TA 7

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Chapter 3

I opened my eyes to irritating rays of sunshine. The thin curtain seemed to be doing nothing to keep them out. The sun seemed to be directly facing my window. From a distance, I heard the melodious sounds of Metallica. Okay, it was not exactly melodious. If I did not stop it, I was going to have a headache. I scrambled my brains, trying to figure out where I had last seen my phone. I listened closely and located it just at the edge of the bed, on the floor. I picked it up and looked at the caller id. It was Casey.

I pressed the answer button and waited to hear Casey's voice.

"Riley, are you there?" he sounded really concerned.

"Yeah. Aren't you supposed to be in class?"I mumbled.

"No. It's lunch. I was just checking up on you", he said.

"I'm okay Casey", I said.

"I kind of miss you hey, Even Mr. Winslow misses you", Casey said.

I heard loud giggling in the background. Several voices seemed to be engaged in a conversation.

I chuckled. "I really cannot say I miss him too. As for you, I only woke up now so I haven't missed you yet. I'm sure I will. Who wouldn't miss your unnecessary advice?"

"Yeah, yeah, rest and be a good boy, okay?" he said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure you are okay?" he asked when I didn't say anything.

"I'm fine honey", I teased.

"Don't honey me! I gotta go. I have biology", he said. "Rest!"

"I..." I began but the line went dead. He had not even waited for my answer, probably knowing I was going to argue. I smiled to myself just as there was a knock on my bedroom door.


Casey's POV

I flipped my phone closed and stuffed it in my jean pocket. I walked through the hallway to biology class, dragging my feet as I did. School was boring without Riley. I didn't have many friends, in fact, Riley was my only friend. I did not consider Logan a friend. He was friendly, but not best friend material. He was always fooling around and took nothing seriously. I smiled when I realized that all that described Riley too. Riley had a different side though, a caring thoughtful side. We just had that...connection.

I entered biology class and sat at the back. It was only because of Riley that I sat at the back. Riley was not there though, so why was I sitting at the back? A few students were already in class. I opened up my bag and took out my biology schedule. That day we had a lab exercise we needed to complete; determination of blood groups. I shuddered at the thought of blood, I was scared of blood. I only did biology because I loved plants.

I looked around class, the lab exercises were done in pairs. I always did mine with Riley. Riley was not there and I needed a new partner. Luckily, we were allowed to change partners, but I didn't have any true friends and I doubted many would change their partners for me. I couldn't expect them to. I shrugged; I would have to do the exercise on my own. I took out my textbook and did some reading on blood.

"Hi Cass", someone said, passing me.

I looked up; it was Michael Rae, one of the nerds and biology freak. I would get full marks if I asked him to be my lab partner. I mentally frowned; I was not one to sponge off others. I was just going to have to man up and do the exercise, although I already felt like passing out.

"Hi Mike", I said and went back to my reading.

"Cass?" a girl voice enquired.

I looked up and saw Mandy.

"Hi", she said.

"Hi. I didn't know you took biology" I said, smiling.

"I do. I love it", she said.

An idea came to mind. Mandy was new to class and probably did not have a partner. She was nice too, and hey, she loved biology. She did say she wanted to study medicine. I had a good memory. Surely she could tolerate blood?

"Um Mandy, will you be my lab partner?" I asked, my fingers crossed under the table.

She had to say yes or I was going to faint.

"Yes. I was going to ask you the same thing", she said smiling, taking a seat next to me.

She took out her books as Mrs. Miller entered.

"You are warned, I'm afraid of needle pricks so I'll be playing doctor", I said and Mandy smiled.


"I think Mrs. Miller has just convinced me to donate blood", I said to Mandy as we packed up.

We were the last people to leave the class. The lab exercise had gone well, better even. I had gotten my highest mark in lab exercises, thanks to Mandy. She was really good and Mrs. Miller had taken a liking to her. I had not passed out, thank God. I rubbed the spot where the lancet pricked me as Mandy laughed. It was not sore anymore, but there was a small bump.

