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Last night was the best night I've ever had. My husband knows what's he's doing in the bedroom.

I open my eyes and look at him while he's sleeping. A piece of his dark hair covers his face and he looks at peace. I move his hair from his face.

He opens his eyes and smiles. "Good morning, baby. How are you feeling."

"I'm a bit sore. You should take care of me."

He laughs. "I'm going to turn on the bath." He climbs out of bed and makes his way to the bathroom.

I hear the taps turn on.

He exits the bathroom and looks at me. "Get out of bed, baby."

I pull the sheets off my body and climb out of bed. I move toward him and he wraps his arm around me. I kiss his neck. "I love you, Chad." I look at the ground and whisper. "But, I'm afraid of what's going to happen when we leave this hotel."

He kisses my neck. "You don't need to worry about that, Grace. We're still going to be married and you're going to move into my house." He lifts me into his arms and carries me into the bathroom. He turns off the taps.

We climb into the bath and he pulls me into his arms. He start kissing my neck and I tilt my head to the side.


I step out of the bath and make my way to the bedroom. I open my suitcase and pull out a dress. I look at Chad. "What are we doing today?"

He looks out the window. "Do you want to go for a walk on the beach?"

I pull out my bikini a pair of blue shorts and white tank top. I slip my feet onto a pair of flip flops.

Chad puts on a pair of board shorts and t-shirt.

We exit the presidential suite and make our way to the lift. The doors to the lift opens and we enter.

The lift takes us straight to the lobby. I exit and take Chad's hand as we cross the lobby. We exit the hotel and walk around the pool.

To our left is stairs and we take them to the beach.

I see a group of guys standing around there surfboards.

A guy whistles at me and Chad pulls me closer to him. He wraps his arms around me. He whispers. "I don't like them looking at you, baby. You're all mine."

I place my arm behind his back. "They can whistle al they want. They won't be getting my attention. I don't need a surfer when I have you, Chad."

He smiles and pecks my lips. "I'm glad to hear that no guys can tear your attention away from me." He pulls me away from the surfers.

I take my shirt off and make my way to the water. I turn toward Chad. "Are you coming?"

Chad pulls his shirt off and we run to the water. He lifts me up and he places me over his shoulder. He walks into the ocean. When he gets off the sand bank he falls back.

I go under the water with Chad. He lets go of me and I surface.

A wave comes towards us and I dive under it.

When I surface Chad picks me up and places me in his shoulder.

I start to shiver.

"It getting cold. Let's take you back to the hotel."

I shake my head. "I don't want to go back to the hotel. Can we walk along the beach? The sun will cool me down."

Chad carries me out of the water and walks over to our discarded shirts. He puts my shirt over his shoulder with his.

I hit his back. "Run, Chad."

He runs across the beach.

The surfers from earlier whistle at me and I flip them off. As Chad carries me further down the beach I see some photographers hiding in the bush. I tap Chad's back. "Photographers are hiding in the bush."

Chad smiles. "Let's give them a show." He pulls me into him and he starts kissing me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and I deepen the kiss. I see a few flashes come from the cameras. I push him away and then I start running. I yell at him. "Catch me if you can."

Chad runs after me. He lifts me up and spins around.

A guy walks over to us with his camera. I put my hand in front of my face. "Can you please go away."

Chad looks at him. "You heard my wife. Please, respect her wishes."

He ignores me and takes a photo of us.

I put my hand in Chad's and I pull him back towards the hotel.

At the hotel there's a bunch of photographers standing around.

Chad looks around for a way into the hotel. "We're not going to get past them. I don't have my phone to call Joy. She would have told us a way to sneak into the hotel without them seeing us."

I see a hotel worker make his way across the beach. He waves at us. I point to the guy. "I think that guy has a way for us to get into the hotel." I take his hand and we walk toward the guy.

When we get to him he says. "I got a phone call from Joy and she asked me to make sure the paparazzi weren't around and if they were I am supposed to sneak you in."

Thank you for thinking of us, Joy.

The guy takes us through the garage and through the kitchen. When we get out of the kitchen he tells us how to get to the lobby.

We follow his direction to the lobby and we stop at the lift.

The door opens and we enter it.

When we get to our room my phone starts to ring. I run over to my phone and answer it.

Me: Hello?

Voice: Hey, it's Joy. I'm glad you made it back to the hotel in one piece.

Me: Why's that?

Joy clears her throat.

Joy: The paparazzi are having a field day getting information on Chad and you. They tried to ambush Jensen and I while we were out with our daughter. Jensen hired protection after what happened with... She trails off.

Lauren. I thought.

Jensen has been protective of his family since that moment.

Joy on the other hand wants to help Lauren out. But, she doesn't know how to tell her husband that she wants to adopt her.

I don't think Jensen would be too happy about that. But, I could be wrong.

Me: Thank you for telling me. I'm not looking forward to the things that they have dug up on me. I look at Chad. I'm going to have to sit down and talk to him before we watch the TV again.

Joy: I'll let you go. Good luck.

I hang up the phone. I move over to the lounge and look at Chad. "We need to talk about my past."

He sits next to me. "What do you need to tell me."

I look at the ground. "I was never a responsible person. When I was seventeen I gave my child up for adoption as I couldn't take care of her."

Chad pulls me closer to him. He rubs my back. "I bet that was a hard decision to make:"

I nod. "It was. Then in University a few photos were taken of me smoking a joint and stripping at a frat party I was drunk at." I rise and move over to the table I pick up the clicker and turn the TV on.

Chad touches my hand. "I don't care what they say about you. I care about the woman you've become. All that shit can stay in the past. It won't effect our future. Unless you want your child back."

I shake my head. "I'm not sure where my child is. I think she's happy wherever she is and I don't want to effect her life by taking her away."


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I hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter of The Back-up Bride. I will post another chapter of The Billionaire's Masquerade tomorrow.

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