Chapter 1 - 48 hours on

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Chapter 1 – 48 hours later

                “Excuse me, Miss.” I grunted, opening my eyes drowsily. The sun was bright against my eyelids, making me squint and hold my arm up in front of my face to shield myself from the sun.

                “Miss.” The voice came back, terrorising my ears when I tried to shove my body forward.

                “Yeah, yeah, hold on,” I grumbled under my breath, clamping my eyes closed before opening them and looking up into the light.

                It didn’t take me long to come to the conclusion that I wasn’t in the villa, nor was I inside. That would explain the breeze and extremely solid bench.

                Glancing around, everything was unfamiliar, including the policeman that was standing above me. Crap.

                “Um, hello,” I offered, trying to stand up but immediately feeling the world spin around me. Bile rose in my throat, threatening to spill out with dinner from the night before. I could not puke on a police man’s shoes, which would just be the icing on the cake for whatever trouble I was already in. Cake, not a good thought for someone who was already feeling sick.

                “Miss, can you please wake your partner up, we need to talk.” Unsurprisingly, the guy was strongly Italian and I was having trouble deciphering the English words from his accent.

                “Sure.” I had no idea what partner he was on about until I looked down to see Hunter sprawled on the bench behind where I had been sitting. Or laying.

                Only, he was topless, rugged and had a massive bruise under his eye. When I looked down, I realised where his top was. I just hoped that we hadn’t gotten up to anything the night before that caused the policeman to do us in for indecent exposure or whatever charge it was. At least Hunter’s shirt covered my top half so I wasn’t showing anything other than my legs.

                I did as the policeman told me, just a lot less gently than he would’ve done. I thwacked his bare chest and his eyes immediately popped open.

                “What the fu-“ I cut him off before he could say anything that would get us in even more trouble.

                “Hunter, the police are here, get up,” I hissed. Hunter crooked his neck up, taking in his surroundings before crashing his skull back down and pushing himself up from the bench.

                It felt like some little man had climbed inside my ear and was banging his hammer against the inside of my skull as Hunter got to his feet and looked me over. He probably felt just as bad as I did because he didn’t smirk; he just scowled at the policeman.

                “Is there a problem?” Hunter asked. His voice was gruff and sleep ridden. He scratched the nape of his neck and slung his arm over my shoulder, pulling me against his side possessively. What he didn’t know was that he just made all the stones and gravel dig into my feet, causing a stinging sensation to run up my legs.

                “Can I see some ID please?” the policeman asked. By the sign on his uniform, we guessed that he was ‘Officer Ontario’ but I didn’t dare say anything. Hunter was the best one for dealing with the police.

                There was another officer with him, standing slightly behind Ontario, staring at my legs. Hunter scoffed.

                “Her eyes are up there,” he replied calmly, motioning to my face. I glared at him and motioned for him to keep his trap shut if we wanted to avoid prison.

                “Sir,” Ontario interrupted. Hunter sighed, reaching into his back pocket for a supposable wallet but he came up blank. Looking down at me, his lip twitched.

                “Can you give us a moment, we need to find my sister’s bag,” Hunter asked. The officer sighed, taking a step back.

                “You’ve got two minutes, if not, we’ll have to take this down to the station. I don’t think that either of us want to go through that,” the officer warned, taking another few steps back and over to a police car on the other side of the car park.

                “What the hell is going on?” I hissed, turning to look at Hunter. I shook his arm from my shoulder and glared at him.

                “I don’t know, hell, I don’t even know where the fuck we are. I’m gonna need you to flirt with Officer Uptight over there,” he said whilst gesturing towards the officers. They were having what seemed like quite a heated discussion with arms flailing everywhere. If I didn’t know any better, it looked like Ontario was trying to take flight.

                “Language,” I paused, glancing over at them and patting my shirt. Well, Hunter’s shirt. There was nothing in the breast pocket and there wasn’t anything in the shorts that I was wearing underneath either apart from two Euros and a dairy milk wrapper. “I can’t flirt with him,” I finished, crossing my arms over my chest and shuffling so that my feet were more comfortable on the floor.

