part 1

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So here is a 2 or 3 shot Rikara story.... It's a different plot for me... I write it 2 months ago but forgot to publish... Hehe, 🙊🙊🙊🙊

I plan for 2 shot but if needed I'll give 3 ...
Hope you all like it...
Next update is depends on the response... 😄😄😄😜😜😝😝

Ok... Enjoy.... ....


He change his clothes and come out from the washroom....

He saw her already lay on bed with changed clothes...
The room decorations are still on...
He sigh and put his clothes inside cupboard...
He turn to look at her...

She is sleeping facing her back to him...
He knows she is awake.... But he could  talk with her....

Then his eye fall on the table...
The food plate is still untouched...
It means she didn't eat?

He take the plate and go near her...

"You... You didn't eat? Have something before sleep"

He said...
She open her eyes but not look at him..

"I.... I am not hungry"

She said...
Her voice is heavy and not clear...
Because she cried for long time...
He doesn't know how to talk further...

"See.... Sleep in.... Empty stomach is not good for you... Please have something"

He said looking away from her...

"Please don't force me.... I am ok"

She said and cover herself with blanket... Her mind is messed up...

He stood there for few seconds... Don't know how to convince her to eat...

"At least think about the baby... He might be hungry"

He said...

She slowly uncover the blanket and both look at each other...
They want to talk a lot...
They want to complain a lot...
They want to console each other...


He said....
She sat on bed and took the food plate without looking him..

Her face is red due to crying...
He sigh and put the glass of water on her side table and went to the balcony attached with the room...

He stood and look outside...
He looks the whole house and his room is decorated beautifully.....

Today is their marriage day...
He married to her today....
But why they both behaving weird...

No matter what he have to accept all this.... He have to take responsibility...
Right now she needs support, care, love, attention...
She deserves to be happy... At least in this state she needs to be happy...
Because she is pregnant....

He is lost in thought when he heard some sounds...
He run to the room... And found her running to the bathroom...
He followed her....
She vomit all the little amount of food what she ate...

He quickly come with water...
She wipe her face and drink water...

"Are you ok? Should I call someone? '

He ask worried...

"No... I... I am fine"

She said wiping her face with towel...
She is coming out from the bathroom but again she feel vomiting...

"What is happening? "

He is tensed now...

"May be.... The flower decorations... I read an article.... In... In pregnancy we feel nauseous to many things"

She said drinking a little more water..
He quickly come to the room and start removing all the decorations...
It's decorated for their first night....

He remove all and put all the stuff in a corner of balcony and close the door... So the smell of the flower do not come  inside...

"You can come now"

He said...
She come inside and see the decorations are off...

"Thank you"

She said and went to the bed...

"You just vomit whatever you ate... Drink this juice at least"

He forward a glass of juice to her...
She look at him for a second and then drink it....
She lay on bed....

"We.... We'll go for your check up tomorrow"

He said lying other side off the bed... Both back is facing each other...
She didn't reply....
But he knows how much she is stressed... And he is worried about her  and baby's health...

A small smile come to his face remembering it....

While she is sad of remembering it..
A mother should be happy to hear the news.... But she is sad... Why?

"Good night Gauri"

"Good night Ommkara"

They both try to sleep..


Next day....

They freshen up and come down...
All the family is on breakfast table...

They look at Rikara but ignore....
Gauri feel uncomfortable and stop in her track....
Ommkara look at her and understand...
He hold her hand and both come to the breakfast table....

"Shreya... Take my and shakti breakfast to my room"

Saying this pinky stand up to go....

"We also have our breakfast with you mummy ji"

Swetlana said.... Anf samar also stand up...
Samar is ommkara younger brother...
He married to swetlana....
Pinky and shakti singh oberoi are his parents....

"Shakti.... Are you coming or not? "

Pinky said... Shakti stand up...

"Pinky please... Don't behave like this... They are our child"

He said...

"I already cleared it that I won't accept this girl as my bahu.... So please don't force me"

Pinky said and sakti went silent...

"Please.... Because of me you all don't leave like this.... I'll go from here"

Gauri said trying to control her sobs...
Ommkara feel hurt but he can't do anything....

"We don't need any help from you ok.... You know what?? I am just feeling suffocated to see you here... I never thought that I will get a bahu like you...  Who get pregnant before marriage"

Pinky taunt....

"Mom please"

Ommkara defeat....

"Why you are defending her ommkara?? These types of girls are like this.... They just want to enjoy... And when they get into trouble like this.... They search for an innocent boy like you... To put all the things"

Swvtlana said.... She continue...

"Who knows with how many men she slept and now pregnant with who's child"

"Stop it"

Ommkara shout....
Swvtlana get shock....
While Gauri is crying now....

"Just stop it... I know whatever happened was wrong.... I am guilty for that.... But that doesn't mean you'll say like this swvtlana..... Don't forget that she is my wife and your sis in law... She is elder in relation"

Ommkara warn....

"Ommkara.... Is this way to talk "

Samar said...

