TA 8

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Chapter 4

Riley's POV

I was stunned a bit. The person knocked again.

"Come in", I said and cleared my throat.

Mom walked in with a basket of fresh clothes, my clothes. She looked cheerful. There was a twinkle in her eye. Even her grey hair seemed darker than normal. I could swear the wrinkles on her face had been reduced overnight. She was wearing a smile.

"Good day Riley", she said happily.

"Good day", I mumbled.

I regained myself and a rush of questions wanting to be answered engulfed me.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I started.

She frowned and answered casually. "Why would I do that? You hate it when I wake you up. You needed that sleep anyway".

She started folding clothes and putting them in my closet.

"Mom, you drugged me, right?" I said as I sat up.

It was not a question. I was accusing her. She did not scold me. She did not even seem angry, or the least taken aback.

"No, I merely made sure you took your medication".

She did not even look at me. I shrugged, what was done was done. Something entered my head. It was not painful, no, it was mesmerizing. It was a headache of some sort. I felt as though I ought to remember something, but what? The pain of not knowing frustrated me, why did I feel the need to remember something? I sighed heavily.

Mom turned suddenly. "What's wrong?" I sensed alarm in her voice.

"It's nothing", I said quickly.

"Maybe I should take you back to the doctor", she said.

"No!" I nearly shouted. "No, I'm fine", I said calmer.

She looked at me, as though unsure if I was telling the truth.

"It's just that my powers have been acting up, nothing serious", I said reassuring her.

That sentence did not seem to reassure her at all. The shirt that she was about to hang fell off her hands.

"Well, there is nothing a doctor can do about that, is there?"

"Mom, can I go to school to get my bike?" I asked.

"No Riley you will not...absolutely not! Your friend will get it for you", she said.

My mouth hung open, "Casey? Casey doesn't know how to ride a bike".

"...No, not Casey, that other friend of yours. Logan, is it?"

I frowned, "Yes, Logan. That is rather a waste of time. I have the keys with me. He would have to come..."

Mom interrupted. "He doesn't mind".

Her mood seemed to have changed. I could not see her face, but her voice suggested she was not happy. It was not new. She didn't want me to use my powers or talk about them. It still bugged me why she was not scared when I showed her what I could do. We had gone on living normally, like my powers were normal. I was certain any parent would take me to the authorities the second I levitated objects by just looking at them. I had even thought of doing so myself. There was nothing worse than discovering that you were different, that you did not fit in. I was a teenager and was always surrounded by teenagers having trouble fitting in. In their cases, money, looks, hobbies and talents were the issue. My case was worse, I was not even human and well...at least that was what I thought. No human being could do what I could.

"I'm going to visit Miss Wallace down the road. I'll make some sandwiches for you before I go", she cut short my thoughts.

"No, go. I'll make them myself", I said hurriedly.

She raised a brow, "Trying to get rid of me?"

"No, no, trying to ease your burden mom. You do a lot for me already", I said sweetly.

"Okay, I'll be gone in a few minutes. Rest, okay?" she said.

I nodded and kissed her on the cheek. I watched as she walked away. After the door was closed, I sat on my chair by the desk and placed my head on the keyboard. The buttons pricked at my skin, but I did not care. I cursed myself. Apart from my powers, I had beast-like urges. I had not told mother about it. There were times I imagined myself tearing someone apart, breaking every single bone in their body, spilling every drop of blood. I could not think all those thoughts on my own, I was not like that. I was selfish, but I did not wish anyone any harm. I was certain those urges came with the powers.

I raised my head a few minutes later when there was a knock on my bedroom door. I rubbed at the small bumps that had formed on my forehead, they were painful.

"I'm leaving", mom shouted.

"Okay", I shouted back.

A few minutes later, I heard the front door open and close. I took a quick shower, changed into fresh clothes; a white t-shirt, blue checked shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I brushed my teeth and headed to the kitchen. Just before I entered the kitchen, I stopped. I had a feeling of déjà-vu, like I had been there before. Of course I had been there before! What was wrong with me? For goodness' sake, it was the kitchen; the kitchen I entered almost every single day.

Again, something entered my head, urging me to remember something. I just couldn't. It was frustrating. Was it mom's birthday? Casey's? Logan's? Logan would have to forgive me. He had never bothered to remember mine anyway.

I entered the immaculate kitchen. It was always spotless, like mom did not even cook in it in the first place. Mom did not really have anything to do so cleaning was her hobby. I got the bread and made peanut butter and jam sandwiches. I was not really a fan of peanut butter, but there was not much we could afford. I opened the fridge. As I was about to take the milk out, someone knocked on the front door. I closed the fridge and rushed to the door. It had to be Logan.

