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This is for all of you who have missed our lil munchkin in last update.! I hope you enjoy her antics here.!

This part is continuation from the previous one and has the most anticipated answer from Avni.

Have a happy reading.!

"You can share My Apartment."

The words rang in my ears again and I get only about a fraction of second to make sure that my hearing process is working just fine, before Neil opted to make me believe otherwise with his upcoming words, "Before you choose to deny my offer, have a look at the Apartment atleast. I am sure its child friendly and Princess will be comfortable there."

This time he gave me a little more than a fraction of second to get confused, frown, and process the words of generosity he is showering me with. Cause ofcourse, not everday a certain dashing Neil Khanna offers me a place to live, that too with him. How my poor brain is supposed to absorb such shock.?

Little did i know that theres more in store for me.

"If you are done narrowing your eyes, inform your broker, take a break from your strenous house-hunting, and direct all your energy in preparing your first ever presentation that is due tomorrow."

And suddenly i found all my focus shifting to one thing, as to how does he know about the things going on in Marketing department, by sitting in his Production unit.?

"That made me realise, you will be busy tomorrow. So.." He rolled his gorgeous eyes upwards while adopting a thoughtful expression and rubbed his index finger over his chin. "Day after tomorrow is Saturday..."

I was contemplating with highest degree of anticipation that i have ever experienced in my life, as to what he is trying to arrive at, before Aanu called out to him cheerfully. My daughter's mind has probably been blessed with some new mischief, as distinctly evident by the joy in her voice.

The two of us looked back to our usual round table which is presently occupying My precious daughter who is waggling her tiny streched out fingers and gesturing Neil to come near her. "Coming Princess.!" i heard him say, as his legs were ready to sprint in her direction.

"Oh haa.!" He slightly twisted his upper body, facing me, to regards me with his final words, "I'l be expecting you on Saturday to see for the Apartment. It'l be weekend and we both will be free."

Dropping off the proficient Apartment-bomb on me, with utmost casualness he walked off towards Aanu with a new bounce in his steps, as if inviting a women to appraise his apartment is a daily chore to him.

That is when i realise, i hadnt utter a single word in a conversation which was supposed to be on a topic as significant as life-changing for me as well as my daughter. I had been reduced to a mere staring, numbskull, boneheaded zoombie, with presumably wide eyes and parted mouth.

In a way, i should be thankful to him, for deciding on my behalf. If left on me, i dont think i would have been fair with my decision and wouldnt let it influence by the tinge of temptation that came inadvertently along with his offer.

And so i will let myself follow the path choosen by Neil, for me and Aahana, keeping aside all my muddled up emotions.

Moments after i joined them back and after my lil one has satiated her sweet cravings with yet another bluberry cupcake, She spared a brief glance at Neil before hesitantly asking me, "Mumma, I dont want to go back to Day-Care. Can i stay back at home with Angie Maasi.?"

Leaning back at my chair, I crossed my arms across my chest and eyed the tiny drama-queen suspiciously. "Does this demand has anything to do with the Maths activity at the Day-Care.?" She immediately downcasted her gaze from my eyes to my crossed-arms level.

I know my daughter too well for her own good. Despite being remarkably dissimilar from me in her traits and attributes, She has definately inherited something from me which i would have never wanted her to, My Epic Love for Maths.! Though at this level Maths mean nothing but counting till 15-20 for her, still she despise it with all her passion. Thats so My daughter.

As my stern stare demanded an answer, she pretended to examine the Fairy Cartoon designed on her top, while mumbling something in almost inaudible voice.

"Aanu..!" A slight warning from me and her mumbling words immediately became clear.

"The caretaker let us play only counting games. I dont like that. She doesnt tell stories too." The disapproval was quiet evident in her voice.

Letting out a brief sigh, i adopted a sombre expression. Shifting myself forward in my chair, i held my angel's hand over the table, "Baccha, You cant forever run from Counting or numbers. From next session you will start to go school then how you will manage. Besides, Angie Maasi is at work now and nobody's at home."

Neil, who was a silent spectator to our interaction till now, finally spoke, "Its ohkay, Princess can stay with me, only if you allow."

A gleam of pure joy flickered through her tiny eyes, her little frame slightly recoiled back as the realisation of his words dawned on her, as if she has been awarded with something she didnt even ask for. While it left me numb and speechless, again, for the second time in last few minutes.

"Realllyy Mr. Handsome.!!!" Aanu exclaimed with her wide eyes and even wider grin thats threatening to crinkle the sides of her eyes.

"Yes Princess, but only if your Mumma permits." He returned the same enthusiams to Aanu, and instantly two pairs of pleading eyes darted in my direction.

"But Neil Your work.? And.. how will you..." just when i was trying to be practical, he served me with his own logic, "Avni..!!!! You keep forgetting that I am a Manager and that has its own benefits. I assure Princess will be safe with me, you can trust me on that."

He is right, i can surely trust him with my child, but at the same time i dont want to drag him in baby-sitting if he is unwilling to, Although he has shown no sign of it till now.

Just when My mind was rummaging through more excuses, Aanu left her seat and hopped over to Neil's lap. He securly tugged her tiny frame on his lap through one of his muscular arm which wound round her belly.

Giggling throughout, She slightly tilted her head upwards to meet his eyes, something unspoken traspired between them. And in next second i found myself to be pinned by a similar looking pair of faces with pleading eyes and puppy pout.

"Mumma ple-iz, i want to be with Mr. Handsome." She curled her hands in almost praying form.

"Avni Please, for Princess.!"

I dont understand how do they even plan such conspiracies by merely sharing some meaningful glances, but i can see its effect on me already. Not a second later i found myself giving in to their demands. "Ohkay Fine." how could i have even resisted to those faces.

The duo shared some celebratory hi-fives, chaste kisses and giggles before i demanded their attentions back on me.

"But.." I raised my index finger and wagged it from side to side, "No more Sweets. You both have had enough for the day. Understood.?" Both of them nodded eagerly and simultaneously, agreeing on my condition.

I got up, leaned down to place a quick kiss on Aanu's cheek, who was leisurly sitting on Neil's lap, and in the process ends up grazing my forehead near the undersurface of his chin with my hairs spreading all over his neck and shoulder area.

He took a sharp breath and arched back slightly while i happened to have a side glance at his evidently bobbing up and down adam's apple. For some reason, i felt my own throat going dry.

Accepting a return kiss from my doll, i hastly moved back and playfully ruffled her hairs.

"Mumma.!!! You are messing my Fench-bed" She warned with a look of indignation, at the same time proving her annoyance by crossing her tiny arms around her chest. My gal is one hell of a firecracker.

"Acchaaa.!!! Btw its "French-Braid" and not Fench-bed." I chuckled at the way she took offence with my words but neverthless smiled at me.

I was about to leave the two in their own company when Neil called out to me from behind.

"Avni..." I turned my enquiring eyes towards him.

"Can i.. uhh.. have your phone number.. just in case.. uh.. you know if i need to ask something about Princess.. or...if she wants to talk to you.."

I wanted to correct him that he is having Aanu just for 2 hours but then i couldnt help smiling at his hesitation. Neverthless, he got what he asked for.


The office talk i was mentioning about would have been felt offbeat with the feel of this chap.! I think it deserves a separate chap of its own, so it will be up in next update.!

Dont forget to vote and comment if you like this Story.! They are my major motivation.!

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