Chapter 2 - Crappy Coffee and Cranky Cashiers

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Chapter 2 – Crappy Coffee and Cranky Cashiers     (Please read the important AN at the bottom!:D)

                This wasn’t going to work.

                Sitting outside on the bench, waiting for Hunter to get his ass out of the gym in some new clothes was beginning to get tedious. You couldn’t exactly walk into a gym without a top and then walk back out with one, it was slightly conspicuous and all around stupid.

                The car park was on the outskirts of a small town, I wasn’t exactly sure where, but we needed to find an internet cafe or something to look up our location.

                Only we could get ourselves into the absolutely ridiculous situation that we were in. My head was still throbbing and my memory was coming up blank. The joys of alcohol.

                “Penny for your thoughts?” Hunter’s voice snapped me out of my haze. Looking up at him, I sighed and rested my forehead against his chest. Surprisingly, he’d managed to get hold of a shirt.

                I’d gone in the first time and taken a top from the lockers. It was a plain black tank top, a bit too big and had a nice iron mark on the back where the original owner had left the iron on too long.

                “How did you manage that?” I asked, gesturing down at his shirt clad torso. Hunter grinned, patting himself proudly.

                “I have my ways,” he said with a wink, glancing around us. “We’re going to need your two Euros,” he finished.

                Groaning, I pushed myself up to my feet (I’d also found some sandals) and followed Hunter to the other end of the car park.

                “Where are we going?” Hunter didn’t answer me; he just stopped and waited for me to catch up with him.

                Italy, as expected, had absolutely amazing weather, which only made our trip a lot harder. Walking around in the sun aimlessly whilst trying to find a cafe wasn’t exactly the holiday that I had been hoping for.

                Apparently, when he was in the gym, Hunter called Dante and told him that we had gotten ourselves into a little situation. In the end, Dante had settled for letting us off with a few extra shifts and a telling off. It was in Italian so neither of us knew what he was saying anyway.

                “We need to try and find a cafe and hopefully find a computer. The girl in the gym said the same as Lee, we’re in Crimea. I asked her how far to Catanzaro and she just laughed at me,” Hunter explained, slipping his hand into the back pocket of my shorts and pulling me against him.


                All cafes seemed to completely and totally disappear. We walked through a small village. They only had a pub, a post office and a few houses. Not forgetting the occasional goat.

                “This is getting a bit ridiculous,” Hunter muttered, rubbing his head. We’d stopped to sit by a wall and get our bearings. In all honestly, it was a load of twaddle as we weren’t about to gather any bearings unless we had Google maps.

                The town that we’d finally gotten to did have a small supermarket so we stopped in there for directions. Only problem was, Hunter was on his way to getting kicked out.

                “I don’t give a shit, all I need to know is where the nearest cafe is,” Hunter growled. The cashier narrowed his eyes into little brown slits, glaring at my boyfriend. We’d been in trouble with the police once that morning, having somebody else call the police would just be the perfect ending to such a crappy morning. At least if we spent the night in a jail cell, we’d know where we were.

                “I no speak English!” the cashier exclaimed with a frustrated grumble. Looking over at the door, I gently tugged on Hunter’s sleeve. We were beginning to draw a crowd and Hunter was only getting more and more irritated so it wasn’t a good idea to stick around.

                “Uh, merci, gracias, thanks!” I blurted, grabbing Hunter’s wrist and dragging him out of the door with me.

                The cashier was still shouting at us in a steady string of Italian when we were outside and looking at each other for a source of help.

                “Excuse me, were you looking for a cafe?” we turned at the sound of the voice behind us. A blonde girl, about my age, maybe a few years younger, was standing behind us with her arms behind her back.

                “Um, yes, please. Where’s the nearest one?” I asked before Hunter could say anything.

                She smiled, pointing behind Hunter’s head.

                “Just go down there and then turn left. It’s pretty easy to miss, just turn inside an alley. There’s a large red sign,” she said simply, giving another smile to Hunter.

                “Okay, thanks.” The girl turned her attention to me.

                “Thank you is grazie,” she corrected. I grinned and Hunter chuckled, thanking her himself before turning and starting towards the cafe.

                “Well, that was slightly odd,” he muttered but I thwacked his arm.

                “She helped and now we get some coffee so shut up and walk.” Hunter smirked, following the directions and speeding ahead.

                The streets were nice and simple. Just like back in England, really, only sunnier. The cafe didn’t look half bad either; at least it wasn’t some really expensive place like Starbucks. My measly two Euros wouldn’t get us much in there if it was.

