TA 6

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"Wake up! Riley, wake up!" Someone shouted violently.

I opened one eye, why did I have to wake up if I was not going to school? I closed my eye. The same voice shouted the same words. I opened both my eyes then, preparing to tell mom to leave me the hell alone. There was no one in the room! I rubbed at my eyes vigorously. I scanned the room again and nothing had changed. I frowned as I raised my head. My head was fuzzy and I was certain I did not possess a brain. It felt as if I was... drugged? I got up slowly.

I looked at my computer, the light on the motherboard indicated it was still on. I had left it on for the whole night! If the electricity bill sky-rocketed, I was definitely going to be without my computer for a month. I rubbed my eyes again. Now, where were those irritating rays of sunshine? Please do not tell me it was going to be stormy soon! I got to the computer and moved the mouse. Light engulfed the screen and I was asked to enter my password. Good thing my computer locked itself, or mom would have definitely nosed around.

When the Amanda page came into view, I narrowed my eyes. The light emanating from the screen was blinding me. I opened the curtains to darkness. It was so dark I could not make out anything on the streets. Even the lamp posts that illuminated the road on most nights and stormy days had no light coming from them. It could not be day, not with that darkness. I closed the curtains. I checked the time on the computer. It was definitely night, 12:04 am. I suddenly remembered the shouts.

"...Mom?" I had planned to shout, but only a hoarse whisper came.

I cleared my throat and tried again. It was even worse than the first. I noticed the glass on the desk, and ruefully how empty it was. Well, not quite. I looked closely. There were some powdery white particles at the bottom. There were not many, but they were visible at close inspection. Mom had drugged me. I laughed dryly at that notion; she had merely made sure I took the doctor's medication. Cunning woman, she was.

Feeling thirsty, I headed to the kitchen. I nearly stumbled over my own feet. My head was heavy and truthfully, I preferred to drag it than have it on my neck. Near the kitchen I stopped, I was too tired.

"Are you sure he is sleeping?" I heard a voice. It was a man's voice, rough and manly, not like Mr. Winslow's voice.

"Yes, he is. I...I put something in his drink", a woman voice said. I could swear I had heard the voice before, but the process of thinking about it was too much.

My mind was screaming at me. Those people's voices were harassing me. It was so chaotic in my head I thought it had to be the end. I nearly stumbled, but I steadied myself with the wall. I sat on the floor slowly. It was so cold I shivered slightly.

"...and you are sure he drank it?" the man asked.

"Yes, I checked", the woman said.

The voices seemed to be coming from the kitchen, just a few meters away from me. We were separated by the wall. If I leaned a bit forward, I would definitely see the owners of the voices. Forcing my hands to work, I steadied myself on them and leaned forward. Dizziness engulfed me and since the kitchen was dark, I could only see silhouettes. There seemed to be no one else except the two in the room. I sat back against the wall, cursing myself for leaving my phone behind. Those people were definitely intruders and I had to call the police, urgently. My eyes started dropping.

"Good. You have done well so far", the man said.

"Do you think he can do it Miguel? He is still a kid", the woman said. There was some sort of plea in her voice.

"Of course he can do it. He is 18, a grown man. He is the right age!" the man said, and then continued "...besides, he is the only one who can do it".

The woman sighed weakly.

"No Emily, don't tell me you are having second thoughts about this! We have wasted enough time as it is. He is an heir and will honor his father's wishes, period!" the man said vehemently.

"He fainted today. The doctor said it was exhaustion, but I doubt it", the woman said, tapping on what I presumed was the kitchen counter. I did not possess any strength to check.

"That's very odd indeed. Keep tabs on him. Something must be interfering with his powers", the man said. He seemed troubled.

Silence ensued. Even I stopped breathing, for fear I would be heard. My head felt like it would burst, but every single word in that conversation had entered my ears and my brain had interpreted it. It was a very painful experience.

"What happens after he honors his father's wishes? Will he return?" the woman asked anxiously.

"Return and live like a worthless human? No! He will stay and rule us into prosperity. We will...spare you of course, like I promised", there was mirth in the man's voice. "It's funny how she thought she could deprive us of our prosperity, stupid worthless woman! No, not worthless, she bore us our freedom, as only she could. I will leave you now. Take care of him. You will await further instructions", the man said as if he was in a trance.

I couldn't wait to hear the woman's reply. If the man was leaving, the woman would find me. I had no time to think. I did something I had only done about two times. In the state I was in, I was sure it would hurt, and it did! I instantly transmitted myself to my room. I was not at all sure it would work, but when I saw the familiar surroundings, I smiled weakly. Maybe my powers now worked in emergencies only. My body felt like it was stone. I had no time to process what I had heard as a wave of dizziness engulfed me and I slumped on the bed, my legs hanging. My room dissolved around me.

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