Chapter 9 - Leaning Lee and Lengthy Lectures

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Chapter 9 - Leaning Lee and Lengthy Lectures.

Calling my mum had been another wrong decision of mine, she wasn't exactly taking the whole situation very well. I'd put Hunter on the phone to speak to her because, well, she wanted to nail him and normally, talking to him, calmed her down.

It's needless to say that since I told her that he was my boyfriend, she wasn't overly pleased about speaking with him. I couldn't pick up much of the conversation but I'd worked out that she wasn't using her sexy voice. It sounded more like the if-I-was-there-I-would-officially-crush-your-windpipe-and-then-bring-you-back-to-life-only-to-yell-at-you-until-I-can't-breath, voice. Yeah, she had one of those and she was definitely putting it into practise.

"Yes, I was with her," Hunter coaxed, sitting down on me until I pinched the skin at the top of his thigh. He jumped up, shooting me a glare and then sitting down next to me instead. "No, I didn't deflower your daughter," he added, sounding a lot more impatient than he did a moment before. I didn't really blame him, to be honest, my mum was a force to be reckoned with.  

Before Hunter could say another word and I could chicken out, I grabbed the phone and clenched my hand around it with a grimace.

"Mum, as much as I enjoyed sitting here and arguing with you, I've really got to get going," I said as sarcastically as I could. The silence on the end of the line was scary, scarier than if she'd actually said something.

"Andrea Deeks, we will talk about this when you get home," she said in a clipped tone, her breathing deep.

"No, we will talk about this now. I don't see the problem with this. I am with my friends, I have money and Dante knows where we are and that there is a problem. Dad knows, he's okay with it, hell, he even gave me money!" I exclaimed. Hunter's eyes widdened at my tone, which was understandable.

The line was silent again, she was probably standing in the kitchen and looking down at her drawer of knives, working out which would be best to personally punish me with when I got home. Slight exaggeration on my behalf, but I wouldn't really be surprised if that was happening.

"So, let me get this straight. You call me to tell me that you're lost in Italy, after, and I quote, 'A wild night out gone wrong' and then expect me to be okay with this?" she started, her rant just firing up.  

I got to my feet, holding the phone to my ear and grabbing my bag. Hunter followed behind me, shutting the door and then pulling me against him.  

"And then I find out that you're living with your boyfriend and getting into a sexually intimidate relationship. To top this all off, you live right next to a strip club where there have been numerous gang related incidents and you have a tattoo. So, please enlighten me, Andrea, where is the reason in all of this?" she finished off.

"God, would you take a breath," I groaned out, Hunter thwacked my bum in warning. He knew that getting into a heated argument with my mum on the phone was a bad idea, just like I did, but being nineteen years old and a legal adult, she shouldn't be too bothered.

"I didn't hear, nor see anything when this so-called shoot out went down," I started, missing out the fact that I was actually in there. "The tattoo is something that I wanted, I like it and it's my ankle so why should you give a shit?" my mum gasped on the other end of the line, ready to open her mouth and give me all she had.

"And for the last time, I am a virgin!" I exclaimed, stopping so that I could hold my phone away from my ear whilst my mum gave it beans. She was yelling so loudly that I could hear it when I held the phone about a yard away.

"Look, I love you and I hope that you calm down by the time I get home, if you can, call Dad, he knows what's going on and checks in every morning, bye!" I said as quickly as I could, turning the call off before she could say anything.

Hunter was looking at me approvingly. 

"Girl grew some balls," he commented, moving his hands down to cup my butt and pulled me against him with a grin.

"Don't sound so pleased, you should be hoping that I don't have a pair of balls hiding under these shorts," I retorted. Hunter grinned, resting his forehead against mine and then pressing his lips to mine.

"I've seen under those shorts enough times to know that there's not," he whispered, his voice vibrating against my lips. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull myself onto my tip toes.  

I pressed my lips gently to his before running my tongue along them, asking him for entrance. When he didn't comply, I took his lip between my teeth and bit down softly. He groaned at the back of his throat and tightened his grip on my backside.

"Virgin my ass," he whispered and I pulled away, laughing.

