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🔮 Stare into my crystal ball and what Link do we see?

Stop, Hey, what's that sound? Everybody, look what's going down- ANGRY FREAKIN RAMS!

Are we really surprised little demon horns? Aries is the only sign that can get away with carnage and rampage and look gotdamn hot while doing it. While Aries is ruled by sister sign Sorpio's  planet, Mars, these signs both exude passion differently. Scorpio's passion must be exhumed- buried beneath layers and layers of trauma, secrets and Hades knows what else.

But Aries? Nah, they like their passion obvious and blinding. (Like their ass in a leather jumpsuit.) They wanna see you quake in your boots. Aries is the sign that would blow in your ear and laugh at you, walking away, while you have to collect yourself from the floor. But there is a pitfall to a sign that burns so hot so fast- they get BORED. CATCH AN ARIES STARTING MULTIPLE ENDEAVORS, RELATIONSHIPS AND OTHER PROJECTS AND GETTING SO DAMN BORED- THEY START MORE.

If you want to keep an Aries attention, you have to be nothing short of special. And really, you have a better time getting the attention of God almighty himself.

Ladies and Gents, here is my choice for Aries, Fierce Deity.

Let's dive into some of Arie's qualities, shall we?

-Head Strong


"BuT YoU'Re JuSt GiViNg ArIeS FeIrCe BeCaUsE- " STAHPPPP! Look into the hollow sclera of this dude's eyes

Tell me how this man has been minimal in the franchise yet has a damn cult following?

A cult following of hungry, thirsty fan girls.

The Feirce Deity concept was born thanks to the game, Majora's Mask, with appearances in Hyrule Warriors, BOTW, Triforce Heroes, and the Super Smash franchise. I say minimal because besides Majora's Mask, our deity really is only an asset we can receive through armor.

His impact was so grand from one game, and really, if you've ever met an Aries, you find yourself saying the same thing.

Aries may come off as detached in terms of personality, spreading themselves thin often to their many passions, but this is a true ride or die to have by your side. Check this out, I met an Aries halfway across the world and this chick flew to my state to celebrate my birthday and have dinner and flew back to her state. If you manage to garner the affection of an Aries, you have someone that will be fiercely loyal (no pun intended.)

You just need to make sure you continue to walk on their good side... walking the bad side will just make you a casualty.

Oh, and no half-assing shit either. If an Aries showers you with affection and you dare only return even 1% percent less of it- to hell you go, ain't that right volatile lil' rams?

-Now you might be wondering, does Aries rule the game Majora's Mask since I gave this worthy title to our deep swimming little fishes, Pisces.

Truthfully, a game like MM is a bit too tedious for a fight for your right to party Aries. So then, isn't it obvious?

Aries can't be treading in the deep waters. They got shit to break and people to make out with. So then sexy rams, wouldn't super smash be a better fit

I mean breaking your controller is a better choice than breaking someone's face.

But let's look at our zaddy feirce for a moment.

-The Feirce Deity mask is obtained in Majora's Mask and believed to be a power darker than that of the game's villian Majora. Wait, so we are fighting evil with evil? Not exactly. The mask allows us to harness that power, without it, our young hero isn't quite as deft as an ancient god. This is the first time the game tapers toward the idea of making Link a god. And an Aries lives life by that motto, don't they?

-Let's touch on the transformation of Link to Fierce. The Hero of Time is no stranger with transforming, after all in OOT he is transformed into an adult in the future. Majora's mask focuses on child Link harnessing the power of the other races in Termina through masks, making the transformations more whimsical and fun.

Until you turn into Fierce Deity. A brawny, tall and sultry warrior whose eyes contain no irises or pupils. His face is marked with war paint and his trademark sword, the fierce deity sword, is a double-bladed weapon that seems to be controlled from an other-worldly source when we use it in battle. So, wait a minute, you mean we went from a Goron with huge tiddies to this hot, dish of a warrior with a sick ass blade? Awe Yish. I mean if Aries is gonna be a warrior best give them a devastating sword and a hot-ass outfit. They wanna look good while they're killing you, you know?

-The prowess of an Aries is sure to leave a mark on anyone who encounters them. Much like fierce has to the Zelda franchise. This might come as a surprise, but I'm thinking of the Fierce Deity armor in BOTW and the way it boosts your attack. Ever have an Aries friend in your circle? Ever remember getting bullied? You see where I'm going with this. Consider your strong ram friend your 10% attack power.

-Did you expect me to choose some touchy, romantic theme song for Aries? I mean we are talking about the sign that probably blasts Slipknot during sex. An epic fighting theme for our rams is only appropriate!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

- So, next time you have the urge to bar crawl and beat some ass, stop, sit down. Grab a nice swig of fireball that will burn your tonsils, (we know you guys love the pain) and pop in a fighting/Musou game such as Super Smash or Hyrule Warriors. Don't matter which one ya'll gonna get bored anyway. ;)

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