                “Princess, we don’t have another choice. Why do you think that I told them you were my sister?” he asked, tapping my head. I swatted his arm away, trying to stand straight as the officers strolled back over.

                “I thought you were still drunk,” I gritted out through my clenched jaw. Hunter grinned, shaking his head.

                “I have some resistance to alcohol,” he whispered back. I would’ve answered him but the officers were standing directly in front of us, waiting expectantly for our ID or pitiful excuses. What they were going to be getting was my pathetic, hung over induced flirting attempt.

                “So, Officer....handsome,” I inwardly cringed and felt all three incredulous glances on me but I couldn’t really stop so I put my hand forward and twiddled with his badge. He took a step backwards, raising an eyebrow at me.

                “Uh, I can’t find my ID.” I let my arms drop behind me and I pushed my chest outwards slightly in Hunter’s shirt. I was pretty sure that Hunter probably wanted to smack me silly to knock some sense into me, but he kept his arms folded over his bare chest.

                “Then we have a problem,” the officer concluded. I chewed the inside of my lip, feeling my heart pound against my ribcage. I wasn’t made for jail, I would die in there. I’d seen enough of it in TV shows to know that it definitely wasn’t my kind of hangout.

                “But we haven’t done anything wrong,” I whispered, making the tears well in my eyes. This had always worked for me as a child, I could fake cry better than Mike Tyson could fight.

                I didn’t dare take a look at Hunter when the tears started to spill down my cheeks.

                “Look, my sister is kind of sensitive,” Hunter started, stuttering a little. The officer looked a bit taken back but coughed uncomfortably.

                “I gathered as much. I need to charge you with loitering and indecent exposure,” he said more clearly, looking between us.

                “But we weren’t loitering! We were sleeping and it’s not as if I got my dick out,” Hunter exploded. I widened my eyes, hitting Hunter’s chest.

                “Please ignore my brother. I just don’t think that we’ve done anything charge worthy,” I finished more politely. He still didn’t look impressed.

                Ontario was about to open his mouth and say something when a muffled static came from his shirt. He looked down with a grunt and picked up his radio.

                “We’ll be right there,” he replied into his shirt. His voice was smooth and professional before he turned back to us.

                “Right. We’ve got somewhere important to be and I don’t have time to be dealing with a whiny teenager and a guy that can’t keep a lid on his temper. I’m leaving you both with a final warning. If I see either of you again, you’re in for some trouble,” he paused, giving us both meaningful looks. “Got it?”

                I nodded quickly with a smile.

                “Yes, sir.” Hunter repeated my words before we watched the officers walk back to their car and drive off. I considered waving to them but I thought that would be pushing it so kept my hands by my sides.

                As soon as they were out of sight, Hunter turned to me with a shocked expression.

                “Officer handsome, seriously?!” I sighed, shrugging.

                “Don’t start yelling at me. If you’d of done the flirting then we wouldn’t have had this problem,” I defended, crossing my arms over my chest. Arguing was the last thing that we wanted to be doing. The only thing that I wanted to do was to go back to the bench with some painkillers and lay done in a foetal position until someone came to get us. That wasn’t likely so I stayed upright and glared at my boyfriend.

                “If he was gay, I would’ve,” Hunter paused, sitting down on the bench. “Where are we, anyway?” I sat down next to him, taking in the surroundings.

                We were on the outskirts of a car park, next to a gym and a river. I had no idea where we were, I didn’t even know if we were still in Italy, I mean, nothing looked familiar and there was no pizzas or spaghetti to suggest that we were still on Italian soil.

                “I don’t know,” I huffed, cradling my head in my hands.

                “I need my shirt back, by the way.” I peered out of my hands to glare at him.

                “Not until I find my own top,” I muttered, running my hands down my face. “I don’t suppose that you have any paracetamol on you?” I asked. The look that Hunter sent back answered my question.

                “Andy, I don’t even have my ID on me,” he mumbled. I didn’t bother asking him anything else; he clearly wasn’t in the mood for 20 questions.

                Looking around the bench, neither of us really had anything on us apart from our clothes and my oh-so helpful dairy milk wrapper.

