoh asked him.

"Find out for yourself," Bakura said.

The pharaoh turned around and walked towards the golden frame, which was only about ten feet away from Yugi and I.

"Finally, the day has arrived!" he said.

Ramsis gave him a golden amulet, what had to be the Necklace.

The pharaoh placed the little gem in the middle of the amulet and laid his hand on it.

Then an intense light appeared and I covered my eyes. I could feel that wind was heavily blowing against my skin.

I could hear the pharaoh laugh as the light faded.

He placed the finished Necklace in a hole in the middle of the frame above his head.

"Today, the portal to the Shadow Realm will be opened once again!" he exclaimed.

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