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It's been a three days since Chad left me. I've been staying with Joy and Jensen since he left. I hear the baby cry and I open the door to the room. I walk over to the crib and pick Savannah up. I pull a face when I smell her. "Looks like someone needs a nappy change."

Joy enters the room with a smile on her face. "You look so cute holding my daughter. Are you sure you want to wait before you have a child of your own?"

I nod. "Yes, I'm sure. I just hope when the time comes that I won't be a horrible Mum."

She walks over to me. "You're not going to be a horrible Mum. It's something that comes to you naturally. When I first brought Savannah home I was scared. But, Jensen's Mum was here to help us. I just wish that I had my own here to help." she picks up a nappy from in the bag and she gives it to me. "I'm going to teach you to put on a nappy. When it's time for you to have baby you'll know how to do it."

I pull Savannah's pants down her leg and I take the nappy off her. I wipe her clean and throw the wipes into the nappy on the floor.

Joy tells me how to do it and I follow her instructions. I pull Savannah's pants back into place. Joy kisses her daughter's cheek. Then she looks at me. "You've changed you first nappy."

Jensen enters the room and he looks at his wife. "What's going on in here?"

Joy walks over to him and wraps her arms around him. "I was teaching Grace 'how to change' Savannah."

Jensen wipes his forehead. "Phew, I'm glad it wasn't me left to clean that up." he walks over to me and he takes her. He blows a raspberry on her stomach and she laughs.

There so cute together. I wonder how Chad will be with ours. If I hang around Joy and her husband any longer I'm going to want to have a baby.

I look at the clock across the room. Then I say. "I have a few things I need to do. I'll be back later." I exit the room.

Joy follow me. "Where are you going, Grace?"

I look away from her as I move toward my room. In the room I pick up my handbag and turn towards her. "I want to pick up some things for when Chad returns."

She smiles. "You want to pick up some lingerie for when he returns home?"

I feel my face heat up.

Joy laughs. "Go to Victoria's Secret. Tell them your friends with me and they'll give you a discount. Ask for Cassandra Jones. She'll show you the best things in store." She winks.

She's so cheesy.

I put my bag over my shoulder and I exit the room. "See you later, Joy." I make my way to the car. I open the door and climb in. I put the key into the ignition. I pull away from the house.

In the rear view mirror I see Joy and she waves at me. I beep the horn as the gate opens and I pull onto the road.

I turn the radio on and I start to sing along to See You again. Over the music I hear my phone ring. I move my hand across the passenger seat. I hand hits the bag and the contents inside it falls to the floor. The phone continues to ring. I lean across the chair and I move my hand on the ground. My hand finds the phone. I turn the phone towards me and I see 'Chad' flash across the screen. I smile.

I don't see the car in front of me break and slam into the car. I am jerked forward in my seat and I hit my head on the steering wheel.

When I open my eyes I see black spots in my vision. I try to blink them away. When I look out the window I see a car coming in my direction. The car doesn't have time to break and it crashes into mine. I'm thrown in all directions as my car flips a couple of times and I feel the dashboard dig into my leg.

I close my eyes and let the dark take me away.


Chad POV

I look around the conference room at all the successful men with their wives next to them. I look at my phone.

I need to call Grace.

A guy rises and moves over to me. "Are you alright?"

I shake my head. "I miss my wife. But, she's not in a position to get time off from work. Even, though she's friends with the boss."

He smiles. "I remember when my wife was like that. She preferred a career over family. It was her friends having kids for her to change her mind. I was married to her for two months when she got pregnant."

I hope Grace changes her mind about starting a family later.

I pick up my phone and exit the room. I stand outside and put my phone up to my ear.

I wonder what she's up to right now.

The phone starts to ring. I count how many times the phone rings. She normally picks up after one ring. Maybe, she's somewhere with Joy.

I hang up the phone and then I dial Joy's number.

Joy: Hello?

Me: Hey, Joy. Is Grace there? She's not answering her phone.

Joy: Grace went to the mall on her own. She wanted to spend some time alone. I think she's starting to change her mind about kids.

Me: I hope your right. When did she leave?

Joy: She left twenty minutes ago. You should call her again. Grace should be parking her car in the parking lot of the place I sent her to.

Me: Thank you, Joy. Tell Jensen I'll call him later.

I hang up the phone and I hit speed dial 1 and Grace's phone rings. She picks up on the second ring.

Hello? A male voice says.

I clear my throat.

Me: I think I have the wrong number.

Male: Are you calling for Grace Fernandez?

Me: Yes, I am. I'm her husband.

Male: She was in a car accident. She's on the way to the hospital. It's not looking good.


Me: I'm not there. I'll send some friends to the hospital. I'll fly out right away.

Male: She's at Cedar Senai Hospital. I'm Officer Hanes and I'll be at the hospital.

Me: Thank you.

I hang up the phone. I move over to the brick wall and I start to punch it.

Curse words spew out of my mouth.

The guy I was speaking to earlier runs over to me. Before I can punch the wall again he grabs my hand.

Tears stream down my face.

He whispers. "What's wrong?"

"My wife was in a car accident and she's in the hospital. What if I don't make it back to her in time?"

He touches the back of my head. "You're going to make it. I'm going to take you to my private airstrip and I'll get you home right away."

His wife walks over with a first aid kit. "I'll fix your hand in the car. Do you have someone that we can call?"

I nod. "My Best Friend and his wife need to know."

"What's his name?"

"Jensen." She makes the phone call for me.

Please hang in Grace. I'll be home soon.


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