Chapter 30

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Brett moved down the trail. The dwarf hunter next to him said, "Sire, if we go to the forest. We can back track toward the royal army."

"What is your names?" the prince said.

The dwarf on his left said, "I am Bromel and the taller dwarf is Ralfar."

"Good. I want to know the names of my comrades. Will you stay with me when we get to my father?"

"It is up to you sire."

"We will discuss it when I get there."

They traveled most of the day exiting the mountain top near dusk. The prince thought he would have seen wilder beast on the trail, but he did not see one. They moved to the bottom valley and into the wilderness. The prince shadowed the dwarves east toward the plumes of smoke in the distance. He had an uneasy feeling. He thought somebody or something was watching them. It was the same feeling he had when they were going to see Lomas, but he thought it was the wilder beasts. Now he felt it was something else.

"Bromel, Ralfar, do you feel that?"

"Yes." Bromel held his right hand and signaled to him to wait and pointed behind him.

They stopped and stood close to a tree. He looked into the surrounding stunted plants and boulders. He didn't see anything and anybody around them, but the dwarves look nervous. They took out their weapons. At the edge of his sight, he saw a black furred creature. It walked in four legs and sniffed the air. The prince took out his two-handed blade. The weapon felt good in his hand. It was the Dwarven craftsmanship. He instantly recognized the creature. It was a craven jackal. These creatures never attack people but was known to take babies from their cribs. They were powerfully built like a wolf but sleeker. He wondered why these animals were out here. They reside in deep red forests of the north. He hefted his sword while Bromel held his huge mace and Ralfar grabbed his great two bladed axe. They could defeat one jackal. He heard growling come from behind him. More jackals came forth. Their eyes glowed a scarlet color.

The prince said, "Bromel, Ralfar these are not normal creatures. Look at their eyes."

Bromel said, "Move back to back."

The prince counted more than ten creatures slowly moving toward their position. He also saw something. Lizard men dressed in full armor was walking behind the beasts.

One lizard hissed, "Prince, surrender. You're surrounded."

Large ogres rumbled into view carrying giant hammers.

The prince was counting all the enemies around him. He needed an escape plan. He quickly looked at the surrounding area and saw something that made him remember something his dad had told him before. "Always look for the person who was the leader in battle and cripple him or kill him."

The prince stared hard at the lizard man who talked to him. The lizard man was far away near the ogres. He could not get close to him, but he thought he could.

"Bromel, Ralfar when I tell you I want you to run to the left and fight the creatures blocking your way."

The dwarves look at him with a curious look. Going toward the left was almost the opposite way, the lizard man leader spoke from.

Brett placed his sword lower. "You are right. I surrender." He started to walk closer to the Lizard man.

"Stop right there, human. Place your weapon to the ground."

Brett threw his broad sword in front of him. He held up his hands. An ogre started to move toward him. The creature bent over to pick up his sword.

Brett yelled, "Now!"

The dwarves ran to their left fighting the nearest creature. Brett took out his dagger and sliced the ogre's throat as it bent over. He continued his momentum by grabbing his sword and rushed toward the lizard man. The enemy tried to close in ranks trying to protect their leader. A jackal tried to bar his way. He killed it with one swipe of his broad sword. Several creatures came up to him. The prince grabbed his dagger and let it fly. He watched as it flew passed the jackals and the ogres and embed itself into the neck of the lizard man. Brett saw the leader's eye open wide with surprise.

The prince was surrounded by beasts. He killed the nearest two jackals. He waited for more enemies to attack him. The dwarf hunters ran up to him. None of the creatures accosted them. They were stunned.

The prince said, "Run." He led the way through a gap which opened while the creatures wondered what to do. He slaughtered whoever tried to stop them. As they burst through the knot of enemies, the creatures started to mobilize and give chase. He ran toward the direction of the smoke. They ran up a pathway. The jackals were getting close, but the ogres were slow and cumbersome. They stopped several times to slay a creature. The enemies attempted to catch them but was disorganized. Brett and the dwarves always manage to break through them.

The smoke was getting closer. The sun went down on the far horizon. Brett heard the sounds of horses, steel and men yelling in the distance. The jackals and ogres stopped chasing them. He looked around and saw rolling hills and broken shrubs. He wanted to stop to catch his breath, when a voice yelled, "Who goes there?"

"It is Brett."


Two knights came out of the hiding place behind a boulder. He knew them but forgot their names. They shook hands. He was about to introduce the dwarves, but the knights ushered them into the royal camp.

"What is that smoke?"

