Anything for my love

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Kira's pov
I decided to come back to the cabin I found Yuka in and check on her. It brought pure joy to me when I saw that beautiful face of her's again. Its been about three years sense I left Netro's clutches and started my life over again. It was a relaxing life, but it was empty without Yuka. I remember like it was yesterday when I first met her.
~Flash back~
I was four years old. I was in the middle of the forest practicing throwing my knives. Netro was out on a mission, so I was left by myself. As I continued with my practice I heard a familiar rustle of leaves. I turned around and saw Netro. He just stood there and gave me one of his cold stares as his auburn eyes seemed to pierce into my soul. I glanced back at him with my knife in hand waiting for a command of some sort, but nothing came. Suddenly he gestured someone forward.
I watched closely as a tiny figure stepped forward and shyly looked at me. It was a little girl. She looked about my age and had a mix of light and dark brown hair that came to right to her shoulders. She wore a light blue skirt with a teal shirt. Her clothes were tattered, but still looked in good condition. The one thing that really caught me though was her eyes. She had the most beautiful dark brown eyes I've ever seen, but they looked broken. I glanced back at Netro with a confused look. He finally spoke for the first time after returning.
"Kira this little girl will be part of our group from now on. She has sworn her allegations to me as you have already so I suspect you both to get along just fine. Now I'm going to give you the responsibility to care for her, until she knows her way around here and understands the rules. Have fun."
With that Netro left me with the girl. I stared at her for a moment and tried to smile, but she looked frightened as her gaze moved. I looked at where she was staring and saw that she was looking at my knife. I placed the knife in its holder and returned my gaze to her. She seemed a little less tense from before, but fear and pain still showed in her eyes. I then placed my hand out for her to grab. She looked at it hesitantly, but then lightly took a hold of it. Her tiny hands felt so soft as they were cupped into my hand perfectly. We started walking back to the hide out and as we did I never thought she would be the one to steal my heart... Then again I didn't realize it until I almost lost her...
•••••••Forward Flash Back••••••••

Yuka and I were sent out on a mission to go and terminate a whole village. What we didn't know though was that the village was the home land of a bunch of skilled swords men and women. The fight was brutal, but we managed and fought side by side. Suddenly I heard a cry of pain and the sound of tearing of flesh. I turned my gaze and saw Yuka with one of the swordsmen. He stabbed her and once I saw this anger quickly boiled inside of me.
I killed the man and caught Yuka in my arms. Her body was getting cold and her clothes were stained with freshly made blood. I held her close and finished off the rest of the samurai. I quickly rushed back into the woods, not caring about anything else except keeping Yuka alive. I quickly attended her wounds and prayed that she still had a chance of living sense they were very deep. I made my way back to the hide out and asked Netro for help. He refused. He claimed that if Yuka could not handle her own weight then there was no point in saving her. This really pissed me off. I then convinced him that he needed Yuka to continue to stay hidden and that once she's older she'll be able to lower others which he could recruit. This seem to pleased him and agreed to heal Yuka. He tended to her wounds and we just sat in silents as she laid there peaceful in her bed.
"Kira...You love her don't you?"
The question caught me off guard, so I looked very confused. Netro just sighed and shook his head.
"You love Yuka don't you? You want to hold her close and never let her go. You want to savor every moment with her until death pasts you both. You yearn for her presents when she's not around and you feel like you're in heaven when she's at your side. So, tell me Kira... You love Yuka right?Or Am I wrong? Because you've never been so determined about saving another life, so is it true?"
I thought about it for a moment and shook my head. I did love her. Yuka was my everything, but I never really realized I had these feelings for her until now. I stared at Netro for a moment and he just glared at me.
"Kira don't let Yuka effect you or your missions and especially don't involved Yuka with it."
My eyes widened with shock.
"What? I don't understand."
"Yuka has never known real love in her whole life time. She has just known pain and sadness. She's broken and I want her to stay like that. She's better that way. Plus what if she can't return your feeling? What will you do then?"
My emotions were mixed at this point. I finally knew that I loved Yuka, but Netro doesn't want me to show it to her. He wants her to stay hurt and emotionless because some how it's better for her?! Then comes the personal questions. What if he was right? What if Yuka doesn't love me?