                “I don’t think that they have a computer in there,” I replied on the way in the door. It was pretty much empty, just sitting and gathering dust behind the other shops.          

                The man behind the counter was old and spoke some English so when Hunter went to order, I went to take a seat.

                The bench back at the car park was more comfortable than the one in the cafe but sitting by the window and breathing in the fresh air made up for it.

                Hunter joined me on the other side of the table, carrying two cups of coffee and a road map tucked in the crook of his elbow.

                “The guy said that we could borrow this,” he informed me, placing the coffee on the table.

                Murky, muddy liquid sloshed around in the cup when I picked it up and breathed in the strong scent of caffeine. God, did I need a cup of coffee. I also needed a paracetamol, but one step at a time.

                Hunter opened out the map, stretching it across the table.

                I couldn’t pronounce half of the places on the map, let alone navigate us to them.

                “Can you remember anything from last night?”  I asked when Hunter had gotten himself comfortable. He shook his head, running his hands down his face with a groan.

                “Nope, nothing. But I did find this in my back pocket,” he said through a sigh, fishing into his pocket and taking out what looked like a train ticket. I picked it up and studied it with disbelief. We’d gotten a train from  Rome to Turin. How we’d managed to get from Rome to Turin, I’d never know but what I was focused on, was the price.

                “We paid that much for a ticket that isn’t even a return?” I exclaimed, throwing the ticket back down on top of the map.

                Hunter grimaced with a nod, pointing at the map.

                “Can we please focus?” he asked. I shot him a scowl but looked down at the map. In a way, I wished that I didn’t. All in all, there were about 7cm in between the two cities on the map. It doesn’t seem like much, but when you put it into mileage, we travelled hell of a long way.

                “Do you know how many miles?” Hunter shook his head, concentrating on the map so hard that frown lines appeared on his forehead.

                “No idea. We need to find a bigger city. All these little villages are doing my head in,” he grumbled.

                “Well, according to this, we’re just outside of Turin. That’s a fairly big city.” Hunter nodded at my words, following the road on the map with his index finger.

                “It shouldn’t take us too long,” he mumbled under his breath.

                Deciding to leave him to it, I picked up my cup and placed it against my lips. I savoured the warmth from the steam before taking a long gulp.

                “Eurgh,” I mumbled, screwing my face up. Even the coffee was crap.

                “Look, Andy,” Hunter replied whilst kicking my shin. “We’ll only be walking for a little while if we take this road. When we’re there we can start on getting some money, a map and whatever. Have you got your card?” he asked. I shook my head.

                “Nope. I don’t know if I can get my bank account up on a computer, then I could probably pay for some things online but we’d need the internet cafe,” I rounded off. Hunter nodded, taking a sip of his own drink. He winced, putting it back down and sliding the cup towards me.        

                “It’s all yours.” I shook my head but offered a smile.

                “I’m alright, thanks.”

                “Well, anyway, we’re going to need to get some money,” he rambled, almost to himself.

                “I have a money making scheme,” I said with a grin.

                We’d managed to walk all the way in Turin and trust me, it was no easy task. Hunter whined more than Dylan used to in English Lit and I didn’t think that you could get much worse than that.

                “Right, whoever earns the most money has to pay for where we eat,” Hunter reminded me when we’d walked out of one of the local shops.

                Being the gang leader and all round badass that he was, Hunter had managed to pick me up a decent top with some shoes. After thanking him for it, I was met with one of our usual, pitiful and absolutely pointless bets.

                “No, what’s the point in that? I don’t want to win if I have to pay for our dinner,” I retorted with a frown.

                “Well, if you earn the most money then what else do you expect to pay for?” he asked. I just raised an eyebrow.

                “I don’t know, the motel or a hotel or something?” I exclaimed. Hunter smirked, nodding towards a wall.

                “Is that not good enough for you, Princess?” he teased. I stood my ground, breathing out through my lips.

                “I’d rather have a bed but if we have to make do with a wall, so be it,” I replied with a shrug. Hunter grinned before looking around us again and turning back to me.              

                “Fine, whoever gets the most money doesn’t have to drive tomorrow,” he tried. I shook my head.

                “We don’t have a car.” Hunter scratched the nape of his neck with a grunt.

                “We need to get one of those.” I chuckled, leaning back against the house behind us.

                “We can’t afford a pizza, let alone a car,” I mumbled and Hunter grinned, shaking his head.