I opened the door swiftly.

"Dude, you better not..." I halted.

It was not Logan. I was staring into the bluest of eyes. He was staring at me quizzically.

"Casey, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just thought I should check on you, and I brought someone with", he said stepping aside. A brunette came into view.

I frowned, "How about calling first?"

Casey just smiled his cute smile. It was not new; Casey always came to my house unannounced. I admit he had gotten the habit from me. I didn't have a problem with him visiting my house, sometimes, but, with Mandy? I barely knew the girl.

"Uh...err, you can come in".

Did I stutter? I had never stuttered in all my 18 years. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but it just seemed weird. I was always on top of things.

I walked aside to let Casey and Mandy pass. We walked to the living room in silence. Mandy and Casey sat on the two people couch facing the TV and I sat on the single one on Mandy's left.

"Nice hairstyle", Casey remarked and giggled.

He was making fun of my uncombed hair. I had not bothered combing it, seeing as I was not going anywhere. If I went out and mom found out, I would not hear the end of it. I was a rebel, right? Until I figured out what was wrong with my powers, I was going to be the good boy. That was a really hard thing to do.

"I did not get a chance to comb it, okay?" I said amidst Casey's giggles.

"I think it's sexy", Mandy stunned me.

I smirked. "Take that Casey. By the way, have you seen Logan?" I asked.

"Yeah, we saw him at school. He said he was going to come by later", Casey replied, toying with the TV remote.

"Idiot!" I exclaimed.

Casey laughed knowingly, "Any reason why you need him?"

"Yeah, he's supposed to bring my bike back".

"Don't hold your breath, he was with Savannah".

I shook my head. It was really strange why girls even liked Logan, he was an idiot.

"I almost forgot, I brought you this", Mandy said handing me a book that I had not noticed on her earlier.

"I meant to ask, you are actually going to read that?" Casey asked.

I took the book from Mandy.

"Yes Casey. Why wouldn't I? Thanks Mandy" I said.

The book had an intriguing cover. There was a picture of a girl, a beautiful girl. She was young, Caucasian, fresh faced with a tiny mole above her upper lip on the left side of her nose. She had raven black curly hair that seemed endless. She seemed familiar, with her green eyes that seemed to be staring back at me. She was smiling cheekily. In the background, almost invisible was what looked like a castle. Above the girl's head was the title, "Lands of Azuria".

"Riley, you don't read!" Casey said.

"I do now. I do have to write a story, remember?"

I smiled at Mandy who smiled back. "What's it about?" I asked, toying with book.

"You are just going to have to read it", Mandy said and Casey seemed satisfied with the answer because he nodded.

"I have to go to the bathroom, second door on the right?" Casey asked.

"You really have to ask?" I retorted.

"Yeah, I do. Things change", Casey said standing up.

"...Change? You were here a few days ago", I said to Casey's disappearing back.

Silence consumed the room. I toyed with the book in my hands. I looked at the back; the book did not have a summary.

"The author, Nathaniel Baker..." I said reading at the back, "Do you know anything about him, like, his other books?"

Mandy looked at the seat Casey had just vacated, before saying, "No".

There was silence of about a minute, before I asked, "You said you had to get the book from your mom, do you stay with your parents?"

I pretended I was not looking at her, but I was watching her closely.

"...My mom. My dad is...dead, What about you?"

"I live with my mom too".

"Where's your dad?" Mandy asked casually.

The question caught me by surprise. I had never really allowed myself to think about a father. I grew up with no father-figure in the house. It was just mom and me. I had taught myself many things. There were things mom could not teach me and I had had to learn them on my own. I was always eager to teach myself, so I had never thought of a father who was not there. I knew nothing about him, and there was no way of finding him. I did not want to find him anyway.

"I have never met him", I said casually.

Mandy looked momentarily surprised. I just hoped she did not fish for more details because I was in no mood to talk about someone I had never met. Suddenly, something came to mind. Harry Cornwall...

"You said you are from Silica Town?" I asked.

Mandy nodded.

"Were you born there?"

"Yes", she replied curtly.

I narrowed my eyes thoughtfully. She seemed very sure of her answer. It was contradictory to what I had read on the internet though. She was lying to me; she was shamelessly lying to me. Why lie though?

"Why did you move?"

"Mom got a new job, she's a representative of a pharmaceutical company", she replied.