I rested my head against his chest as he ran his hands down my back and then stepped away to look at me.

"It could've been worse," he offered but I just shot him an incredulous look.

"No, it couldn't of. That was practically suicide." Hunter chuckled, shaking his head.

"At least I didn't tell her how hard I fuc-" I cut him off before he could say anything else by grabbing his hand and kissing his knuckles. His eyes widdened slightly, but not before he gave me a lazy smile and walked alongside me.

"Let's keep that to ourselves, shall we?" I asked and he laughed, shrugging.

"I don't know, I'm a fan of bragging," he commented, peering down at me.

"You'd be able to brag even more if my balls didn't keep getting in the way." Hunter let out a bark of laughter at my statement, shaking his head. 

"I can't take you anywhere," he muttered before pulling me along behind him and onto the feild.

It didn't take us long to spot Lee or Kenzi. They'd gone ahead earlier that morning when my mum rang. Lee said that 'I want to see the Tower before the apocolypse gets us, so I'm going on.' They both knew exactly how conversations with my mother went, therefore just left Hunter and I to it.

Lee was standing in front of the tower, doing the usual pushing motion, obviously for Kenzi's camera and then moved into a position that looked like the dance to 'I'm a little teapot'.

Hunter and I were chuckling as we walked over and Kenzi spotted us, grinning in our direction.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked through my laugh when we reached them. Lee sighed, straightening.

"Leaning, like the tower," he said in his most obvious voice, pretty much shoving the word 'duh' in our faces. I smirked, shaking my head as I dropped to the ground next to Kenzi.

"Dude, stop, please. It actually hurts to watch you," Hunter begged, sitting down behind me and pulling me in between his legs. I didn't protest, just elbowed him when he tried to cob a feel.

"Besides, that wasn't leaning," I added. Lee shot me a scowl.

"Alright, bendy girl. Let's see you do better," he sniffed. I chuckled, getting to my feet and brushing the grass of the backs of my legs. Lee flicked a bit off, only to be clipped on the back of his head by Hunters.

"Mitts off my girl, thanks." Lee shrugged, leaning back on his elbows as I tried to move forwards. It wasn't as easy as I originally thought it was going to be, but after a trial and error, I'd sucessfully recreated what Michael Jackson used to do, just not quite as close to the ground.

"Show off," Lee muttered. I curtsied, grinning at him when I flooped back down in between Hunter's legs, resting my back against his chest. The warmth coming from him had been something I'd missed without him in my bed with me.

"I'm banging that," Hunter stated proudly, prodding my knee with his spare hand. I swatted it away, raising an eyebrow in his direction.

"You won't be in a minute." Lee laughed, looking up at the tower.

We stayed sitting in a comfortable silence, picking at the crisps in between us and breathing in the air. The stress of going back to the villa had completely gone, Hunter had called Dante and made up something about car trouble. Although he wasn't happy, he said that we'd have to make the days up in shifts, possibly paying a bit extra on top. Not too bad, better than we'd been expecting.

"Did you get the dragon off your back?" Kenzi asked. I shook my head, groaning.

"She is officially going to decaptitate me and then sell my limbs to the butchers," I said into my hands, my voice muffled.

"Well, she sounds lovely. Remind me to meet her at some point," Lee mocked from the other side of the circle. I peeked out of my hands to laugh at him.  

"I'll introduce you," I promised but he shook his head.

"I'm in no rush." Chuckling, Kenzi turned back to me with a curious look.

"What did you say to ruffle her feathers so much?" I sighed before filling her in on our conversation which had the entire circle staring at me in shock. Well, asides Hunter, he was laughing.

"Right, changing the subject. Lee, are you bored of driving yet?" Hunter asked. Lee nodded, stretching out and laying flat on his back.

"It's getting a bit tedious, I guess. Why?"

Hunter stood up, holding his hand out for me. I took it and allowed him to help me to my feet. He grinned when I was standing in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest. His eyes did a once, maybe twice over my body.

