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•∞Two Months Later∞•

Marinette walked up to the preschool and smiled at Emma's teacher. Emma's nanny would have normally got her, since she was so busy with her growing fashion industry, but she wasn't as busy today and her nanny was on a vacation. Every time Alya and Nino came over, she refused to let them in the house claiming it was a mess and wouldn't let Adrien in when he asked to see Emma. Her teacher gasped and walked up to her. "Y-Y-You're Marinette-"

"Yes, I am," Marinette sighed but kept a smile. "Would you like a picture?" She nodded and took the picture.

"I'm sorry. That was very immature of me," she pushed her bangs back and pulled her braid over her shoulder then smiled at Marinette. "I'm Madame Selim. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to get my uhm," even after two months, she's still getting used to Emma. She still sleeps in that giant guest bedroom and hasn't redone it for her. The Agency hasn't sent her another letter yet. "To get my daughter. Emma." Emma turned upon hearing her name and smiled and ran to her mother.

"Ah, I've been meaning to speak with you about her," she bent down to Emma who was hugging Marinettes leg. "Can you go play with the toys while I talk to your mommy?" Emma nodded and ran off to the other kids playing. Marinette followed her into a tiny room with a desk. Her office. She sat down and Marinette sat on the other side. She pulled out Emma's file from a drawer in her desk. "We like to keep files on all of the children just in case they do something, bad, and we need to contact the parents."

"Go on?" Marinette clasped her hands together as the void of anxiety grew in her chest where her heart once was.

Madame Selim opened the file and examined it. "Emma Valentine Dupain-Cheng, age 4, born March 6. Allegories, none. then here in notes her, nanny is it?" Marinette nodded. "Her nanny mentioned that Emma tends to have violent outbursts along with fits of loneliness at home. Now here, those outbursts are starting to affect the other children, so they will not play with her and rather push her out. Last week she bit another child for touching her arm by accident and yesterday she punched a boy in the head."

"Oh dear." Marinette cursed herself under her breath.

"Now, normally we would give. Three strikes. One for every offense and depending on the offense would depend on what we do. Hurting a child is an immediate expulsion but, seeing as we weren't able to contact you we kept her in. Now, we will give her one more strike but if she hurts another child we will expel her." Madame Selim put the folder away.

"I-I'm sorry but I don't really know how to control her." Marinette mumbled and Madame looked at her.

"Excuse me?"

"I gave Emma away when I was twenty and then the agency gave her back to me due to our contract. I don't know how to control her." Madame hummed and nodded.

"How long have you had her under your care?" Madame asked, pushing her brown and black rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose, them falling down slightly.

"A-About two months."

"Does she have a room she can call hers?" Marinette shook her head. "Then start there. You're a designer. Make her some clothes that are her style and give her bedroom a makeover. I'm sure you can find someone to help you with that. Just make her feel like she's at home. I've seen her adore the colors red, green, blue, black and white. Go along that." Marinette nodded and they walked out of the tiny office and found Emma crying in the corner. Marinette ran to her and gently picked her up.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Marinette tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"S-S-S-S-Someone t-t-t-took my Ch-Chat Noir d-d-d-doll th-then a-a-another b-boy p-pulled m-my hair and-and pushed m-me down." Marinette gently kissed the small scratch on her forehead, it slowly healing but faster then normal. Being Ladybug for so long made her have a little bit of healing powers.

"Who took your doll and pushed you Emma?" Emma pointed to two kids. One girl with long blonde hair and a boy with small waves in his blond hair. "Why did they do that?"

"Th-They said th-th-that someone a-as awe-awesome a-as you c-c-couldn't be m-my Mommy." She sniffled. Marinette wiped away her snotty nose and rubbed her head gently as she put her daughter down. Emma looked up at her mother as tears streamed down her small, pale, freckled face.

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