An unsuspected meet

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~Katsu's pov~
I walked off. I hope next time I come to the village, that jerk won't try anything again. I sighed and continued to walk. The road was clear and the sun shined bright. It was nice, but for some reason I didn't feel alone. I felt like a dark presents was near.
I continued down the path, shrugging off the odd feeling. As I continued my walk I came across a split road. There was no sign so I had no clue where each path led to.  I sighed.
"Great now what?"
I then started to hear rustling from a near by brush. I knew I wasn't alone, but never thought I would have to fight again so soon. I pulled out my family's katana and rested it by my side as I stared at the ground.
"Come on out! There's no point in hiding if your position is given show yourselves!"
It was quite for a moment, but then the leaves rustled once more,only this time I found knives being thrown at me. I dogged the  attack and stared into the forest waiting for my opponents to reveal themselves. Three ninja came out and looked at me. One had a blue suit with a bow and some arrows, another had on a red suit with a sword and the last one had on mostly black with no weapons as far I could tell. They all where different, but the only thing that was similar about the three where their mask. Each of them wore a white animal related mask which almost resembled a unique quality to them. They all continued to stare.
" Katsu Fuma, heir of the Fuma clan, it's a pleasure to finally meet you at last," said the one in black and from the sound of the voice tell it was a women. She bowed to me, but I just stood my ground watching the other two. Something wasn't right about this. I continued to go with the act and put on a little smirk and nodded.
"Thank you for your kindness and respect, but unless you know what path will take me to the Northern stream then I suggest you just go and find someone else to bother because I'm not that much of a talker when it comes to people like you."
The one in the red chuckled for a moment and then brought out his own blade which was ten times the size of mine. I grunted at my current situation.
"Well we weren't really going to bother you... We just came to say goodbye..."
The man in red then came running at me with his blade. I blocked it, but he then slid me backwards with his force. He was very strong and actually knew what he was doing with the blade. I then took a chance to run at him, but three arrows where fired at me. I looked around and saw the blue ninja in a tree firing a set of arrows. This was going to be a very long battle. I sighed. I took my blade and then came running at the man in the red once more. He blocked my attack and then kicked me away. I fell to the ground and grunted in pain. As I tried to get up the three walked over to me and kicked my weapon aside. They then kicked me in the gut as well. I gaged as my body wasn't taking the beating too well. The woman in black then came up to me with a knife.
"Poor Kuna did your training not work? I thought I would be impressed by your skills, but you a weaker than you seem!"
She brought the knife to my neck, but then didn't move. She stood there frozen still. Suddenly her body fell to the ground and we all could see what caused her to freeze. In the back of her neck was a knife. Her body was a decaying corpse and there was nothing they could do about it. The other twos ninja took a long look at the corps, but then to me.
"You..You killed her..."
Just then the ninja in blue shot another set of arrows at me. I quickly got up and dogged them. He cursed under his breath and did it again only this time they where faster. Before I could even move one of the arrows got me in my arm. I winced in pain as the arrow felt like fire. The blue ninja fired more arrows, but I couldn't move. The pain in my arm was becoming very intoxicating to my body. I shut my eyes knowing I didn't have long left to live, but nothing happened. I then heard the piercing of skin and a grunt of pain from in front of me. I opened my eyes to find a white cloaked man. I stared at him with awe, but then saw the blood dripping down from his arm. He took the shot for me. The two ninja look at the new comer with interest.
" Sorry about the arrows pal,but do you mind? Where trying to finish up some work here, but you can talk to us afterwards." He didn't move an inch nor reply back, but instead he pulled out his own blade and ready his stance.
The ninja looked shocked, but did the same. The red ninja came at the cloaked stranger with all force, but missed. He then came from behind and knocked him out. The blue one looked in shock, but then fired at him with anger. The arrows didn't even touch the stranger, but did split in two when near. He then came up to the ninja and broke his weapon. The ninja then begged for mercy, but the stranger just sighed and knocked him out as well. I was at lost with words and I didn't know what to say.
"Um...I... Uh...."
The stranger walked closer to me, but then grabbed his wounded arm. He fell down and laid there. I pulled myself together and came near him, picking up my wepon.I lifted him up and his cloak's hood came down, but to my surprise it wasn't a him at all. It was a young girl who looked about my age. She had long, thick brown hair and her skin was a very light peach. She had beautiful pink lips that for some reason tempted me. I shook the thought out of my head and picked her up while placing her on my back. To my surprise she wasn't heavy at all. I then held onto her and walked away from the ninja. Hopefully neither of us will walk into them again, I thought to myself. I looked at the split path one more and sighed. I decided to take the one that went towards the sun, for I was always told to follow the light in my heart.

Hey guys sorry this part was so short. Please tell me what you think of the book so far and if you have any suggestions or comments then please let me know. Thanks!!

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