"And is this the way to talk to my wife Samar?? You are worries for your wife's respect so  I am"

Ommkara said....

"Ommkara stop it... You are shouting on your family because of this cheap girl"

Pinky said...

"She is not cheap mom... She is my wife... My family.... She deserves all the respect like swvtlana.... I already said sorry for our mistake and I'll be sorry for life time.... But I can't tolerate her insult.... And swvtlana I don't care whatever you say.... This is my child.... My responsibility.... I had already give you the DNA test report and after that I don't want to explain anything.... You don't want to see Gauri right? Then fine... We'll never come in front of you from now not my child"

Saying this ommkara hold Gauri hand and went out from the house.....
Sakti try to stop him but no use....


"Gauri please stop crying.... It's not because of you"

Since one hour ommkara is trying to calm Gauri....
They come to their other house leaving oberoi mansion....

Ommkara sit besides her....

"Gauri please.... It's not good for you to cry like this please"

Ommkara said...

"Why you left your home because of me ommkara? Please leave me in my situation.... Go back to your family"

Gauri said sobbing....

"Stop it Gauri.... How could you say this....  how can I leave you"

Ommkara is a little bit angry...
Gauri stand up... She is frustrated....

"Because I am the one who is responsible for all this.... Why you were stubborn to marry me ommkara?? Why you couldn't leave me at that time.... I was also fool that I agree with you.... It was good if I abort this child.... "


Ommkara shout and Gauri stop in shock to see his anger....

"How could you say this Gauri... How could I let you kill our child... Don't forget that I have equal rights as you"

Now Gauri is silent...
But ommkara is angry....

"You want to kill this child so all problem will solve right?? Ok... Then let's go... Let's go the hospital and abort it... Come"

He hold her hand tightly and pull her but she stop him...
Of course she said everything in frustation but she will never do that...

"No please... I.... I am sorry"

She plead...
Ommkara melt and make her sit on bed...
He hug her and caress her hair....
She hig him and sobs....

"Calm down.... Give it some time.... Everything will be fine"

He said....


That night.....

After dinner both sit in balcony on sofa....  Looking at the sky...

"Ommkara... Can i ask you something? "

Gauri said looking down..
All this are shocking for her...


Ommkara said still looking at the sky....

"Why you decide to marry me? You.... You like komal di... Your marriage fix with her.... If you want then you would be happy with can just ignore about me .. Then why you marryme? By fighting against your family? Why you save this child and... "

"Our child Gauri.... It's our child Gauri... Not this child"

He said looking at her...
Gauri look at him amazed....
The way he always said our child Possesivly... The way he accept this child it's shock Gauri... When he could consider it's a mistake and forgot... But he couldn't... Even he just did his best to save the child... He stop her from abortion before marriage.. He fight with his family to marry her... Why? Why he loves this child this much...

Ommkara sigh and look at again to the sky....

"You know the reason Gauri... I love our child... That's why... (Looking her) I accept whatever happened between us that was out fault... A mistake... We just flooded with emotions and.....
But our child is innocent Gauri... How can I let him suffer "

"I know that you love this child the most... But I am asking why? You.... I am sorry to say this but you can have a child with komal di.... Do you know she hates me now... My family hates me now... And I know they are right... I did a sin which destroy everyone's life... You, komal di, my family, your family everything"

Gauri eyes feel with tear...

"Did you really think that was a sin whatever happened between us? "

Ommkara ask hurt...
Obviously he knew what they did was wrong... But still his heart don't want to accept it wrong.... There is something between them that made him weak and he ended up doing that mistake....

Gauri don't know how to describe her pain... She never blame him for all this....

"I don't know ommkara.... But you were not responsible for anything but now you are facing everything because of me.. I was and I am responsible.... Then why you"

"Gauri please"

Now he is irritated.... Gauri look at him with teary eyes..

"Why you are always saying only you are responsible? Why? When a woman get pregnant not only she but the man is also equally responsible"

Ommkara said.... Gauri look down...

"I am sorry for hurting you ommkara"

Ommkara sigh...

"It's ok Gauri.... But I think I should tell you truth behind my decision.... The truth is"

They look at each other....

"There are two reason....I feel something for you... I don't know what is it.... But that time when I was with you I didn't feel anything wrong... Didn't I tell you after that night but you refuse and left saying it was.... It was one night stand.... "

Gauri looks down feeling ashamed...

"I am sorry Gauri I don't want to make you feel  uncomfortable...  But I truly feel something for you which I never felt for anyone... Not even for komal... "

Ommkara said...
Gauri look at him...

"But you were engaged with komal di"

"Yes... But I don't have any explaintion for this.... And the second reason is our baby Gauri... I don't want to give him the life I suffered from... I can't let him consider himself as an Illegitimate child"

Ommkara said... Gauri gasp...

"What do you mean? "

"I am shakti singh oberoi kid... But not pinky singh oberoi.... I am an Illegitimate child Gauri"

He said....


Hmm... Did you like it?
Hope so....
Next part will try to update soon..,


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