Chapter 31

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The next day, John and his group started early toward their journey at first light. He was happy he did not dream. He felt rested until his legs, and arms groaned in protest of waking early and thrusting himself to move. They ate their rations and started down a path. The air was cool with a tint of ash, while the sky had large grey clouds floating low near the ground, almost like a mist. John thought it would rain, but realized this weather was the natural climate of this land. The only animal he saw was small black lizards sitting on broken tree limbs. As they crested the next hill, John caught sight of a large castle built on a high cliff. The edifice glittered black in the sun. The embattlements and towers were not manned by anybody as far as he could see from this vantage point.

Lomas said, "They cannot see you from here."

"Where are we going? They will see us as soon as we get closer."

Lomas gave him a smirk. "We are not going up to the front door. There are caverns underneath the castle."

John said, "How do you know the ways inside these caverns?"

"My kind have been inside those caves. It used to be our home until the evil Mage came and built that black castle. He used our tunnels as a sewer."

Marla wrinkled her nose. "I have magical paste to stop the smell."

John looked at her. "We could have used it back at the swamp."

"The swamp," Marla said, "was not that pungent."

"You don't have to worry. The caves are immaculately clean. He never discards anything."

They took a sharp left down a small winding path which seemed to move further away from the castle.

"Lomas do we need torches?" Valeria said.

The dwarf was looking around as if something was going to attack them.

"No, you will see. It is not dark."

Garret said, "Are you sure the evil Mage does not know about these caverns?"

"He thinks nobody knows about them."

"Is it safe?"

"Well, you have to be careful. There are creatures down there that will try to eat you. Do what I tell you."

John didn't like the sound of that. Their trail started to go down a ravine. He spotted a small tunnel embedded in a bottom of a mountain. A small stream came out of the cave. They walked the remaining several feet and stopped at the opening.

Lomas said, "Stay in the middle of the tunnel and do not stray."

They followed Lomas and Valeria in the maw of the cavern. John made sure he was walking in the middle. Marla walked in front of him. Garret brought up the rear with a dwarf hunter close by. The path was illuminated by indirect light. John was not sure where the light was coming from until he looked at the sides. The moss growing in the cave was glowing with a yellow hue. It was bright enough to show their path but there were some areas not illuminated.

Lomas said, "Be careful of the unlit areas."

John concentrated and created his magical spheres to help light the dark places. A scent of moldy plants sprinkled the cave. It was not horrible only tolerable. Their footsteps echoed down the corridors. The walls were very close to them. He can almost touch the moss if he held his hands, but he dared not do it.

With the lights from the moss and his glowing sphere, it was easy enough to see far ahead, but when he heard a noise of a creature slithering far ahead he almost shouted out a warning.

Valeria was the first to say something. "What is that Lomas?"

"Nothing. Just keep moving."

John had an uneasy feeling. Marla touched his shoulder in a reassuring way. The sound of weapons being drawn from their scabbards was loud. He took out his weapon. It glowed a radiant blue.

Valeria said, "You have the legendary sword, Light of the North." She looked at him in a reverent way. The slithering noise was heard again, and it was closer to them. Lomas did not seem to notice and kept on moving. The pathway opened into a huge round chamber with several other tunnels branching out from it. Lomas stepped forward, and something large came out of a far tunnel. The creature had no legs, and it snaked on the ground. Lomas was lightning quick and moved out of the way. The dwarf hunters attacked it with their weapons. The creature had no arms and legs and resembled a huge long mountain. A large mouth with razor-sharp teeth opened from the middle of the beast's torso.

They all struck the creature several times. The beast struck the nearest dwarf causing him to fly backwards crashing into a wall with a bone cracking noise. Valeria moved out of the way, as the creature attacked her flank. Garret advanced toward it, and with a high overhead swing of his sword plunged his weapon deep into its hide. He tried to dislodge his weapon, but it stuck there. The creature pushed the top half of its body at Garret. He was faster and ran out of the way.

John had no time to react. He conjured a spell and thrust it at the beast. Fire spread from his arm and into the hilt and the blade of his sword. Magical power was gathering within him, and as he released the spell, he saw shards of blue lightning inside the inferno. The spell hit the creature with a shattering blow. The beast was engulfed and scream a hideous noise from its mouth.

The small group back away from the flames. John could not stand without the aid of Marla, who gripped his shoulder and arms. The beast imploded into ash. The inferno disappeared as the creature died. Nobody spoke.

