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1. Slice of (magic) Life by Azuriko_Kito

Title 9/10

Cover 7/10

Blurb 10/10

Plot 13/15

Creativity 12/15

Grammar 14/15

Characters 4.5/5

Interaction with reader 3/5

Overall 14.5/15

Total: 87/100

Review: It has a lovely flow of pace and a good choice of words, yet there's so much to get through and the chapters are long. It's not a bad thing, but for myself - who's Dyslexic, I had to push through the chapters and I think there might be someone who also will feel the same. Try setting yourself a word goal, meaning you only need to say 10000 words in this chapter and then only 100 in this one. Another suggestion is to go through your story with a fine-comb and be strict with yourself, do I need this or not? Ask people's opinions on the story and ask if any places should change - this is what I do with my writing. I know you're still busy with this amazing story, but keep my advice in the back of your mind, so that when you need it, it's there.

2. Death of Hope by SKVokey

Title 9/10

Cover 4.5/10

Blurb 5/10

Plot 13/15

Creativity 13/15

Grammar 13/15

Characters 3.5/5

Interaction with reader 4/5

Overall 12/15

Total - 77/100

Review: You're writing style I envy. This is not to say there aren't places you can improve. The pace of the story seems slow. You give too much detail - which is not a bad thing, but sometimes you need to choose when to give detail or just give a short description. The story should flow like the wind or the waves in the ocean, don't cut and stop phrases - this goes for your blurb as well. Also, I love how you're telling the reader about your world with small info nested in your writing. I would only say, try not to give too much info about the world in the beginning - such as the Prologue, leave the scene of mystery for the reader and give out information when needed. I suggest using a website/app called Grammarly. It's extremely helpful in improving someone's work to sound how they want it.

3. Dance with Me Devil by Werepanther

Title 7/10

Cover 8/10

Blurb 7.5/10

Plot 12/15

Creativity 13/15

Grammar 12.5/15

Characters 3.5/5

Interaction with reader 3/5

Overall 11/15

Total 79.5/100

Review: I do not read sm*t or stories that have s*x scenes, but I have to say. You have this way of hooking the reader with your style of writing. It's a fast pass and has a good amount of description. Need I say more? I would only suggest trying Grammarly, this will help push your story to another level, which I believe you'll achieve.

4. Scorned Blue by SabrinaEttey

Title 7/10

Cover 10/10

Blurb 7/10

Plot 12/15

Creativity 14/15

Grammar 13.5/15

Characters 5/5

Interaction with reader 4.6/5

Overall 15/15

Total - 88.1/100

Review: This book was a joy to read. Wonderful writing style, it had me hooked from the first chapter, good flow of pace and telling the story from the different POVs was spot on. I found no major errors, but you can always improve yourself if find certain areas hard. Keep up the amazing talent.

5. Daracka Volume 1: Head Hunt by HeideHunt

Title 7/10

Cover 10/10

Blurb 9/10

Plot 13/15

Creativity 15/15

Grammar 14/15

Characters 4/5

Interaction with reader 3.5/5

Overall 13.5/15

Total - 89/100

Review: Re-reading this book again was like reading it all over again. Grammar and use of words are still brilliant. I would suggest trying to shorten some chapters, for someone like myself who has a difficult time reading, having to read long chapters is very trying.

6. Rhyshannon Chronicles / Book 1: A Path of Swords by Aravis-Brightspell

Title 9/10

Cover 10/10

Blurb 8/10

Plot 14/15

Creativity 15/15

Grammar 12/15

Characters 3.5/5

Interaction with reader 3/5

Overall 14/15

Total - 88.5/100

Review: I don't know what to say, the story is just AMAZING! There was nothing major wrong, and I couldn't find any minor errors - probably because I was so hooked on the way you describe scenes and the short and long chapters give it a good flow of fast and slow.

7. Patriarch of the Blood Moon [BL] by soulful_mage

Title 8/10

Cover 7/10

Blurb 9/10

Plot 12/15

Creativity 14/15

Grammar 11/15

Characters 4/5

Interaction with reader 3/5

Overall 12/15

Total - 80/100

Review: Not to sound like an old English teacher, but your grammar needs fixing and your character's dialogue in the first chapter. With Dialogue, writers don't usually use a full stop after a character has spoken; we use commas. So instead of this;

"You're betrothed to Kariya. You shouldn't be looking at other women." said Zifan

Try this for all your dialogue;

"You're betrothed to Kariya, you shouldn't be looking at other women," said Zifan

The difference between the two is one feels more like a stop-and-go, like a Traffic Light, while the second one has this flow with it - we want a flow. With your grammar, I suggest this to everyone because it works wonders, try this app/website Grammarly. It will give you tips to improve or rephrase sentences and will fix any spelling mistakes, etc.

Now the good news, you have great creativity. I can see that as I read your book. Beautiful style of writing and a good flow of pace. All you need now is to improve what I stated and soon your book will be better than amazing, it will be spectacular. Keep it up, buddy.

8. Within The Mist by AlphaSheWolf-

Title 9/10

Cover 10/10

Blurb 8.5/10

Plot 13/15

Creativity 14/15

Grammar 13/15

Characters 3/5

Interaction with reader 3/5

Overall 15/15

Total - 88.5/100

Review: Good story, and an amazing style of writing. I know the story is in First Person, but this doesn't mean over-described scenes. A good example of First Person is the original Percy Jackson books. You could really connect with Percy and see the world through his eyes, you need to do that with your character. A good question to ask yourself is, how would you explain or describe this object or scene, don't always think how am I going to explain this and so on. Remember your character is the one telling the story. Keep up the good work.

9. Harbinger of Doom: The Attainer by eeriesage
Reviewed Chapters 1 - 5

Title 8/10

Cover 6/10

Blurb 6/10

Plot 9/15

Creativity 11/15

Grammar 10/15

Characters 3/5

Interaction with reader 3/5

Overall 9/15

Total - 65/100

Review: The plot is intriguing, but frankly, I'm lost in the world you've created. I believe it's because of the introduction of so many characters...and we haven't reached Liz yet. We've yet to meet Mobecke Freydor (the son of the tyrant). I looked forward to this because that was stated in the blurb, but the events occuring before this were quite interesting. I wish those scenes were adequately described. Like, let me soak up the fascinating world you've build and the characters who live in it. I would like some space to come with notions of what's going to happen next and find myself rooting for Lores. 

10. Ouroboros by ASimple-Mistake

Reviewed Chapters 1 - 5

Title 10/10

Cover 8.5/10

Blurb 8.5/10

Plot 14/15

Creativity 13/15

Grammar 13.5/15

Characters 5/5

Interaction with reader 4/5

Overall 13/15

Total - 89.5/100

Review:  I loved the plot, the characters, the dialogues, the world-building and the narrative you've used. I still can't forget the excruciating scene in Chapter 1, where Ira is trapped in someone else's body. And you've managed to keep me engaged, without burying me in the supporting cast or the world this story is based in. (Amazing chapter titles, by the way). The blurb's got me hooked, but a concluding sentence is what's missing. Maybe a line of how these three MCs are connected or how they'll meet might do the job.


First Position - Ouroboros by ASimple-Mistake

Second PositionDaracka Volume 1: Head Hunt by HeideHunt

Third Position - Within The Mist by AlphaSheWolf- & Rhyshannon Chronicles Book 1: A Path of Swords by Aravis-Brightspell


Thank you everyone for your cooperation (it was a really fierce fight) and also a special thanks to LostBoyDance26 and RookWri78 for judging this genre!


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