"Okay, we're going to limbo. The one who wins, doesn't have to drive us to our next destination," he conlcluded, smirking down at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Where are we going to find a limbo stick?" I asked, only to have Hunter to point towards a stall that was selling oars. I raised an eyebrow but Hunter went over there anyway, asking the guy, presumably, if we could borrow an oar. Of course, that failed so Lee was sent over to translate.

And that was where we found ourselves half an hour later. Standing by the oar stall and limboing under the longest oar he owned. He spoke a few words on English. Well, he knew 'hello', 'that's three Euros' and 'have a nice day'. Other than that, it was as good speaking to him in English as it would be saying to Ashley Cole, 'stop shagging people that aren't Cheryl'.

"Right, you go first," Hunter said gestured towards the oar, which was being held up by both Lee and Kenzi.

"You know, I could always drive," Kenzi offered. Just as I was about to open my mouth and tell everyone that was a good idea, Hunter cut her off.

"That wouldn't be any fun, though." I scowled at him, shaking my head.

"I haven't been driving very long, I'm not sure that this is the best idea," I countered but Hunter cocked his head to the side.

"Scared, Princess?" Narrowing my eyes at his words, I turned and limboed under the oar with ease, gesturing for Hunter to take his go.

His gorgeous eyes glinted mischeviously as he, too, easily bent under it. Lee lowered the oar, Kenzi followed suit with her side and I moved under it again, completing stage two.

It went like that for a while, the two of us just taking in turns and finding the entire came easy. That was until the bar only made it about three feet from the ground.

"This is looking a tad difficult," Lee commented from the sidelines. Not only had we entertained ourself for a good half hour, we'd also drawn a crowd. They were cheering in Italian, half for Hunter and half for me, I assumed, anyway. I liked to think that at least half of them were my fans. 

I grimaced, leaning backwards and feeling my top ride up to just below my bra. In the end, I'd given into Hunter's nagging and got my belly button done. It was just another addition to the many that I already had in my ears. As soon as my stomach stretched back and I felt the muscles tense, a cheer erupted from a group of guys in the crowd.

The angle that my back was at couldn't possibly be healthy but I managed to get through it. I got to the other side and cheered, jumping up and down. There was no way that Hunter would be able to complete that one, he was about six foot four and I was five foot nothing, me getting under was a miracle.

Hunter grinned, stripping off his jacket and going under. It was unbelievable. I knew he had been a dancer but the way his back flexed and he doubled back with ease made me physically gasp. Lee raised both of his eyebrows so high that I thought they were about to jump off his face and Kenzi's mouth dropped open.

Hunter brushed his hands together, pulling me against him and planting a kiss on my forehead.  

"Good luck," he taunted, patting my backside as I walked to the other side. Kenzi and Lee lowered the bar, both shooting me small smiles of good look. Forget good luck, I was going to need a fricken miracle to get under there.

I only managed to get part of my body under the bar before my legs gave out and I fell backwards, landing sprawled on the floor. Cursing under my breath, I pushed myself to my feet and got out of the way for Hunter to have his go.

All I could do was pray that there was actually a God up there as he moved to go under it. The muscles under his top became visible when he moved, the oar pushing his top further as he made his way under and clear. Damn it.

"Looks like you're driving, Princess," he bragged, pulling me to him by slipping his hands into my back pockets. I sighed, flicking the back of his head and pulling away. He laughed, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"She is not driving my car," Lee insisted when we reached it. We'd packed up and put all of our stuff in the mustang and that was when Lee startd kicking up stink about me driving.

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here," I grumbled, leaning on the door with a grunt. Lee sighed, shaking his head. 

"Sorry. I'm just saying that you're not exactly the best driver around," Lee explained. Rolling my eyes, I stepped over the door and into the seat, gesturing for the key.

"It'll be fine. I have a liscense." Lee sighed, putting his keys in my palm.

"If you hurt her, you won't live to see tomorrow," Lee warned and I grinned, putting it in the ignition and starting the car.

The engine purred to life below us, rumbling until the rest of them got into the car. Hunter rode shotgun as Lee and Kenzi got in the back. I had the car in the wrong gear. The reverse gear. The gear that sent us shooting back into the wall of the car park. Dear lord, Lee was going to kill me.

A/N: Please vote and comment!:) 

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