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The following morning I wake up early and look at my husband as he sleep.

He looks peaceful when he's asleep.

"Quit looking at me." Chad opens his eyes and wraps his arms around me. "Good morning, beautiful." He kisses my lips. "You should still be sleeping."

I look at the alarm clock on the night stand and I see that it's 5am. "I can't sleep."

A smile spreads across his face. "I have a few ideas what can make you sleepy."

I shake my head. "I'm not in the mood to do that, Chad. I'm going to let you sleep a bit longer. I want to do some work before I go to the officer this morning."

Chad lets go of me. "Grace, if you leave this bed. I will call Joy and tell her that you won't be coming in today. Do you want to cost Joy a very important client?"

No, I don't want that.

I lie back in the bed. "Chad, you can't interfere with my work like this. It's not fair to Joy or me."

"I'm sorry, but all you seem to do is work too much, Grace. It's not good for you or the baby."

"We're good, Chad. I'm not going to push myself too much."


Chad and I walk into Hamilton Co. we head towards our office.

As I walk by Joy's office I see her in there with Abrielle and her husband. She waves Chad and I over.

I stop walking and Chad crashes into me.

"Grace?" Chad steps in front of me and he places his hands on my face. "Are you aright?"

"No," tears begin to fall down my face. "I can't go into the same room as her. She wanted to kill me, Chad. I can't go in there." I turn away and head straight to my office.

Chad follows me into the room. "Grace, I'm going to see what they want, alright. If it's something I don't like I won't bother you with it."

"Okay," I turn my computer on and wait for it to start. Spinning the chair around I face the city.

The office has a nice view of the water and I see a ship dock at the port.

A throat clears behind me and I spin the chair around.

Joy is standing at the door. "Are you alright, Grace?"

I look at her. "No! That woman wanted to kill me. I don't want to ever be in the same room as someone that's crazy."

"I didn't want to talk to her, but the counsellor she's working with suggested that she sits and talks to the people that she hurt." She uses air quotes. "Apparently," she stops with the quotes. "She has bipolar and when she was taken she didn't have her medication. When her husband found out she had bipolar he got her medication, but she never took it and that's what lead her to your place." Joy closes my door. "Your probably going to hate me for saying this, but you should hear her out. If you want Chad and I can be in the room with you."

I will hear her out, but I'm not going to believe all the shit that comes out of her mouth.

I rise. "Alright, I'll talk to her." I head out the door. "Chad has had enough time talking to her."

Opening the door to Joy's office I enter the room and sit next to Chad. I take his hand. "Abrielle."

Her face pales as she looks at me.

Abrielle's husband holds her hand. "You've got this. Just remember what Doctor Phil said."

She nods. "Grace, out of everyone in this office the person I have hurt the most is you and I want to apologise for what I almost did."

I look her in the eyes. "Abrielle, I'm not going to forgive just because you came in here with a false apology. You were forced into this by your Doctor. If you weren't getting help we all know that you wouldn't have come here and try to get us to forgive you for everything." Turning towards Chad and Joy, I said. "You two can be fooled by the garbage sprouting from her mouth, but I won't. Don't come near me again." I take my hand out of Chad's and I walk out of the office.

I don't know how people can be fooled by that woman.

Sitting behind my desk I check my emails and see a few from Joy's newest client.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Meeting

Dear Grace,

         I'm looking forward to placing a face with the woman that I keep e-mailing. Please, tell me your single. I would love to come out of a meeting a date.

- Chaz


From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Meeting

Dear Chaz,

         You'll be walking out of another meeting without a date. I'm married and I have a child on the way. I'm looking forward to meeting you, but I doubt my husband will.

- Grace

Chad walks into the room and he takes a seat behind his desk. "What are you doing?"

"Replying to emails. Joy's newest client Chaz is coming in today for the meeting. He's been emailing me."

Chad rises and he walks over to my computer and he looks at the messages between us. "Too bad the guy won't get a date with you. I'm sure he'll meet someone eventually."

The phone is my office starts to ring and I pick it up.

Me: Hello, this is Grace.

Voice: Grace its Sage. Mr Gregory is here to see you.

Me: I'll be right out. Thank you, Sage.

I hang up the phone and gather the paper work that I need for the meeting with Joy and Chaz.

Chad follows me to the door and he sees Chaz. His hands clench into fists.

I kiss his cheek. "You don't have anything to worry about, Chad." I place his hand on my stomach. "I'm carrying your child and I have your ring on my finger. How much more do you want to prove to the world that I'm yours?"

"I want everyone in the City to know. If it wouldn't embarrass you I would shout it from the rooftop and throw pamphlets around the City. Just so everyone here know who you belong to."

I push him away. "I'm not your possession, Chad. I'm your wife. And all that would embarrass me. So, I hope you don't do that."

Joy exits her office and she looks at me. "Are you ready, Grace?"

"Yes," I walk over to Joy.

Chaz rises and a smile spreads across his face. "What did I do to have two beautiful woman work closely with me."

"You became an investor of Hamilton Co." Joy says. "Mr Gregory, there's a no fraternising with investors outside working hours rule here. Please, refrain from flirting with either of us." She holds up her ring finger. "We're both married to men that would like to rearrange your face if they found out what you were like."

He laughs. "It's the first time I've met an angry husband. For some reason I find most attractive woman are married to douchebags."


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