Chapter 10 - Crazy Clubs and Clingy Crackwhores

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Chapter 10 - Crazy Clubs and Clingy Crackwhores

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry," I chanted, following Lee and Hunter to the ouside of the garage. Lee spun around, giving me a pointed look.

"Sorry doesn't fix my car," he grumbled, sitting down on the egde of the kurb, his head in his hands. I raised an eyebrow, grimacing in Hunter's direction. The amused smirk hadn't left his face since I'd crashed Lee's car.

"True. But the 300 Euros I just paid for the repairs does," I reasoned, sitting down next to him. The pavement was cold on the tops of my thighs, raising goosebumps on my legs.

"Lee, it's a car, man up," Hunter retorted, sitting down on my other side.

Hearing some footsteps behind us, I glanced over my shoulder, squinting in the sun. Kenzi walked out, twiddling her thumbs and sighing. Lee sprung to his feet immediately, rushing over to her.

"Well?" he asked, looking over her head and into the garage at his precious car. She shook her head.

"It's not good news, I'm afraid," she said with a sigh. Hunter groaned, pushing on his knees to get to his feet and twisting.

"This is sounding like something out of fricken casualty. How long are we stuck here before they can fix the car?" he asked.

I held in my snigger, still watching as they fought it out. I decided against saying anything, they say actions speak louder than words and well, I'd wrecked Lee's car. I don't know what words I was supposably conveying but they were strong ones. Saying anything else would just get me in deeper.

"24 hours," Kenzi answered. Lee groaned, flumping back down on the pavement beside me. I offered him a smile and then put my legs out.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll put my legs out and wait for the next car?" I said, straightening my legs, making them take up some of the road. Lee was about to open his mouth when some hands came under my armpits, hoisting me back up. Well, my legs went flying in the air so I couldn't stand up until Hunter placed me down again gently.

"Sorry, man, but I love them legs too much to let anything happen to them." We all just shook our heads at Hunter's comment, blowing out through our lips.

"So, what now? I'm a tad bored of Pizza," Kenzi muttered, gesturing around her with open arms.

"Pisa," Lee corrected and then shrugged. "I don't know. Grab a beer or something and find another hotel?" Hunter nodded, looking at me for my opinion. I just mirrored Lee's shrug.

"Sounds fine to me."

Me nor Kenzi really expected Lee's expression of 'grab a beer' to be taken as 'we're going into this shop to grab a couple six-packs'. So, through our surprise, they told us to create a distraction so that they could take it and get out. I'd done a solo distraction back in Sheffield but I wasn't any good, I just wrecked some beans and nearly got arrested so Hunter never let me do it again.

"He was my boyfriend, you two faced bitch!" Kenzi suddenly shrieked and shoved me forwards. I was too in shock to do anything immediately. We hadn't even discussed our distraction. A couple of heads in the shop turned to look at us so I knew I had to think of somthing and put on my usual oscar winning performance. We were based just inside the doors so no doubt security would be on us, the people on the cashiers and the customers in the shop.

"It takes two to tango, perhaps you just weren't giving him a good enough show. He had to come to me," I drawled, grinning at her when she flared her nostrils.

"I was a good enough shag, thank you very much. He just needed a skanky little bit on the side because I work over 24 hours a week!" she retorted, stepping forward and doing the whole finger in the chest thing. I thwacked it away, pushing my chin out in defiance.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, babe. He was going to leave you for me, you know that? You was holding him down, draining the life out of him with your little nit picking ways. He had fun with me, you were such a drag," I answered calmly, my voice as eerily chill as back at the hotel when we'd fought last time.

"He had fun with you alright. Did he even get the word 'hello' out before you opened your legs?" she asked, raising both of her eyebrows.

I couldn't see Hunter or Lee anywhere, they could've gotten out already for all we knew but I did spot a security guard watching us through our audience.

"What? Jealous because he had to sit and listen to you for six months before he got the only thing he wanted?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. Kenzi's muscles tensed before she glanced outside and then looked back at me, planting a very surprisingly, very tingly slap on my cheek. My hand flew to it immediately, my face staring at her in a mixture of shock and aggrivation.

"Right, that's it, ladies. Break it up." The security guard had started towards us when we got nastier, pushing on our backs and sending us outside. I huffed, rubbing my cheek. Hunter and Lee were sitting on the other side of the road holding two six packs of beer.