                The sign on the gym said ‘Crimea Palestra’. I only knew it was a gym because of the treadmills on the inside of the glass, I didn’t know which of the two words told us the location. For all I knew, both of them together meant gym.

                “Have you got your phone?” I asked, breaking the silence that had formed between us. Hunter reached back, moving his hands through his pockets until, eventually; he pulled his IPhone out and grinned.

                “Well, what do you know? Someone up there loves me,” he boasted, flicking the lock screen. His face fell and I grunted.

                “What?” I asked. “Does the big guy in the sky not love you anymore?” Hunter showed me the screen as an answer. 17% battery. Yeah, we were officially screwed. Maybe if he spent less time shooting people and more time helping old ladies cross the road, we'd have full battery, a credit card and a car.

                “Have you got the charger on you?” I asked and Hunter smirked, raising an eyebrow.

                “I don’t carry the entire contents of my bedroom drawer around in my pocket, you know.” I narrowed my eyes, leaning back on the bench.

                “Aren’t you fun to be around when you’re hung over?” Hunter sighed, shaking his head.

                “We’re not just hung over. We’re lost and I don’t have my money or my credit card on me,” he muttered. It wasn’t long before he looped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me against him, kissing the top of my head.

                “I have money on me.” My voice was muffled by his warm chest and he pulled away to look at me expectantly. “If you’ll call two Euros money,” I added.

                The smile dropped from his face. I shrugged, feeling my back hit the hard, wooden surface of the bench. How I managed to sleep on that all night I’ll never know.

                “Call Lee.” Hunter did as I told him, surprisingly, without an argument.

                “What do you want, Jacobs?” Hunter put the phone on loud speaker and Lee’s voice echoed through my ears.

                “Lee!” I exclaimed, grinning at the screen. Lee sighed and Hunter took a deep breath.

                “Dude, we need your help,” he said at last.

                “Do I need my ears cleaned out? Is Hunter Jacobs asking me for help?” Lee mocked. I coughed, stopping Hunter from answering.

                “Shut up, don’t push him. We have no idea where we are,” I filled him in on the situation.

                The first thing that he did was laugh.

                “You’re serious?” he asked.

                “Deadly. What does Crimea Palestra mean?” I inquired, picking up the phone and holding it between us.

                “Well, Crimea is a place and Palestra is a gym.” I looked at Hunter blankly, only to find him mirroring my expression.

                “Andy.” Lee’s voice brought me back into present time. “Do you have any idea where Crimea is?” he finished.

                “No, please tell me,” I replied. My mouth was dry and my tongue felt far too big. That was the warning signs that I was about to puke.

                I didn’t even hear what Lee had to say as I got up and ran to the nearest bush to bring up the contents of my stomach.

                To make matters worse, I didn’t have any mints or toothpaste on me.

                I hobbled back to the bench and dropped onto it, exhaustion taking over my legs. The phone wasn’t on the bench anymore and Hunter’s expression was grim as he looked around.

                “What?” I asked. He didn’t answer me so I repeated it, just louder.

                “We’re on the other side of Italy.” I frowned, staring at Hunter, not knowing whether to believe him or not.

                “How far is the other side?”

                “Well, I don’t know but Lee said that we’re on the other side of Italy,” he clarified.

                “What are we going to do?” I all but wailed, letting myself drop against Hunter’s arm. He patted the top of my head with a sigh.

                “First thing we’re going to do is get hold of some clothes,” he muttered. I sighed, sitting back up and running my hand down my face.

                “Then we’re going to find out where we are, exactly,” I added. Hunter let out a deep breath, pecking my cheek.

                “First things first, Princess,” he paused, nodding towards the gym. “Let’s go and steal ourselves some clothes.”

A/N: Hope you enjoyed, vote and comment to let me know what you think! :D

for covers, either PM me the link or email them to [email protected] :) thank you to sweetskull for the amazing banner!:D

IMPORTANT: Right, some people don't get the title :P I am British so where I am, it's called a Satellite Navigation device or a Sat Nav. This is basically a Tom Tom or a GPS, like a map but electronic and gives you directions and whatnot :) Hope I cleared that up!:P

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