"You are a universal donor, your blood could save many lives", Mandy commented.

I nodded as I put the last book in my bag and zipped it.

"Speaking of lives, how is your friend doing?"

"Riley? Oh, he says he is fine, but then again, Riley would never say he's not fine. I am going to check on him after school".

We walked out of class.

"That's good. Can I come with? I have something I want to give him".

I mentally frowned. I was not so sure about bringing Mandy with. It just did not seem right. Mandy was a stranger. Okay, she was not exactly a stranger, but I did not know much about her. What would Riley say if I brought her? What on earth was she going to give him anyway? I wasn't being possessive, was I?

"Oh, what?" I asked innocently.

"A story book", she said simply.

My mouth hung open for some seconds before I burst out laughing. I laughed for some time. She was going to give Riley Linley a book?

"You are going to give Riley a book? If you want to cheer him up, get him doughnuts instead. You got physics with Mr. Spencer?"

"...Yeah. I was not my idea to get him a book, he asked for it".

Someone hit me with a brick! Riley asked for a book! Riley never read anything, not even prescribed books! Hell, I had forced him to get a library pass! He did not even read comics. What surprised me much was that, he had asked Mandy of all people to get him a book. When did the conversation even take place, and where? How many times had I tried to make Riley read and he had refused?

Seriously, was I... jealous?

We walked into physics class in silence, my favorite class. Physics was my favorite subject. I was going to study mechanical engineering at college and nothing was going to stop me. I was passionate about mechanics. I had an uncle who was a mechanic and owned a little garage. He was not really that much successful. He was really good with cars though and wished he had a degree so that he could do so much more. I loved fixing cars with him. I was not yet perfect, but it was enough inspiration to study for a degree in mechanical engineering.

Since Mandy and I had left late in biology class, the physics class was almost full. We took a seat at the front.

"You haven't answered my question", Mandy's voice entered my ear.

"Um, yeah, you can come".

It suddenly occurred to me that I could have suggested delivering the book for her. Now that I had allowed her to come with, I could not take it back. I could be an idiot. As I took out my books, Matt walked towards us.

"Cass, I heard what happened to Riley, so sad", he said as he neared us.

I rolled my eyes. Matt seemed to have that effect on me. He got me rolling my eyes so often Riley had suggested I close them when he came around. Thinking about that made me think about Riley. He was probably pleased he did not have to come to school. He was probably bored though, that little holiday of his had happened unexpectedly. He did not have any plans.

"Yeah, sad. Hi to you too Matt", I said.

Matt shook his head. "You are always in a rush".

I had nothing to say to that so I simply continued taking my books out. It was really weird how Matt talked to me so often, even going as far as coming to me. I was one of those people that couldn't stand him. The fact that he did not take my breath away the moment he started talking seemed to not sit well with him. I really could not understand why, it was not like he was interested in me. I knew he was bisexual, but I wasn't his type.

"Who's your friend? She seems new", he asked.

"Matt, meet Amanda, Amanda, meet Matt, the goof with no brains", I said.

"You did not just say that!" Matt said giving me this look that said 'I'm going to get you for this'.

Mandy had been busy taking out her books. She looked up into Matt's eyes. I had never seen the look that crossed Matt's face. He was momentarily stunned. I chuckled to myself, seemed Abby Monroe had competition. Mandy's face gave nothing away.

"Hi, you can call me Mandy", she said gently. Royalty-like, I noticed.

"Nice to meet you Mandy", Matt said as he regained himself.

"Nice to meet you too", Mandy said, paying attention back to her books.

Wow! No girl had ever dismissed Matthew Allen, not when he clearly wanted to stay. He looked stunned and tried desperately to hide it, but I noticed. Mr. Spencer walked in. Matt probably thought Mandy dismissed him because the teacher was in class; he smiled as he walked away. I looked around class and noticed Abby Monroe was not in it. She most definitely would not have liked the look on Matt's face when Mandy had looked at him.

"Good day class", Mr. Spencer started.

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