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"Its not important 'how many' people know you, important is 'for what' they know you.!!"

Here, atleast 700 people knows me and i can only hope 'for good'. Thank you so much dear Followers for joining and extending my teeny-weeny virtual family. 🤗

Some People kept leaving for reasons best known to them, but lets cherish those who has decided to stay with me.! 😍 You guys mean a lot to me.!

As you can see, i am back with another chapter.! Lets welcome some more characters along with few more facts.! 😉

Have a happy Read.!!

(Timeline - Same Night)

5th March

Dear Dairy,


Is not just a word with theoretical definition as "fulfilment of one's wishes". But its a feeling.! A blissful feeling of content, pride and delight that comes along with - the joy of being something, the security of having a job, and the pleasure of doing this all on your own.

Sure enough its a new and short journey of just 10 days, but the sense of settlement is unequivocal.

For all those 6 months that i had worked in the panel of best online Marketing executives of K.I. from home, i had developed a certain fetish to work with them personally. This is a kind of Multidimentional company which gives respect along with good pay, that only a fool will reject.

That was the reason that had me pack my bags immediately when the news of vacancy in the Marketing department of their main branch in Mumbai, reached me. But somewhere in the deeper crevices of my heart, i knew, it was merely an Excuse or a blessing in disguise that i was unknowingly waiting for, to leave behind the acridity of my past and start afresh.

Ofcourse the elder and the younger drama-queens, around whom my life revolves, didnt make it an easy decision for me. But kowing both of their weaknesses had its own benefits. Aanu was an easy catch with some chocolates and over-exaggerated description of beaches and what new city can offer us, while NeelaMaa proved to be a tough nut to crack.

After much cajoling and convincing, Maa finally allowed me to follow my wish, but not before tricking me in a Promise which i have been dodging since long.

A Promise to not confine and weight my Heart with chains of "what went wrong" but to set it free with its little wings to flutter and reach where it is desiring and destined to, to allow it the right of its own Journey.

Its no surprise as to what destination her cryptic words were trying to mean. She cant be blamed either. Being a mother, She has all the right to seek her child's happiness, especially when she feels herself to be responsible for the blemishes that were fated in my past. She is far from returning from her self-choosen guilt-trip even after 5 long years and it honestly sucks to see her thus.

Consequently, i left Ahmedabad, the city where i took my first breath, where i grew up, where i dreamt of a bright future for myself, where i had got married, and where i saw all my hopes shattering one by one. I left my hometown, in search of a better life for me and my precious daughter, with the blessings of My Mother alongside.

With the way the Interviewer had widened his surprised eyes and quirked up his impressive brow, with my academic reports and online work experience with this company, The result to the interview was no shocker. This post was nothing as against my credentials and my previous work at much higher level, but then it was not bad either for starters.

Just within a day of stepping into this city, i had a job in my hand, i had a security, i had a start, on the extreme contrary to what my Ex-husband had always believed. The memory of his words sure had served me with initial jitters and fumbles, but not enough to waver my teeny weeny confidence on myself. And henceforth there is no stopping for me.!

My new office is no less than a multi-stared opulent hotel, sprawled over 4 floors that almost accounts to one half of the corporate building it is set up in. The people here are friendly, that just adds up to the homely feeling this space naturally oozes.

For instance, 'The wide-eyed Interviewer' who goes by a short-name "DD" was a welcomed companion. It took a few exchanges - that were obviously awkward initially - of acknowledging smiles, hi's, hello's, analysing marketing plans, unplanned coffee breaks while working, and he is akin to a good friend and an enjoyable company now.

With the IV interaction, i had initially presumed him to be some high official from HR depratment, but from what i have known and heard he is an "All-purpose multitasking" person. From giving coffee with a complimentary sweet smile to our Receptionist Sunheri to taking final job interviews, tackling legal issues of company, attending board meetings, just anything and everything.!

With his precise calculative buisness mind and the genuine kind heart admixed with a killer-smile, Undoubtedly, He is one of the most imp asset of K.I. Surprisingly, nobody knows his official position in this company, but he dedicates every ounce of his sweat and blood only for its growth and Success.

Then there is this noodle-haired, elusive blue-eyed Wizard, better known as My first Friend in Mumbai - Ali Haider. Apart from sharing the love for Marketing, We had absolutely nothing in common and the fact itself makes our friendship special.