"Did you have to hit me so hard?!" I exclaimed, rubbing my cheek. I was pretty sure that I'd be finding a red hand mark there whenever we found somewhere to stay.

"Sorry, looked effective," she said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes, sitting next to Hunter. Both boys were smirking so we guessed that they'd seen the whole thing.

"That was one of the best distractions I've ever seen. Talk about a bitch fight," Lee remarked, prodding the place on my cheek.

"Make it any worse and you can pay for the repairs," I mumbled, rubbing my cheek. Hunter just chuckled, pushing himself to his feet and picking up the beer.

"You crashed my car, so you can pay for the repairs," he ordered. I raised an eyebrow, giving him a pointed look.

"You're such a drama queen. It was just a scratch!" I exclaimed, taking Hunter's arm and pulling myself to my feet.

"A scratch that made my bumper fall off and cost 300 to repair?" he mocked. I disissed him with the wave of my hand, sticking my tongue out at him.

Back at a new hotel, we'd lasted about half an hour with the beer before Lee started whining about being bored and Hunter was so bored that he had started to try and get my shorts off in public.

"Bugger off," I hissed, swatting his hands. He chucking, it vibrating through his chest and onto my back.

"Right, that's it. Grab your coats, all. We're going out," Kenzi announced. Lee nodded, getting to his feet and stretching. I prodded his stomach with my toe whilst he was stretching, making him flinch.

"I'm not sure that's the best idea," I replied, gesturing towards Hunter and I.

"You'll be fine," Kenzi dissmissed, waving her hand aimlessly.

"We got on a train and travelled over 700 miles for shits and giggles, we won't be fine," I said flatly. Kenzi sighed, perching on the arm of the sofa.

"So, you're never going to drink again just because you followed the example of the hangover guys?" she asked. I didn't have chance to answer her because Hunter picked me up, and put me on the floor, pushing me towards our room.

"Text us the club you're going and we'll meet you there, okay?" he asked. Kenzi shrugged, grabbing her bag without bothering to change. Lee laughed, running his hand through his dark hair.

"Have run rocking the bed, guys. See you in about half an hour, or maybe 15 minutes if Hunter suffers from pre-jack," Lee replied, smirking. I flipped him off over Hunter's shoulder but Hunter chuckled, closing the door and pushing me against it.

His hands pinned my waist to the door as he stepped in between my legs, letting me press my pelvis against his and grind slowly. I enjoyed his tongue as it ran along my lips, gently prising them open and biting my lower lip.

A small groan escaped my throat as I ran my hands down his front, pushing his wife beater up and over his head. He grinned, looking down at me, slowly undressing me with his eyes.

"Your turn, Princess," he whispered and I smirked, slowly taking my top off. His hands rested on my waist, working their way up to cup my bra and go backwards, leaving a trail of heat along my skin.

His hips were pressing so hard against me that I reached up into his hair, gently running my hands through the silky strands and hoisted myself onto his waist. He caught me immediately, his hands grasping my thighs tighty as if his life depended on it. His tongue battled with mine, massaging as he pulled away, pressing kisses against my jaw line and onto my throat, on top of my raging pulse.

"God, Andy," he groaned, moving his hand from my breast to go down to my ass, playing with the fabric of my shorts.

Moving from the wall, he walked over to the bed, lowering me down and gently moving over the top, keeping his weight above me with his flexing arms. Hot, minty breath danced over my chest as he kissed down my stomach, making me arch into his touch and his warmth. It teased my navel and my belly bar as he pulled the waist band of my shorts down, pushing on them as his support when his lips met mine again, hungry and desperate.

My exploring hands had moved from his smooth back to his muscled stomach, travelling down the abs and onto his waistband, moving his khakis from their rightful position and downwards.

Strong arms moved from above me as he crawled forwards on the bed, his leg in between mine, pressing against my warmth as he pulled upwards on my hips, making them mould against his. I could feel the 'V' of his waistline against my skin when he moved my underwear down, his lips searing a brand on my neck as he gently bit, definitely leaving a hickey for the morning.

His boxers were the next thing to go and I flipped him over. My hair tickled his chest as he moved it behind my ears, pulling me down for a tender kiss, my legs either side of him. A low groan rumbled in his chest when he moved over me again, pressing his friend against me.

