part 2

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At the last of the chappy i write something for all of you... Please read...

No proof read.. .....

Gauri is shock to hear this...
How it is possible?

"What? "

Gauri ask.... Ommkara sigh and nods looking down...

"But... I... I never felt like that"

Gauri ask...
Ommkara look at her...

" because no one wants to show this"

"Do you know who is your real mother"

Ommkara nods in negative...

He sigh and get ready to tell everything...

"Actually it was...... "

"No ommkara... If you don't want then "

"No Gauri... You are my wife... You have right to know... "

Ommkara said... Gauri is touched by his words...

"I was 8 year old when I about to know everything about my life.... I was in an orphanage... "

Gauri is shock....

"I know you are shock.... I was also shock when I know I have a father... And then I came to oberoi mansion and meet my father, pinky maa and 5 year old samar.. "

Gauri patiently listen him...

"My father and my real mother was in a relationship when they were in college... After their breakup my father just forgot about her and get married... But my mother was pregnant at that time"

"Your mother didn't try to talk with uncle? And how you ended up in an orphanage? "

Gauri ask...
Ommkara chuckle....

"I don't know the real truth... People  told that my mother didn't want me... So after I born she gave me to an orphanage and get married to someone... No one knows what is my real mother name... I was... In the orphanage... Living like an orphan when I had parents"

His voice become heavy by thinking about that... Gauri feel bad for him....

"Then one day my father showed up... Saying he is my father.... "

"How he knows about you? "

Gauri ask...

"He knew about me from the starting... My mother had already informed him... But he didn't come to meet me because of the fear of so called society... When I come oberoi mansion.... For the outer world I was adopted... But the family know the truth"

Ommkara said with teary eyes...
Gauri place her hand on his shoulder....

"I am sorry..... "

"You know Gauri... The whole family behave with me like I was a trash.... Only my grandma loves me... It's only she who force my father to take me here... Pinky mom behave gentle in front of everyone but only I know how much she hates me... She always taunt me.... I was alone in that house... Then I decided I'll do whatever they want and will be an obedient child.. Then everyone will loves me... "

He ended up sobbing...

"I did what my dad wants... I did what pinky mom wants...i agree to marry komal because mom wanted to....I always did what summer wants but still I am an illegitimate child for all of them... I know how much I suffered for love an affection...and that's the reason I just went so close to you without my knowledge...because I felt the love and affection with you Gauri"

He look at Gauri who's eyes also teary after hearing him...

"You were asking me why I accept you? Why I want this baby? Because I don't want my baby to suffer like me Gauri... Because of my parents selfishness I suffered and still suffering.... I don't want that for my baby... When I know the truth about... About your pregnancy I was so tensed... Because I don't want the hell life for my child.... And I knew that you wouldn't abort it Gauri... I can see in your eyes the same pain I have.... That's why I decided to take this responsibility... I want to live all those childhood with my baby Gauri...please don't snatch that from me..."

Ommkara finish and Gauri feel guilty... For hurting him... This man is ready to face everything for their child.... Who doesn't even born yet....

"I am sorry"

Gauri hug him and try to console him....
He also hug her....
Ommkara broke the hug wipe her tears...
They both are feeling  emotional...

"I know that you also have your own story.... If you want you can share with me Gauri.... We are life partners... We can share each other pain... I know you have a burden on your heart... "

Ommkara said and Gauri is amazed...

"How... How do you know that? "

Yes... Gauri have her own story and it's not less than ommkara story... Both have some bitter past...

"I know... Because you are not like those girls who can be with a boy like that... When you came to me that night you were in miserable condition.... I was also... That's why we ended up doing a big mistakes... But when I ask you in the morning... You just run away making me believe that you are a bad girl"

Ommkara said... Gauri is amazed that how he observe her deeply....

"Did you believe what I said....that.. Time"

Gauri ask looking down...
Feeling guilty... Ommkara look at her...

"Yes... I believe"

Ommkara reply... Gauri look at him....

"Then why you... Ask me.... About that night.... When we met again in your engagement? "

Gauri ask...
Ommkara smile...

"When I met you in the engagement... I saw in your eyes that pain.... And... And I was guilty for my deed... So I just wanted to know about you"

Ommkara said honestly...

"I am sorry ommkara... At that time I didn't have any idea... I was guilty... In shame... I was"

"I can understand Gauri.... If you don't want then it's ok"

He said looking at her....
Gauri look at him with teary eyes... For the first time she found someone with whom she can share everything....
She sigh and look down...

"As you know I was living with my chacha, chachi .. And komal di is their daughter... My cousin sis... I lost my parents when I was 10... Since then they are living in my house"

Gauri said... Ommkara is confuse...

"Your house? "

He ask... Gauri nods...
Both don't know anything about each other life....
So many things happen after they met... They didn't have time to talk.... So they have no idea about each other life...

"All the property... House you saw... All those are mine... My parents property... And now all are in my name.... "

She said.. Ommkara is shock..

"What? But they were showing like it was their property? '

Ommkara is shock...
Gauri look at him...

"Yes... They are enjoying in my money... But I was an unwanted person in their life always.... Like you I was also living in their conditions...they were there as my guidance..but not as my family.... Only komal di talked with me nicely and help me everytime"

She said feeling guilty....

"I don't think she loves you... If she really loves you then why she told you to abort our baby? "

Ommkara feel a little angry remembering that incident... When komal force Gauri for abortion... Only he knows how he saves their baby and Gauri at that time... He felt living in hell for that moment...
Gauri look at ommkara...

"I can't blame her for this ommkara.... She was going to marry you . .. How can she digest that.... That I am pregnant with your child"

She said looking down... Ommkara also look down....
There is silence for few minutes...

"I don't understand one thing.... When we met in Singapore... You were.... Behaving like a spoiled rich kid... Why? But in real you are... Not like that"

Ommkara said looking at her...
Gauri too look him then look away....

"I was frustrated from my life... And was.. Just trying to find some peace in my life... And... Those frustation, anxiety lead me to... To you"

She said still looking away.... Ommkara understand...

"We both are in same page Gauri.... But from now... We shouldn't think or search love outside or with others .... Now we both have a responsibility... And we can live a happy life with our baby Gauri.... Can you be with me in this? "

Ommkara said and forward his hand towards her...
Gauri look at him with teary eyes... Then she look at his hand and give her hand to him....
Both smile with tear in their eyes....

They are ready to start a new life with each other... With the baby.... Forgetting their bitter past....


Please read: so I thought before I would end this story like this... But I think it will be injustice with readers if I don't give you the I have the clear scenes in my mind for their past.... So I decided to reveal the whole past... How rikara met.. How all this happend..and it will take more 2-3 maybe it's 4-5 shot.... This chapter is to show their state of mind at that time.... In the next part the whole story will reveal... But yes... Next update depends on the response 😜😜😜🤣🤣🤣


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