TA 13

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I walked inside the house. I knew Calvin was home because I saw his car in the driveway. I found him in the living room, drinking beer. If he spent a day without drinking, he would surely end up in a hospital. He rarely got drunk, but he drank a lot.

"Hey", I said as I sat down.

"Hey, you are from the hospital?" he asked as he scrolled through the TV channels.

"Yes", I said curtly.

"How is he?" he asked.

I sighed. "He is awake".

Calvin smiled, and then his smile disappeared swiftly, replaced by a frown. "You don't seem happy about it".

"I am, it's just that...he doesn't remember me", I said sadly.

"He has amnesia?" Calvin asked, looking shocked.

"It looks like it".

"Is it permanent?"

"I don't know", I said sharply. I was getting annoyed. I didn't need a reminder that it could be permanent. "The doctor said he was doing some tests", I said adopting a milder tone.

Calvin's phone rang and he answered.

"Yeah, I'm on my way", he said into the phone microphone and hung up.

He looked at me with a serious expression. "We are having the annual Montech celebration party tonight. You can be my plus one", he said.

I chuckled. "No way, I don't feel like hanging out with your IT technician geek friends", I said.

"Going out will do you good Cass. You cannot spend time alone, and they are not geeks...well, Adam is", he said.

"Calvin, I don't mind being alone", I said.

"You want to spend the entire night thinking about Riley?" he asked.

"No...I...It's a school night", I said.

"Oh, you don't mind sleeping at 11, chatting to Winston, but you mind going out and coming back at 11?" he asked.

My mouth opened slowly. I had told myself I would not listen to his arguments. That was until he mentioned Winston. How did he know about Winston?

"How do you know about Winston?" I asked.

"I am an IT technician, hacking into computers is part of my job description. Yours was very easy to hack into, by the way".

I picked up a cushion and hit him square on the jaw.

"How could you?" I asked.

"Dad asked me to keep an eye on you, that's what I'm doing. You don't know what creep is sitting behind a computer and pretending to be a sweet-talking teenager".

"So dad asked you to hack into my computer?" I asked.

"Well...not necessarily", he said.

"Just go to your damn party and leave me alone", I said angrily and stormed off.

I could not believe Calvin hacked into my computer. What privacy did I have? He had even read my diary, no doubt. He probably stalked me now.

I went up the stairs, entered my room, closed the door and locked it. I went straight to my computer and logged on to Chatbuddy. Winston was online.

"Hi", I started.

"Hi Cass", he replied. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, you?"

"Pissed. F***en pissed".

"Why? What happened?"

"What are you up to?"

"Writing a poem. You haven't answered my question".

"For Sammy? Can I read it?"

"Yeah, for Sammy. You can when I'm done. I won't let it go you know".

"Lucky girl. You have got to be the world's sweetest boyfriend. Calvin did something".

I heard the main door open and close, good riddance. I looked at the computer screen, waiting for Winston's reply. Winston had finally gotten his happy ending. Although Sammy had claimed she would never date him, she had changed her mind suddenly. Winston had been so happy. He still was.

"I doubt I am, but thanks. What did Calvin do?"

"He hacked into my computer and the network too. He is probably reading this conversation".

"Why did he do that?"

"He claims it's to protect me. Can you believe it? You would think he would stay out of my business with the busy life that he seems to be having".

"Overprotective brother. So, are you going to continue chatting to me?"

"Yeah. I don't care what further things he knows. He knows a lot already".

"Okay. You said last night you were going to see Riley in the afternoon, how is he?"

"He's awake".

"Wow that's amazing. You must be very happy".

"I wish".

"What do you mean, you wish?"

"He doesn't remember me".

"I am sure he will soon. He has just gotten out of a coma he was in for a month. It will all come back to him".

"I hope so. If he doesn't remember, it will be like Riley is dead; you know...I am not sure I want to live here if he doesn't remember me. Just the one month that he spent in that coma was torture".

"Don't say that. He will remember you. You did say the doctors were sure he would not wake up, he did. I am sure getting his memory back will be as easy as pie".

"I really hope so".

"You know...talking to you all those months, I have realized something, which seems to have eluded you".

I ran a hand through my hair.

"What is that?" I typed and sent.

"You love Riley".

"Of course I love Riley, he's my friend"

"I don't mean that kind of love. You have fallen for him".

My mouth hung open.

"That's absurd Winston!"

"I know what I'm talking about Cass. You are in love with him; you just don't know it".

"Winston, I am not in love with Riley. The only person in love with Riley is Mandy".

"Mandy? Your friend?"

"Yes. She did not admit it, but I see the way she looks at him. He seems to enjoy it".

"It's funny how you can know that Mandy loves him, but you cannot see that you do. What do you mean "he seems to enjoy it"?"

"Never mind".

"You could stop lying to yourself before you lose him".

I have already lost him, I thought.

"I have to go. Goodnight", I typed.

I logged out before Winston had the chance to say anything else.

He was right. He was freaking right and I wanted to curl in bed and just cry. It was rather funny. I had fallen for my best friend. Of course the first guy I had to really like was the guy who saw me as the little brother he had to protect, the guy whose sexual orientation was a thousand-piece puzzle; how more cliché did I need to be?

But honestly, how could I not fall for him? Riley was...he was that kind of a guy that was a mystery to many. He hid himself to appear tougher than he really was. I saw him, I knew the sweet protective guy. He was caring and funny and just beautiful. We had great moments together.

My feelings for Riley were going to ruin things, except, there was nothing to ruin. Riley didn't even know me. To him our friendship didn't exist. Falling for him didn't matter. He didn't remember me and even if he did, he wouldn't date me.

I heard the main door open and close. Minutes later, I heard steps on the stairs and later, a knock on my door.

"Buddy, are you in there?" I heard dad's voice.

"Yes, come in", I said.

The door opened and dad walked in, carrying his briefcase. He walked over to my desk.

"How was school?" he asked.

"It was fine. I got my physics results today, an A+. How was work?" I asked.

"That's my boy. You obviously have my brains. I'm proud of you", dad said smiling, and then, "Work was hectic. I'm working on a new case".

"The client cannot be worse than the last?" I said.

"No, the client does understand. The case is just not so simple. So glad I never had to go through a custody battle", dad said.

"It's a custody battle?" I asked.

"Yes. The client is a former English billionaire. This is his second custody battle, for the same children. He lost the first".

Dad loved talking about his work; it was hard to get him to stop. I was not so keen on law, but I humored him. I understood a few things, thanks to him.

"...but dad, if he is English, should he not fight for his children in England?"

"Apparently, the man and his ex-wife along with the children have dual citizenship. After losing the first battle, he decided British law would not help him. He came here instead".

"Do you think he can get the children?" I asked.

"It's unlikely, he has a history of depression and at one time, he was supposedly mentally disturbed, although it was not clinically proved. It's claimed that's what got him close to bankruptcy".

"That seems tough", I said.

"Tell me about it. By the way, Riley's mom called. She could not get you on your cell. Riley is awake", he said with a smile. "He has amnesia though. They are doing scans to determine if it's permanent".

I sighed. One more reminder and I would kill someone.

"I'm going to take a shower", he said and left my room.

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