I sat their looking at the ground with an emotionless face. I didn't know what to do. Netro soon left and I was alone in the room with Yuka. I got up and walked to the side of her bed. I caressed her cheek with my thumb and held her hand. Her hand in mine felt perfect and I didn't want to let go. A thought then hit me and I knew just what to do. If Netro won't let me love Yuka, I will just have to express my feelings in a different way.

"Yuka, I Kira promise to protect you no matter what happens. Even if it means risking my life I will do anything for you and be there when no one is. I vow to honor you and your skills until death dose us part. I Kira am now your tool to be used in any way means necessary. I will love you and do as you please until the time comes for me to depart."
••••••• Flash back ends ••••••
I finally arrived back at the cabin and looked around. I noticed someone on the porch and walked towards them. To my surprise it was Yuka. She was sound asleep in the sun and looked quite peaceful. I smiles and sat by her. I then caressed her cheek lovingly. Suddenly her hand came up and grabbed my wrist.
"Morning beautiful miss me?"
"Kira? What are you doing back here?"
She opened her eyes and looked at me with those beautiful brown orbs of hers. I sweetly smiled.
"I came here to see you. But what are you doing out on the porch?"
She sat up and stared at me.
"I came out here to get some air."
I shook my head as she just looked down at the ground with a slight pain in her eyes. I didn't know what came over me, but I embraced her. She stiffened at the sudden act of kindness, but then slowly melted into the hug. I smiled and nuzzles my head into her hair. I felt a small smile form from her lips and I hugged her tighter. Then I heard voices of other people and footsteps coming closer. I looked up and saw an elderly man with a boy about our age who held a sword closely to his side. They looked at me with confusion and shock.
"Yuka... Who is this?" Asked the old man.
Yuka looked at the two with a calm expression and spoke softly.
"Katsu, Doc this is my friend Kira. We were close during childhood but soon departured in our own ways."
The two just nodded. The old man who I presumed was the Doc smiled at me.
"Well welcome. If you don't mind me asking what brings you here?"
"I'm just a normal traveler looking for new things and places."
"Really? What an extraordinary thing to do! Would you like to join us for some tea?"
I smiled and shook my head.
"Why yes. Thank you very much I would be delighted."
I got up and headed into the old cabin. We all sat down and drank tea as I told stories of places I've traveled and adventures from Yuka's and I childhood. Well at least none of the deadly ones. The old man smiled and laughed as Yuka shook her head with a small grin on her face. I glanced every once in a while at the boy named Katsu. He didn't really say much, but I could tell he didn't like me. As we continued I finally heard the boy speak.
"So Kira.. How long have you had those knives and katana with you?"
I was surprised by Katsu's comment because I thought I hid my weapons pretty well. I smiled at him.
"I've had the knives ever sense I was young and my katana I've had sense I was seven."
"Seven? Such a young age!" Exclaimed the Doc.
I shook my head.
"Yes I practiced with weapons at a very young age, but it soon came in handy in the future."
"Handy how?"
"Why for protection against robbers or attackers."
Katsu nodded his head and went back to drinking his tea. Yuka looked at me with a careful look, but I just bowed my head. Soon it was time for me to leave and as I was saying my fair wells the Doc offered me a place to stay.
"You can stay with us. You know Yuka and as she recovers you both can leave and catch up on what you've missed. Plus it's nice to get to know new people."
"Thank you. I don't know what to say.  I will stay here and once Yuka is healed I will leave."
"It's settled then! Welcome to the cabin Kira."
I bowed to the Doctor and Katsu. I glanced at Yuka and saw that she was smiling at me. I was later led to a room for the night and got ready for bed. I looked outside my window and into the night. It was beautiful as the stars twinkled with joy. I laid down in my bed and wrapped myself in blankets. I shut my eyes and whispered my last sweet comforting words.
"I will do anything for my love"
Hey sry this took so long to finish!!! Like I said I've had writers block and ect.!! Sorry if this chapter is really cheesy and sucks!! But if you like it then yay!!! I'm so happy!! Well till next chapter!! Bye!! Oh and FYI I'm starting school on August 4 so I won't be on wattpad as often. And updates will be slow... So yeah sorry!!

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