                “Who said that we have to buy one?” he asked. My jaw dropped, practically hitting the ground.

                “We are not stealing a car!” I hissed. Hunter just laughed, wrapping his arms around my back and dragging me closer to him with my belt loops.

                “Relax, I won’t steal a car. I was thinking about renting one or getting Kenzi to come and pick us up,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead. Speaking of which, it was probably covered in sweat and vomit or whatever else I’d rolled in whilst running around drunk.    

                “Kenzi won’t drive all the way out here. I think we should just see how much money we can get and then work out what we are going to spend.” Hunter nodded at my suggestion, pulling away and pressing a kiss to my lips.

                “I’m going this way; you go and sort over there.”

                Walking off on my own was more terrifying than I thought it was going to be in the first place.

                My idea of getting money was pretty much foolproof. Back at home, I’d seen a load of homeless guys with guitars and dogs sitting outside Debenhams with a massive guitar case full of money. All I needed to do was find a source of music and do some solo dancing.

                Being a break dancer came in kind of handy. My only problem was finding the music, I’d look a bit odd if I didn’t have any.

                In the end, I’d found a shop where the music was blasting out so loudly that you could hear it from over the other side of the road. It was the perfect place for some improvisation.

                At first, people just started to walk past me, looking at me like I was standing there and telling them I was planning a sex change. My moves were minimal until the shop started to play a decent dance song, (there’s only so much you can do with an Ed Sheeran acoustic). It wasn’t until a bit of David Guetta came on, that I was actually able to use some of my old dance routines.

                My body was beginning to move on its own. The rolls and the steps were getting faster with the beat and I soon forgot where I was. The footwork was pretty easy in itself and since joining blackouts with Kyle, him and Des had helped me move on my hands as well as just my feet.

                Eventually, I started to get some attention and people dropped Euros by my feet. I gave them my grandest smile before continuing with the dancing again.

                One little boy had stopped to watch me and hadn’t left for a good ten minutes. The dancing tracks didn’t go on forever; I had to stop when James Blunt and some random Italian tune popped up. Turns out, the little boy was a pretty interesting guy. Well, I’d guess that he was if he spoke a word of English.            

                I had no idea where his mother was but I did have the urge to teach him a couple English swear words, just so see how his mother or father would react. If there was any reaction from them at all. All childish urges left when I had to start dancing again.

                Hunter and I had agreed to do some money making techniques for two hours and then we would meet back up where we left.

                I strolled back to the corner with my ‘salary’, panting and breathing deeply. I held the bottom of my top up to expose my stomach and let the dwindling wind hit it to cool it down. It didn’t do much but it was a bit cooler.

                “I don’t want other guys perving on your stomach,” a voice behind me growled. I leaned back against Hunter’s hard chest, smiling to myself when I breathed in his musky scent.

                “How did you do?” I asked. Hunter let me lean back against the wall and stood in front of me with either one of his hands resting on the wall beside my face.

                His own face hovered about an inch from mine. The deep sea green orbs taking in my own green eyes as he sighed, pressing his forehead to mine.

                “I managed to get about 200 Euros.” I gasped, bringing my head forward with my shock. Hunter winced and my hand came up to hold my head. In all my excitement, I’d head butted him.

                “Easy, Princess. You can’t afford to lose anymore brain cells,” Hunter teased, rubbing his own forehead.

                “Ouch,” I muttered, dropping my hand from my head. “How did you get all that?” I asked at last. Hunter’s infamous smirk tugged at his lips as he folded his arms smugly over his chest.

                “I’m badass, Andy. I know how to pickpocket,” he whispered as if it was his biggest secret. I raised an eyebrow but said nothing. As long as we had money, I didn’t care.

                “What about you?” Hunter nudged me with his elbow, looking down at my pockets.

                “I got about 40 Euros and a condom.” He let out a bark of laughter, slinging his arm over my shoulder.

                “Looks like you’re buying us our night in the motel,” he cooed.

                “Looks like you’re not getting laid tonight,” I chimed, flicking his nose and strolling along in from of him.

                Hunter’s arms snagged me back.

                “The motel is over there, dumbass.”

                Giving him a look and trying to hide my embarrassment, I stuck my nose up and slipped my hand into his.


A/N: I have made a badboy Isn't my type facebook page! All updates, pictures, covers and all that malarky is on there and the link is in the comments, so go and like, pleeeeease!:D I'm on 20 likes at the minute, we're on a roll ;)

Also, please vote and comment, it's motivational ;)

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