I could figure out when people were lying, but with Mandy, it would be impossible to tell, had I not known beforehand. The lies spilled out of her, almost with no effort. They did not seem rehearsed, but factual. Could what I read be about someone else? Was I so intrigued with Mandy I mistakenly thought I saw her on that internet page?

I heard the front door open. I stood up, but before I could exit the living room, Logan came into view.

"Wow, this is a little cozy", he remarked smirking, his eyes growing a bit bigger.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I retorted.

"Hi Mandy", he said smiling.

Mandy mumbled her "hi".

I tapped on the floor with my foot, indicating that I was waiting for his answer.

"Your mom said you did not need any disturbances as you would be resting. Boy, she had no idea what you would be up to! Anyway, I figured if I knocked, you would have to come open the door, which would be rather tedious for you".

Logan chose that moment to be smart. He had silenced me. I could not think of anything to say to him about manners after that.

"I will get the keys", I said, leaving Mandy with Logan, who had taken Casey's vacated seat.

I got the keys from my bag and headed to the living area.

"...three is a crowd, right Casey?" I got the tail end of Logan's question.

"I'll be sure to remind you that when Savannah dumps you and you have lunch with us", Casey replied.

"Savannah? Where have you been living? Savannah is old news", Logan said smirking.

I handed Logan the keys and shooed him out.

"Whoever your two-day girlfriend is, I don't want her on my bike. You are to come straight here, okay?" I uttered last minute instructions before I shoved him out.

I returned to the living room and found Casey on my seat. I folded my arms.

"Get off my seat mister", I said firmly.

"No!" Casey said defiantly.

"Casey, I am not going to ask again", I said.

"You haven't asked me", he said, sticking her chin in the air.

I took a deep breath.

"Casey!" I groaned.

"Yes Riley?" he said sweetly.

Mandy giggled at my frustration.

"Get off my chair!" I bellowed.

Casey smiled, "Make me".

I pretended to be hurt, which was a very hard job to do because I was a bad actor and I rarely got hurt.

"You are a bad friend, you know that? I just came out of a hospital Casey and you are treating me like this", I said.

Casey immediately stopped smiling. I could tell he was not buying my pretence pain, but I had struck something there.

"Fine, crybaby, come sit", he said finally.

When I was seated and he on Mandy's right, he looked at me suspiciously for a moment. I frowned.

"How are you?" he asked.

The question did nothing to alleviate my frown.

"Fine, like I told you not so long ago", I replied curtly, wanting to stop a rush of question I knew were ensuing.

"You know Riley, people do not just faint for no reason" Casey the expert said. Here comes the unnecessary advice.

"The doctor said it was exhaustion, I am sure you heard him", I retorted.

"Which begs the question, what exhausts you?" he asked.

I looked at Mandy for help. She shrugged. Thanks a lot!

"I don't know Casey!" I said.

"I'm just saying that, maybe there's an underlying cause of the fainting that the doctor doesn't know about. I mean, not all doctors are good at what they do", Casey said.

"Cass is right Riley; you need a second opinion on the matter", Mandy chipped in.

I looked at Mandy with the look that screamed, "you too?"

"You want to be helpful Casey? Get me a plate of sandwiches I left in the kitchen. Pour me a glass of milk too", I said.

Casey stared daggers at me before he left.

Mandy opened her mouth.

"Not a word from you", I said.

"No, it's not about you fainting. I just wanted to know why you call him Casey", she said.

"It's his name", I said simply.

"You seem to be the only one who calls him that. Everyone calls him Cass", she said.

"There's not really much to it. I just wanted to be different", I said.

I didn't lie. I just wanted to be different and his name offered many nicknames. When I met him, he had introduced himself as "Cass", like everybody called him. We were in freshman year, Aqua town high school. At first I had no idea Cass was not his full first name. I called him Cass like everybody else. I later discovered the full name was Cassidy when I saw it on his books. He said he hated his full name. One day I was about to say Cassidy but remembered he hated it so I said "Casey" instead. He said he loved it so I continued calling him that. That was how it all originated, nothing special about that.

"Think I can get a special name too?" Mandy asked sweetly.

Mandy was asking me for a special name for her. I had never realized how intimate a "special name" was. Weren't people in relationships the ones who had special names for their partners? Giving Casey his name had not been a big deal, it had seemed normal. Hell, the name was not really special. There was, this girl I barely knew and she was asking me for a special name. If I didn't know better, I would say she was flirting with me.

"Err...I cannot think of one, yet", I said.

"Relax, I'm only joking. Mandy is fine", she said chuckling.

Casey returned with a plate of sandwiches and a glass of milk. He was walking so slow I had to laugh.

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