Chapter 38: the Brotherhood (part 2)

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The sight of Bakura was being covered in the hot Egyptian sand.

Was this what the Millenium Items wanted to show us? But this wasn't the end! Which day were they talking about?

Slowly the sand started to fade. I sighed.

Maybe we'll never know...

But when the sand was completely gone, I soon found out that the flashback hadn't ended yet.

We were back in the underground room again.

But the alchemist didn't seem to be there. Only two of the Guardians were present.

"He's dead!" one of the Guardians said.

"Don't say that! I'm going to bring him back! Soon he will be with us again!" Yami exclaimed. His hair was colorless, and so were his eyes.

The other Guardian had an angry look on his face. "Since your father died a few days ago, you've changed! You're not yourself anymore, don't you see? Your hair and your eyes... It almost scares me! Darkness is consuming you, you can't see the truth anymore! So, as one of the Guardians, I will not allow you to make the Necklace," he hissed. "And besides, the alchemist said you need help from the Artist if you want to use it."

"I'm going to bring my father back to life! I don't care about what you think!" Yami exclaimed. The pain he had felt since his father died was unbearable. The other Guardian was right about that he couldn't see things clear anymore. All he felt was this pain...

"You can't. You just can't take the risk, Yami! Do you understand?" the other man hissed.

Yami gritted his teeth. "We will see," he hissed back.

The room was being covered in sand again. Had Yami lost his dad? Had that been the reason why his dark side became so powerful? Because of the pain that hd filled his heart?

Once again the sand dissapeared and I could see the throne room. Yami sat on the huge throne. Ramsis stood next to him.

"I know you're one of them," Ramsis said.

They were the only ones in the room. Yami looked up at him.

"So what?" the pharaoh said with a cold voice.

Ramsis gave him an approving nod. "I
know what you're protecting and I know what you're hiding," Ramsis said.

Yami looked at him with an empty look in his eyes. "You do?" he said.

He did not seem to care.

"I know you want to make that Necklace," Ramsis said.

Yami's eyes widened. "How do you know about the Necklace?"

Ramsis ignored him. "What if I tell you that I have what you need?"

Yami was speechless. His lips moved but no words came.

"What?" he was able to say eventually.

"I know how to make it. I know where the artifacts are," Ramsis said.

"Tell me!" Yami exclaimed.

Ramsis chuckled. "I only ask one thing in return."

"Everything! I will give you anything you want!" Yami said. "If only I can bring my father back to life!"

"Share the power the Necklace will eventually give you with me," he said.

Yami hesitated. He knew that the power could be used for wrong things, but it could also bring his father back...

"Once the portal to the Shadow Realm is opened, you will gain unlimited power," Yami said.

"But the Realm can also bring back your father..." Ramsis said.

"How do you know all of this?" Yami said confused.

"Do we have a deal or not?" Ramsis asked.

Yami knew that saying yes was the wrong answer...

But he missed his father, who died only a few days ago, so much that he couldn't say no...

"It's a deal," Yami said.

"Good... The last thing we need is the Crystal of Life and Death," Ramsis said.

Yami's eyes widened. "I know where it is," he whispered. "Please, send someone to the alchemist and tell him that the pharaoh wants his Crystal."

Ramsis had an awful smirk on his face. "Of course, my pharaoh."

The room was once again covered in sand. My eyes were filled with tears. Since I had a flashback in the forbidden room inside Yami's puzzle, I had actually never known how he became like this and why he wanted to finish the Necklace... But now I knew that it was because he missed his dad...

The sand faded, but I could see we were still in the throne room.

Yami sat on his throne with a devious look in his eyes.

The huge doors opened and the same man that I had seen before, the third Guardian, entered the huge room.

"I came here to tell you one last time, Yami!" he said. "You're going too far! You may be the pharaoh, but you're endangering everyone! Your job was to protect the Artist, remember? You're endangering him! You're endanering yourself, don't you see?"

Yami smirked. Since Ramsis had taught him how to use dark magic he had become obsessed with the power and the hunt for the Crystal. He didn't need the Guardians anymore, he didn't need his necklace anymore. He was more powerful than anything.

"He's not giving you the Crystal, Yami. I knew that you sent someone to take it away from us," he said. "But I'm going to protect him and the Crystal, so you will never get it!"

"And again, dear brother..." Yami smirked. "We will see."

Tears were flowing down my cheeks. The room was being covered in sand again, getting ready for another time skip.

My poor Yami... What has he done to you?

The sand dissapeared and we were transported to the house on the hill.

Although my spirit was floating above their heads, I could see myself sitting next to Yami. It was like there were two of me.

"Aibou, I've done terrible things... I can never forgive myself..." Yami said. "I was destined to protect someone, but I failed! I almost destroyed him!"

