Chapter 39: the Change

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

•••JOEY's POV•••

I gasped.

Did all of that really happen?

The light of all three Millenium Items started to fade. Suddenly we all stood in the room again where it had started.

I saw the sad look on Bakura's face. I looked at Yugi and saw that his cheeks had already became wet. Tears fell on the ground.

"Bakura, I.." he stammered.

"It's okay, Artist. Don't you worry about it. I should have been there for you when you needed me the most," Bakura whispered.

"But you spent your whole life looking after me! I'm so sorry! How could I be so stupid to just do what I did!" Yugi yelled.

Bakura grinned. "Because you loved him so much that you didn't realize what you were doing. And because I was so foolish that I let you go."

Bakura sighed. "Forget about it," he said.

You could tell he felt bad. He turned around and left the room.

Then the look in Yugi's eyes changed. He wiped away the tears on his face.

Then his hands turned into fists. "Ramsis.. It's all his fault," he mumbled while gritting his teeth.

"I'm done with it! I'm going to finish this!" he said.

"Yugi, don't let your anger take over you," Ishizu said.

Yugi was clearly angry..

"He's going to pay the prize for doing this to us!" he growled.

Dark red flames appeared all over his hands.

"Yug', you're scaring me! Calm down, please!" I said.

He turned around and he looked me in my eyes.

To be honest, the sight of Yugi being like this absolutely creeped me out.

His eyes were no longer the beautiful amethyst orbs, but they had became all dark and dim.

"I'm not going to let the past repeat itself," he growled. "This ends here!"

Then he left the room too.

"Yug'! Come back!" I yelled as I tried to run after him, but I was held back by Ishizu.

"Let me take care of this. You go find Bakura and find the last brother! He is our last hope of ending this!" she said to me.

I nodded. "Make sure he's safe," I said.

She nodded. "It's what I've always done."

She gave me a smile before she ran after Yugi.

Now I've got to find Bakura.

"Bakura?" I exclaimed.

No answer came. I sighed. I walked over to the doorway through which he had left. There I could go two ways: the front door or a narrow corridor, leading to who knows where.

I carefully walked through the corridor. Soon it became dark and cold, but I told myself to keep moving.

The corridor ended in a big underground room. I had seen it before, back in the future. It was the huge room in which we had invited all the people in the city, to find help to free the pharaoh from his dark side.

But it was different now. The walls were beautifully painted by hand and covered in hieroglyphs.

There, on the floor I saw the silver-haired Thief King.

"There you are," I sighed.

I walked over to him while carefully studying the room.

"What is this place?" I whispered.

Bakura sighed. "Mystical rituals were held here," he said. "Duels."

"Duels?" I said.

"This room belongs to the Guardians," he said. "All members possess a powerful creature that can be summoned right here, in this room."

"The three Necklaces.. Just like the Millenium Items showed us," I whispered.

He grinned. "The Artist made another one, besides the three Millenium Items and the three creatures," he said. "The Necklace of Shadows. But you have heard of that one, of course. It's the reason why we're here. Yami wanted to use it to bring his father back to life."

"But they didn't know that the only one who could open the Portal with it was Yugi?" I said.

He nodded. "Those fools.. Yami let himself be controlled by his sadness. He didn't listen anymore. He dragged himself into his own demise."

"We need to end this, Bakura," I said. "Yugi has left the house, probably to find Ramsis," I said.

"He did what?" Bakura said while his eyes widened.

"Bakura," I said. "We need to find the last brother."

"You want to find the possessor of Obelisk?" Bakura chuckled. "Oh, Joseph, he won't help us!"

"Why not?" I stammered.

"He would do it for the Artist.. But not for Yami," he said. "Remember what you saw? Yami was so naive that he didn't listen to what he had to say. After the alchemist got killed by Yami, the last brother left. He didn't want to be part of the Brotherhood anymore now Yami had mocked it's name."

"He is our last hope!" I yelled.

Bakura closed his eyes and smirked. "Very well," he said amused. "Follow me."

•••YAMI's POV•••

"That's everything you have to know," Marik said when he had finished the last part of the story.

I took the red gem that hung around my neck in my hand.

"Slifer," I whispered.

"You remember it's name?" Marik asked.

"I remembered everything.." I said.

I remembered how I got part of the Brotherhood, how my father had died, how I tried to collect all artifacts to make the Necklace of Shadows to bring my father back to life, how I had become the pharaoh, how Yugi and I met...


I had done terrible things... Things that no one knew I had done... I had been so sly... Oh my... Everyone thinks that I... Even Marik thinks that I... No...

"I need to find Yugi," I said.

"You can't. Bakura will take care of him. It's far too dangerous for you to go search for him. Ramsis or your dark side will take you down now you don't have any of your powers anymore."

"My dark side? I thought he was gone!"

"Out of your head, for sure. But I won't be surprised if he's still somewhere," Marik said.

I laid my hands on my temples. "If he's out there, Yugi's in danger!"

I had messed it all up.

"He can take care of himself," Marik said.

"Don't you understand?!" I yelled at him. "This is all my fault! And instead of crying, or hiding, I'm going to do something about this! I will take my responsibility!"

I looked him in his eyes. "I'm going to protect my Yugi, my aibou," I hissed. "With or without my powers, I'll be there for him."

I could save him... Only I.

I opened the front door and slammed it shut behind me.

•••YUGI's POV•••

I'm going to show him what he did to me.. I'll let him experience it for himself.. Every last bit of it.

"Yugi! Stop!" I heard from behind me.

I didn't turn around.

"Yugi! If they get you, then..." she said.

I stopped walking. "Then what? Ishizu, I'm tired of this! Now I know where I'm capable of, I'll destroy him!"

Her eyes widened. "I have never seen you like this before," she whispered. "Please calm down."

I just couldn't tell what was happening to me. I could only think about the things that were taken from me, from us.

"Yugi, why don't you listen to me! Get back!" she yelled.

"If I get killed, then so be it. You can't change the future, Ishizu."

She shut her eyes and a few tears flowed down her cheeks. "Maybe if you just calm down," she whispered.

She bit her lip to keep herself from crying.

With a dead look in my eyes I started walking towards the huge palace on the other side of the city.

"Yugi, come back!" she sobbed.

"Goodbye, Ishizu," I said.

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