A challenger

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Katsu's pov
I woke up to the sound of clashing metal.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
'Who would be making such a racket? And at this hour!?'
I got up from my warm bed and changed out of my pajamas. I got into my kimono and put my armor on top. I then grabbed my sword and held it within a tight grasp. I made my way outside as the sun's warm rays hit my face. I walked for a while until I saw what the noise was.
Yuka and Kira were fighting with katana's. It was a very intense battle, but with Yuka being hurt I thought Kira had an advantage. Suddenly I saw Kira about to hit Yuka with the katana. I took my sword out and blocked the attack. All eyes were on me.
"Katsu?... What are you doing?" Asked Yuka in a gentle tone.
"He was about to hurt you with his katana! I couldn't just stand here!"
"So you were watching hu?" Said Kira with a smirk. He drew his sword away from me and chuckled. I growled.
"I dont think this is right. Yuka needs to recover and you doing this will make her worse!"
"Look I didn't ask for training. Yuka did. She woke me up and asked me to help her on her sword skills."
I gasped and looked at Yuka. Her face was emotionless, but I could already tell it was true by the nod of her head. I looked at Kira and then to his katana.
"How about a bet?"
"A bet?" Asked Kira.
I nodded. "If I win against you in a battle you have to stop the training with Yuka."
"Hm.. Okay and if I win you give me your sword."
My eyes widened. Give up my family sword? In exchange for a girl's well being? I gripped my sword tightly.
"Fine lets get this over with."
I got into a fighting stance and watched Kira get into his. We stared at each other for a moment and then attacked. Our swords clashed and surprisingly sparks flew.
"You're pretty good." Said Kira as I dogged his sword.
"Thanks. Not bad yourself." I kept fighting him.
The sound of our swords clashing filled the air. We stared at each other and what our stares were filled with was unknown to me. Wrath? Fear? Pain? Jealousy? I was clueless. Suddenly I lost balance and fell. Kira's sword suddenly came down. I dogged it by an inch and got up into my feet. I kicked him and he went forward. I heard him growl and attack with more force. I blocked it just in time, but then forced into a tree. The blade came closer and closer to me. I looked at Kira in frustration.
"Do you kneel?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment.
"Do I kneel? Or do I stand?" I then kicked him in the stomach.
Kira gasped which gave me time to push him off. I charged at him which he easily blocked. He moved his sword and I did the same. More clashing and sparks came as it soon seemed we were getting no where. What seemed like hours were only minutes.
Neither of us have given up nor won the battle. It almost seemed impossible. I finally glanced at my surroundings. This wasn't near the cabin. We were deep in the hidden forest. I growled and looked at Kira. He was deep in thought of the battle.
"Kira! Hold on!"
"No! We're battling. Unless you kneel-"
"Kira we're not at the cabin!"
Kira then looked around an his eyes widen. We stopped and lowered our swords.
"Seems we're in the forest," said Kira.
I nodded and looked closely at the surroundings.
"Seems there's no trail and no footprints were made."
I sighed and watched Kira put his katana away. He started walking and I raised my brow.
"Where are you going?"
"Back to the cabin."
"You don't even know where it is!"
He ignored me and kept walking. I sighed and decided to just follow him. We walked for a while. The only thing between us was silence. From time to time we would hear some birds, but that was it. I sighed and decided to make conversation.
"So... Why did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"You know Yuka is hurt, but you still helped her train?" Kira sighed.
"Yuka can be very stubborn. She wants to get stronger so she can protect, but if she's hurt she feels vulnerable. If I said no she would either pester me or she would go fight someone."
"Fight someone?"
Kira nodded.
"That's how determined she is."
The memory of when I first met Yuka came to me.
Those people knew me and were sent to kill me, but who sent them?
Suddenly I heard voices. Kira and I looked at each other. We nodded and ran towards the noise. There by the cabin was Yuka and Doc.
"What do you mean they went into the woods?! Don't they know how dangerous that is?!"
"Look it was an intense battle. Worse case scenario both of them dies."
I chuckled as I saw the Doc go pale. We walked up to them. The Doc smiled widely and said that he was glad that I was alive. I glanced at Yuka and saw that she was talking to Kira. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but they both smiled as Kira hugged Yuka. Something in my chest burned as I saw this. I looked away.
"Hey Katsu. Next time we need to finish our battle."
I looked up at Kira who had a determined look. I stared at him and nodded.
"Yeah and next time I won't stop."

FINALLY!! I hate writers block!! But sorry for such a short chapter and if it was bad please forgive me!! 😓 I promise I'll try to make the next one better!! Thanks guys!!

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