Garret broke the silence. "You think anybody heard the fight?"

"I don't think so. Lomas."

He was in the far cave were the beast came. His eyes sparkled and look feral. "No, the guards was not alerted."

John said, "Is there anymore creatures that might attack us?"

"I don't know. I have not been here since the evil Mage took this area."

He thought he saw large canine teeth protrude from Lomas's mouth. He beckoned them to continue. They moved through several more caves and tunnels. John did not hear any more noises. Lomas stopped at a metal grate. Light filtered through in wavering patterns.

"We are here."

* * *

Suprum looked out his castle tower and spied the royal troops far in the distance. He wondered what his dear brother, the king, was doing. Suprum moved back into his room and waved his hand over the crystal on the table. Instantly, it started to change color from white to a scene of battle of dwarves, ogres and lizard men.

Suprum said, "Black knight!"

An image of the black knight focused in the middle of the crystal. He was riding his dark horse and fighting several knights and dwarves. He raised his hand. The enemies surrounding the black knight was suddenly flung backwards.

"Yes master," the black knight hissed.

"I need you to come back here and have your troops attack the royal army. But I want you back here in my castle. A group of knights have infiltrated my realm, and I want you to give them a surprise. I dispatched a giant bat for you."

The black knight said, "Master, I almost killed the Knight Marshall. I only wounded him."

Suprum heard a pleading in the knights voice. He cut him off. "Roland, I don't care about your personal agendas. You are mine. You will come to my castle. Now!"

The black knight nodded. A shadow fell over the knights face. Suprum sensed his giant bat had arrived at his destination. He watched as the animal landed next to the knight.

"Yes Master. I will be there shortly."

Suprum broke contact and waved his hand over the crystal. A picture of a small group of knights and dwarves appeared. The group was close moving into the tunnels below his keep. He saw a familiar figure. It was the Knight Marshall's son, John. He had the other half of the Vor'kar.

Ahh, very good he thought. They were walking into his trap and with a bonus. John was an Eriel and a magic-user. He was powerful. He could use him and create another disciple like the black knight.

* * *

The prince listened as the King, and his commanders were preparing for battle. He looked toward the black castle in the distance. He hoped John and his friends were okay. He clenched his hands. He should be with them instead of being here. The battle plans his dad created was good and his dad did not need his input, except something was nagging him.

The king said, "Something is troubling you Brett?"

"Yes, we have not considered the black knight's army back at the dwarf kingdom."

The king said, "We do not have to worry about the black knight's army. They are too far away, and the dwarfs will keep them busy."

"Dad," the prince said, "I'm not sure about that."

"Ok, what do you propose."

He outlined a new deviation of their plan having a rear guard and a line of defense to protect them. He will lead this group of troops. The king agreed and let the royal commanders leave for the night. They will start their battle plans at first light.

"Son," the king said, "stay for a few minutes."

Brett waited for the last of the royal commanders shuffled out of the tent. It was stuffy from the smoke and bodies pressing against each other. A fresh breeze came from the entrance.

The king said, "Sit and have some wine."

A servant filled a cup of red liquid and handed it to him. His father stared at him. "What happened to you? Why did you go with your friend, John? You should have stayed at the Knight Marshall's castle."

"I know why you sent me away," the prince said in a whisper.

The king said, "I did not want you to get the plague."

"No, you want me safe away from harm."

"Yes, is it wrong for a father to want his son safe?"


"Now, I want you to with fight with me in this battle."

"You don't believe me about the black knight's army."

"I do, but I do not think they will be a threat. You can direct your troops as you see fit. If you want them to join in the battle, so be it. But do not take any needless risks."

"Yes, father."

"Go now and get some rest."

The prince walked out going toward his tent. The two dwarf hunters had their own tents next to his. He wanted them close by. The lamps and fires of the royal army were ablaze all over the camp. Guards was spread at the edge. His dad was taking no chances.

Coming close to his tent, he summoned two royal trackers. They came and knelt before him.

"Sire," they said in unison.

"I want both of you to scout a league behind us. Wake me when you are back."

He watch the scouts leave. He saw two royal knights stationed in from of his tent. He knew their names. "Hello Knight Raul and Gromer."

Raul said, "It is nice to have you back."

"Thank you."

The prince walked into his tent and realized how his presence here can bring up the moral of the royal troops.

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