"You don't have to be afraid anymore," Yugi said, stroking Yami's cheek. "And I'm sure that this person has forgiven you."

Yami smiled even though he was crying. "Now I found you... I knew that e- everything is alright... I-I love you," he stuttered.

Yugi kissed him on his cheek. Once he pulled his head back the look on his face became serious . "Yami, my love, I should have told you this way before.. But I think now the time is right."

"What is it, aibou?"

Yugi took out a little stone from his pocket. It was colored black and white and it seemed to glow.

Yami could see this wasn't any ordinairy stone. It was the Crystal of Life and Death.

"So.. You were the boy the alchemist was talking about.."

Yami figured out that all this time, the love of his life, the little artist, had been the Artist.

Yugi nodded.

"He was right about the fact you would use it well. Better than me, anyway," Yami said.

Yugi is destined to defeat the darkness, Yami thought. Had I been the darkness? Was it all over now?

"Do you still want it?"

Yami wrapped his hands around Yugi's. He knew that everything was right.

"Yugi, you have shown me that there's more in life than power and greed. You gave me something far more valuable."

"Like what?" Yugi asked.

Yami pecked Yugi on his lips.

"You gave me love."

Yugi chuckled and pulled Yami into a very long kiss.

"So you don't want the Crystal?" Yugi asked when they broke the kiss.

"No, Yugi. It's better if nobody will ever possess it's powers."

"You've become very wise in the past months, Yami."

"I've learned it from a wise man," he chuckled.

Everything seemed to clear up now. I had filled Yami's heart with love again, so his dark side had dissapeared. I was the Artist. But still, a few questions remained unanswered...

The sand blew away the house on the hill, and replaced it with the house that belonged to me in Ancient Egypt.

The first thing I heared gave me hope that my questions were going to be answered.

That one day, someone was sitting on the roof of the Artist' house. His long, silver hair reflected the moonlight.

But yet another silhouette became visible. It belonged to a tall man, better known as Ramsis.

Bakura looked at the man, and he had an angry look on his face. "You need to leave," Bakura said.

Ramsis smirked. "Pathetic fool, You know where I'm coming for," he said.

"You won't touch him with any of your dirty fingers, you filthy snake," Bakura hissed.

"I knew that he gave it to the pharaoh," Ramsis said. "And since he doesn't believe me anymore... I need something to blackmail him with. And it is sitting in this room."

"Never," Bakura said. "You ruined everything. Just like Ishizu told me."

"Did she told you what will happen tonight?" Ramsis teased him.

Bakura gritted his teeth and ignored the man.

Ramsis laughed. "She didn't? Well, then it will be a surprise to both of us."

"I'm going to finish you off, you rat," Bakura hissed. "Deep down I know you're just a pathetic little man who uses other people to accomplish what you want."

Orbs formed around Ramsis' hands and he shot them at Bakura.

He tried to protect himself by folding his arms in front of his face, but despite he was blown to the edge of the roof and dust surrounded him.

"Pathetic?" Ramsis asked. "Who are you calling pathetic here?"

The dust started to dissapear, and the scene that followed was unbelievable.

Between Bakura's eyes, a third eye appeared, a glowing golden one. Once he opened his two other eyes, they seemed to have a golden glow too.

The Millenium Ring around his neck lit up too.

"Your powers are nothing compared to mine," Bakura said in a deep baritone voice.

His appearance had scared Ramsis. "W-What are you?" Ramsis asked.

"Your worst nightmare," Bakura answered. Then the Ring became very bright, so bright it was hard to keep watching. "You are going to join the shadows!" Bakura exclaimed.

The heat that was coming off the Ring seemed to burn Ramsis' flesh. He screamed and begged for mercy.

"Where are your powers now!" Bakura hissed.

Ramsis continued to scream until a sweet voice cut him off.

"Bakura, stop!" the Artist, who suddenly stood on top of the roof too, said.

Bakura listened. The light started to fade.

The Artist had tears in his eyes. "Thank you for everything, dear friend," Yugi said. "You did more for me than anyone else in the world, and I'm so grateful. But I need to take care of him myself."

Bakura nodded. "Please, be careful," he said before he dissapeared into the night.

The Artist bit his lip to hide his tears.
"What do you want, Ramsis?" he asked.

"I need you to come with me and do what I say," Ramsis said.

The Artist knew what was coming. He had asked Ishizu about how it would end tonight. She didn't want to tell him, she had begged him with tears in her eyes, but he had insisted. Now he knew he was going to die tonight.

But he was going to die so the one he loved was safe, for the only thing Yami needed to do was overcome his fears to free himself from darkness. And tonight, Yami was going to safe himself.

"I'll do whatever you say," the Artist said.

Ramsis smirked. "Clever boy."

Bakura never saw the Artist again after that night.

The only night he had left his side.

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