The Swordsman

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~Yuka's pov~
I woke up earlier than usual that morning. I quickly stretched and made my way down stairs. The old wooden floor felt cold under my feet, but I didn't flinch once. I started to trail off outside and I was just about to take a nice relaxing walk, until my murderous instincts kicked in and I started to look for anything that could help me with my mission. I don't know why, but I could never control my instincts. If they where activated I would lose control of myself. If they made a decision then I couldn't go against it. Even if I wanted to do something I couldn't do it without the acknowledge of their presence. I sighed. Great! I'm now going insane.... But when has that ever been an issue?
I continued my search within the terrain. There wasn't a lot I could use and plus the land was famished of any sort of goods that could help in my favor. The hideout was located in an abandoned forest. So there wasn't much besides broken wood, dirt, and dead animals. I sighed and started to head back, when suddenly I heard footsteps coming from the eastern side of me. I was confused, but before I knew it I took my knife and slung it into a tree. A figure then came down and crouched in front of me.
"Netro...What are you doing here?..."
"Well, I was going to tell you the mission at the hideout, but you weren't there. So I came looking for you."
I "tched". I always felt like he didn't trust me and now that hes been keeping a very close eye on me, he felt more like a shadow stalking me than a regular person.
"I was going to come back. I was just going to see if there was anything In the forest that I could use to help me on my mission. By the way what is it that you want me to do again?"
Netro chuckled at me.
"There's been rumor that a swordsman is in the land. I want you to find him, get Intel and then if he's in good use,which I think he will be, I want you to recruit him."
"Recruit him? Why do you want to recruit him? Isn't he just a regular swordsman? I mean heck I'm literally a swords woman and I can do everything any swordsman could do. So why do we need him?" He just chuckled.
"You didn't let me finish... Do you know about the Fuma family?"
"...Of course... They're one of the most skilled families in the art of the blade...Wait Are you telling me?"
"Yes.. The swordsman is from the Fuma clan. He's supposed to be the heir, but that's not official yet. I need you to go and claim him. And make sure you find out everything first before your cover is blown. We don't want another incident like last time."
I chuckled. The last time that happened was when I was only five. I was supposed to get intel on a Sensei and his students. I was almost done with the mission until one of the guards came and attacked me. Now this the part when my instincts kicked in and I couldn't control myself. I killed the guard and everyone else that was there. I was then hunted down by many people, but I never got caught. It was a normal thing for me, but Netro didn't like it. He would always lectured me about it and said I needed to start using my head more. I sighed at the memory. He was such a pain in the ass sometimes.
"Okay, will do. One more thing, what's his name?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know!?"
"I mean I don't know. No one knows his name. They just know he's part of the Fuma clan."
I mumbled under my breath. He wasn't making it any easier for me. It's one thing to track someone down, but it doesn't help if I only have a few details about the person. So right now all I know about the guy is that he's a swordsman and part of the Fuma clan. This is going to be interesting. Finding a person who you don't know what he looks like or who he really is! Great I thought in the most sarcastic way.
"Okay. I'll try to find him and get him on our side, but don't think it will be a full success. Something or someone can become a factor in this mission."
Netro nodded and sighed.
"Okay Yuka. I'm counting on you. Don't fail or else."
He then sprinted back into the woods and I think back to the hideout. I sighed. I pulled my hood over my head and started to head for the village. Hopefully I could find him there.
When I got to the village I walked for a little bit. It was nice and quite peaceful. I looked at the decorations and fliers that were hung up. It seems there was a festival coming up. Hopefully I don't have anything coming up and I can go. After walking for a few minutes I noticed a crowed in the center of the village.
"What's going on here?"
I walked closer and heard a crash of two metal weapons. I came to the front and saw two men battling.
One looked about his mid 40s and had long, dark black hair. He wore a purple kimono and had scars all over his face. The other one wore a hat that covered his face,so I couldn't tell what he looked like, but I could see his hair which resembled a dark brown. He wore a red and brown kimono and from the looks of it he was about my age. The man in the purple was fighting with a Jutte, while the one in the red was fighting with a special made Katana.
Everyone continued to watch the battle intensely, while I continued my hunt for the swordsman. It seemed he wasn't in the area, but for some reason  my eyes always followed back to the man in red. I took another glance at him as he battled. He fought intensely and quick, while his opponent  fought with anger and frustration. I could tell that this was giving the man in the red an advantage.
"Come on kid is that all you got!?," said the man in the purple. The boy in the red just stayed quite and continued to fight.
The man in the purple got angrier and then used all his force on the boy. He ran at him, but the boy changed positions last minute and the man in purple fell. The boy in the red tossed his weapons aside and pointed his sword at him. The purple man coward in fear.
"P-Please I beg of you! Let me live!"
The boy stood there still for a moment, but then put his sword away. He then finally spoke for the first time.
"Next time... Don't mess with me.." The boy in the red started to walk off.
"W-Wait!" The purple man cried out. The boy in red stopped.
"Who are you? Your skills are masterful and your blade is like no other! I must know my successor."
The boy sighed and started to walk away slowly. The purple man just stared at him.
"...My name is not necessary, but my clan is know from far and wide...." The suspense filled everyone.
"...I am the heir of the Fuma clan.."
I looked at the boy with appreciative eyes. I found my target, but I still have to recruit him or at least try. The crowd filled with surprised looks, gasps and whispers all around. The boy the turned around and started to walk away, leaving everyone astonished at the mysterious occurrence. I then followed behind him and made sure he couldn't see me. Hopefully all goes well.

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