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I walk up in the arms of my husband in the beautiful presidential suite at Hamilton Hotel and Resort. I push his arm off me and make my way to the bathroom. I close the door and wash my face. After that I brush my hair and teeth and the. I climb back into bed with Chad.

Chad opens his eyes. "Where did you? I missed my bed buddy."

I laugh. "I had to use the bathroom." I lie my head on his chest. "What time is your appointment?"

He looks at the clock. "It's in half an hour. We don't have time to have a proper breakfast."

I shrug. "So, it's not like we don't have time for breakfast with each other for the rest of our lives."

He pecks my lips before climbing out of bed. He puts on pair of pants and a t-shirt. He walks over to draw and pulls out a dress for me.

I look at it. "Where did you get that?"

He smiles. "Before the reception I asked your parents to stop by your place to get you some stuff. They put it in the car while you were singing with Joy."

I frown. I don't remember singing with Joy.

Chad pulls his phone out of his pocket and he goes into the videos and he presses play.

I am moving around drunkly while singing Barbie Girl. I groan. "Please, put that away. I don't want to ever see that video again."

Chad laughs. "Sorry, baby it's on everyone's phones."

I shake my head. "If everyone in the world sees it your going to be a dead man, Chad."

He runs out of the room and turns the TV. I enter the living area and on TMZ there's a picture of Joy and I singing.  He looks at me. "I had nothing to do with that picture going viral."

There's a hard knock on the door followed by. "You're a dead man, Chad."

I open the door to see a fuming Joy and an amused Jensen holding there daughter.

Joy enters he told and she slaps Chad. "You're an idiot for letting this get out. I didn't appreciate waking up this morning to this."

Chad shakes his head. "I didn't have anything to do with this."

On the TV the reporters announce. "Chad Kristofferson has married another woman and not the one he was intended to marry. I have an insider that revealed that Grace Fernandez was the Back-up Bride after Chad's first choice didn't show up."

I shut the TV off. "How did they find that out? If it wasn't you that sent the video it has to be one of the guests that did it."

Joy looks at Chad. "I want the names of all the people that were there last night. I'm going to find the person that sent this shit to TMZ and I'm going to make them regret sending this to them."

Jensen moves over to Joy. "Take Savannah. She'll calm you down." He gives Savannah to her and she smiles.

Chad looks at Savannah. "She's grown since last month. She looks like you, Jensen."

He smiles. "She sure does. But, she has her mother's eyes and hair."

Savannah opens her eyes and she looks at me. She stretches her small arms out to me.

Joy looks at her and then to me. "Do you want to go to Auntie Grace? I think it's best for you to sit when you hold her, Grace."

I sit on the chair and hold Savannah. She hold my finger.

After a couple minutes of holding Savannah Chad says. "We need to go Grace."

I slap his arm. "You don't need to be rude."

He looks at Joy and Chad. "I have a doctors appointment that I'm running late for."

"Why don't you call him. It saves you going in. If you want privacy go into one of the rooms with Grace. I'm sure she wants to find out what's going on." Jensen says.

Chad pulls my arm and he leads me to the bedroom. He pulls his phone out of his pocket.

A woman's voice comes over the loudspeaker. "Thank you for calling Jeremy's surgery this is Maggie."

Chad looks at me as he says. "Hi, it's Chad Kristofferson. I can't make it to my appointment. Is there any chance that I can get my test results over the phone?"

"I'll put you through to Jeremy."

Some music play across the loudspeaker.

After three minutes a voice says. "Hello, this is Jeremy."

Chad clears his throat. "Hey, Jeremy. It Chad Kristofferson. Can I get my test results from you."

"Can you give me a minute? I need to get your information up on my computer."

I hear the tapping of keys. Followed by. "You're all clear, Chad. Have a great honeymoon. Tell your wife I enjoyed the video."

I open the door and exit the room.

I don't want to hear anymore about that stupid video.

Savannah starts crying.

Jensen moves over to joy. "I'll take her." He holds his arms out and joy places Savannah in his waiting arms. He touches her face.

Savannah starts to settle in her fathers arms and soon enough she falls asleep.

Joy looks at me. "She's such a Daddy's Girl."

I laugh. "I can see that." I move over to the lounge. "Joy, how are you going to find the one responsible for last nights video."

She shakes her head. "I'm not sure. But, I will get to the bottom of this video as soon as I can."

"I want to help. Can we film something of that person doing something stupid?"

Joy looks at her husband and daughter. "Yeah, I think that person should see what it feels like to be recorded."

Chad enters the living room and he looks at me. "Grace, I want to celebrate our Honeymoon right now." He looks at joy and Jensen. "You two need to get out of our room." He lifts me up and carries me to the bedroom. He puts me gently on the bed and crawls on top of me. He starts to kiss my neck. His hands move to hem of my shirt. He pulls it over my head and then throw la it on the floor. He removes the bra and then places a nipple into his mouth. He suck on it.

I tilt my head back and moan. "Chad."

He looks at me and smiles. He moves his hands go the buckle if my jeans and he takes it off. My jeans and underwear is ripped off and thrown across the room.

I push him on the bed and start to remove his clothes. When he's naked I move to the top draw and pull out a condom. I roll it down his thick cock. I look him in the eyes. "You can fuck me now."

We change positions. He's on top and he smiles. "I'm not going to fuck you my beautiful wife. I'm going to make love with you, Grace Kristofferson. You're mine and only mine." He thrusts his cock into me. He kisses my neck. "I love you, Grace."


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