As per usual, we quickly showered and sorted ourselves out afterwards. He was extremely amused at the fact that Kenzi didn't pack me any heels so I had to wear my black vans with my dress.

"You look like you belong on a skateboard," he muttered, looking me over after he'd checked his phone.

"You look like you belong in a prision, but, hey, who's complaining?" I teased sweetly, putting my phone in my bag and starting towards the door.

Hunter wasn't long after me, he locked the door and asked for directions to the club that Kenzi and Lee were waiting at.

"Do me a favour tonight?" I asked, looking up at him from under his arm. He peered down at me.


"Don't get on a bloody train." He laughed, paying the bouncer to let us in.

The club was nothing like the ones at home. It had far more decorations and dancers hanging about, all of them in barely any clothing and DJ decks on the stage. The bar was packed with people and the dance floor was also heaving, lights waving around, blinding you at every odd moment.

I immediately made a break for the dance floor, getting in with the sweaty and horny crowd, all of them bumping and grinding with each other, cheering and making out.

Hunter pulled me against him, my hips tight against his as we danced. My arms made their way around their neck and I felt someone, or rather, something, against my back..

Looking over my shoulder, I realised it was another person. The man was getting a little excited as Hunter pulled me towards him and glared at the guy behind me.

"Vuoi condividere la tua puttana?" he asked, shouting over the music. Hunter's eyes narrowed but neither of us knew what he said.

"Uh, dude," I heard from beside us and Lee boxed him in the nose. I gasped, my eyes wide as Lee shook his wrist and the guy fell backwards, holding the bridge of his nose.

The man darted forwards, fists clenched and Hunter stepped forward, grabbing the collar of his shirt. Security didn't come long after that, escorting us all out.

"Thanks," Hunter said flatly, glaring at Lee. Lee shurgged, shaking his wrist.

"If you'd of known what he said, you'd of knocked seven bells out of him." Kenzi was also sitting on the street, but talking to another girl. None of us knew who she was, she was just waiting outside and had started talking to Kenzi.

"What did she say?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"He asked if Hunter wanted to share his whore," Lee admitted, running his hand through his hair with a grunt.

"If I'd of known, I'd of fucking killed him," Hunter swore, looking over his shoulder at the club and the music pounding from within it.

Kenzi rejoined us, squeezing in between Hunter and I.

"Hi, boys," the girl that she had been talking to drawled. Lee looked up, waving a little and then slumping back down. Hunter didn't even look at her, he just kissed the top of my head and pulled me against him possessively.

"Uh, hey," Lee mumbled as the woman sat down next to him, lighting what looked like a joint.

"Woah, are you crazy? Put that out," Lee hissed, suddenly springing to life and shuffling against us.

"It's fine, want a go?" she asked, her italian accent making her fairly difficult to understand. Lee shook his head.

"I'm cool, thanks."

Lee's discomfort and my boredom was eventually enough to get us to move. Hunter helped me to my feet and Lee helped Kenzi.

The hotel wasn't too far away but it was beginning to get a little bit chilly and the air was dancing around my bare legs.

"Where are we goin'?" a voice from behind us asked. Lee spun around, joined by Hunter and I.

"Uh," we all said simultaniously as the woman was standing behind us. I didn't know how she hadn't curled up on the floor and announced that she was suffering from hyperthermia.

"We're going back to the hotel," Lee said, pointing at all of us individually before he looked back at her hurt face. Her long legs were bent when she turned and flipped Lee off.

"Next time you want service, find someone else, bastardo!" she hollered. Hunter let out a bark of laughter.

"You even repel hookers! That's a skill, man," he said through laughter. Kenzi and I started to chuckle when Lee let out a puff of air.

"I give up," he muttered under his breath. Hunter laughed, patting him on the back.

"Don't worry, we'll find a nice, desperate young man for you," Hunter cooed and Lee swore at him, taking off in front of us

"Don't expect a lift tomorrow!" he called over his shoulder, leaving us all cackling on the way back to the hotel.

A.N: Welllll..... there we go!:) Another nag, please check out 'She's Broken' and hope the heated scene was okay, don't normally write like that, no experience, not even in kisses! *sob* ;) anyway, please vote and comment, let me know what you think!:)

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