"The last battle we had this morning was fierce. We used fire arrows and killed a lot of ogres."

Brett finally noticed the smell. He wrinkled his nose. "Where is my dad?"

"He is over here." They started walking toward a large red tent.

Guards flanked the entrance to the tent. He nodded, and the soldiers stood at attention. Brett asked, "Does my dad have any visitors?" He was being polite. He wanted to barge inside, but his dad could be sleeping or talking to his commanders.

"Go inside prince."

He said, "Come inside with me Bromel, Ralfar."

He pulled apart the tent flaps and walked inside. The first thing he saw was his dad standing over a desk with several commanders next to him. He smiled.

"Ello dad."

The king looked up from his map. He grinned and gave him a hug. "I'm glad you are well. We are about to invade Vesparium. We need to stop him before he creates another plague or worse."

"What about the evil mage's army?"

"Hah, your uncle does not know how to manage his army. We will finally be rid of the dark wizard."

"So, we are related to the evil Mage?" The prince already knew the Mage, Suprum, was his great uncle. He wanted to hear it from his dad.

The king looked over his shoulder and looked at the dwarves. "What do we have here?"

Brett said, "I have too much to tell you. Do we have some time?"

"Yes. Tell it all. Also, where is the Knight Marshall? I sent him to find you."

The prince held up his hands. "First, I need food and drinks for me and my friends. I am weary."

* * *

John wished Brett good luck, and they descended the high perch they were on. Lomas hardly said a word and when he did, he only spoke in low tones. Their path was high on a ranged cliff, and a warm wind sprinkled their clothes. It was a change from the cold winds of the Dwarven kingdom. Even so, his nostrils picked up a pungent scent. It was faint at first but become stronger as they move lower on the cliff.

Marla said, "What is that odor?"

Lomas said, "This is the only path the evil wizard does not know. We have to travel along the swamp, and that is what you smell."

John said, "Is this the only way?"

"Yes," Lomas said. "We will not be in the swamp too long. Do not worry."

They moved along the small path until it started to become wider. Marla was walking next to him. She was staring straight ahead not staring at him. Yet, he sensed she wanted to tell him something. The pungent smell became stronger. When they reach the valley, he beheld a swamp with bubbling water covering the area for leagues.

Lomas said, "Welcome to Vesparium."

Valeria said, "I thought you said we would not have to be in the swamp that long."

"Yes," Lomas said, "follow me."

John said, "Are you sure the evil Mage does not know we are here?"

Lomas sniffed the air. "Yes, his armies are far to the south."

John and the small company each draped a cotton rag around their noses. His eyes watered. Nobody wanted to converse. The fumes made them quiet.

Lomas directed them toward a small path winding around a hill. They travel several more hours. The smell dispersed after the sun dip lower on the horizon. The group stopped for the night as the last rays of the sun dispersed. They had a cold meal and did not start any fires. Valeria posted several guards even though Lomas told her she did not need to.

Marla sat next to him. "John I have been thinking about how we shall get the Vor'kar."

He turned to her and was thinking about the same thing. John nodded her for to continue.

She said, "Maybe we can go into his castle and steal the Vor'kar."

John thought this might work. "Marla, the evil Mage is watching the royal army. This might work. But where to we begin to find the Vor'kar?"

Garret was across from them sitting on the ground. He said, "John, can your Vor'kar sense the other half?"

John should have thought about that. He grabbed the Vor'kar. He looked at the silver surface and the jewels. John concentrated on the object and thought about the other half of the Vor'kar. The jewels which consisted of red sapphires flared to life with a small reddish glow. He moved his hand toward the left, and the sapphires stop glowing. He moved the Vor'kar back to his right and it started to glow back to the same luminance as before.

Valeria said, "Stop doing that. Anybody can see that for miles."

John concentrated and the object stopped glowing.

Valeria said, "What are you doing?"

"We found a way to find the other half of the Vor'kar."

John explained to Valeria his plan. They were going to steal the Vor'kar from the evil mage. And he figured a way to track it. The dwarf gawked at him with surprise and nodded.

John said, "Where is the evil mage's castle?"

"Not far, knight," Lomas said.

John was excited, but at the same time scared. All his thoughts were centered on finding the second half of the Vor'kar. He was not sure what he would do when he found it.

Garret said, "Why did you let Brett go back?"

"You heard me."

"I know. But he would have helped."

"A prince needs to be with his army."

"I'm surprised you said that. You have changed."

John smiled. "Do not get used to it. We still have a long journey ahead."

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