He is a happy go lucky, a complete prankster, outgoing, mingler whose smile never dims. Neither he let the smile of the people around him fade. He jokingly mentions that he is been gifted with a boon to spread happiness wherever he goes, and i am still trying to find a joke in it. Cause He is certainly gifted.

It so happened that in our very first interaction, Ali had left me puzzled by addressing me directly with my name. Had it been any other day, it wouldnt have felt odd, but that was my First day of Joining and apart from Sunheri i hadnt told my name to another soul.

On asking the same, he had simply shrugged his shoulder saying, "You are pretty famous here" and i am still wondering the reason as to how not only the employees from other departments but lift-man, cafetaria-waiters, guards and even the peons know me. What did i even do to become "famous".?

Neverthless with the warm company of Twins 'Tara - Sitara', Ali and all other colleagues, i should feel myself to be blessed to have a working space no less than a dream. But certain nuisance are just hard to un-see and un-hear, read that as my Boss and her two bootlicker dainty minions.

Miss Monika Malhotra aka 'Mickey-Monks' as people not-so-fondly call her. She is famous for her ever-lasting scowl, bitter-words, pointless arrogance and an ego which is taller than her 'Mickey' sized height. Although if seen beyond her scowl, she is a fair beautiful young women but her foul-nature do overshadow her beauty, almost all the times.

Apart from the admirable skills in her work, what keeps her here as Marketing Manager aka My immediate boss, is her relentless obsession over a certain handsome face which is still a mystery to me, "Mr. Kay" founder, owner and MD of K.I.

This guy who happens to be my Boss's boss's boss's Boss - or may be i should add one more degree of boss-  certainly deserves a special mention.

From whatever my unconcerned ears have been feed by big gossiping mouths around, My Superlative boss has an absolute repulsive personality with nothing to be praised of except for his striking features and an exemplary capacity to double-triple the oodles of bundles in his bank-accounts.

Kay's cunning and shrewd buissness approach is no secret in buissness world while his rudeness and insolence is no secret in office world.

The stamp of Setting up a huge, succesfully running company from scrape, definately comes along with a certain attitude, but it has puffed him up with conceit to the point of making him human-unfriendly altogether.

That has made him to cumulate his mysterious work life and his Main-Chamber around 4th floor, which is as good as haunted and unofficially banned for employees.

That is also the major reason of his almost nil staff interactions, save for the different departmental Managers, who are unfortunate enough to face his wrath atleast once a month.

From what i have concluded, as long as i keep myself away from his Mysteries, Kay is no matter of concern to me.

Talking about the Mystery, its only one name that my brain screams, "Mr. Neil Khanna"

He is an "hourly Constant" in the great deal of variabilities of my day.

Even the table he occupies in Cafetaria is "Constant" and how do he manages to do that, is another level riddle for me, as if his whole presence wasnt enough. Its as if the table is "Reserved" on his name with no scope left for others to even touch it, however late or early he arrives.

My only complain is the way he becomes a "Male-Versioned Cinderella" apart from the lunch-hour. I hope The Disney World or Aanu's story books can provide me with a better reference someday.

I had been to Production Unit twice, ofcourse as a tag-along with Ali who had been handed over some work there by Monks, but Neil's eerie absence from his own cubicle was perceptible.

Had DD not mentioned his name in few of our conversations, i would have easily believed that He doesnt work for K.I and instead comes here to hogg over the delicious food from our Cafetaria.

However, he left me nonplussed with the way he offered me his Apartment, or more like a door to peek through his hell of a mysterious private life.

His genuine smile speakes more for his honesty than beauty, which leaves me with no doubt about his trustworthy character. The way he gets along with My daughter is simply an added advantage. But still there is this tiny fleck of unsurity within my chest that refuses to settle everytime i think of it.

I dont know whether he is fully aware of the changes his bachelor-life and his privacy might suffer with this development, if ever his decision is impulsive or is just out of his generousness.

I dont want to be back to square one as how it happened with Angie.

That made me mentally note, a Proper and transparent conversation with him is much needed before i further decide on anything.



*ping *ping

📁 3 new Text Messages

📂 Neil Khanna

📂 Neil Khanna

📂 Neil Khanna

(And yes please no churaofying of this ideas, if you wanna use, kindly give credits. As simple as that.! 😉)


This chap was heavily edited after the change in mindset of posting it as separate chap, my apologies if it felt to be jumping from one thing to another without a proper flow.!

So, how do you like Avni's boss haan.? 😉😉

Does this answered some questions or gave you more.?

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