56 • Chains •

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Nausheen was blessed with twins; one boy and one girl. Anahita played with the toddlers- Faiz and Firdous.

"My mother-in-law named them." She rolled her eyes.

Anahita smiled, picking up the baby girl in a pink tutu dress. Carefully, she placed the kid on her lap.

"Beautiful names."

A middle-aged woman came with a tray carrying tea in porcelain cups. Behind her, Badi Ammi walked into the living room.

"Are you girls enjoying the reunion?"

"Yes." Nausheen was her usual excited self. Anahita nodded. She took the teacup with grace. The maid got busy plating biscuits.

"Asif is praying? Are his chair and all arranged properly?" Badi Ammi's voice rang with pain. Anahita lowered her head. She heard Nausheen answer.

Badi Ammi sighed, refusing the tea, - "Get me sherbet." Then she relaxed on the couch.

"My bacha, such a bright kid. I told Elanor to not skip taking him to Peer Baba. First-born sons are always vulnerable to the evil eye. And see what happened? Someone's evil shadow fell on him." She let out a sob.

Anahita gave her a sympathetic look. She recollected her mothers-in-law's advice to be protective of Aryaman; extra protective. As a mother, Anahita connected with Badi Ammi.

Nausheen rolled her eyes, - "Dadijaan and you never let a chance go without blowing verses on him. Even from Bhopal, you said. Now, pray that he recovers."

Anahita cleared her throat, - "Asif is being adamant else, doctors can surely cure him."

Badi Ammi scoffed, - "How much can a doctor do? This evil cast on him isn't letting him think straight. First, we have to get rid of that."

Nausheen opened her mouth to counter when a feminine voice spoke over her, - "I know who that evil shadow is."

Anahita's head shot in the voice's direction. Husna stood at the door, casting a glare toward her. Nausheen sighed. She reached out to hold Anahita's hand.

"Why is this woman here? Badi Ammi."

"Huh? What do you mean, my child?" The elderly woman was confused. Anahita darted her gaze away. Nausheen's warm hand squeezed her palm.

Husna, unlike before, was traditionally dressed in pure white chiffon salwar kameez. This attire made her even more beautiful. Her pink cheeks and rosy lips complimented the colour of her dress and black hair with curled ends rested on her shoulder. Anahita felt regret on Asif's behalf for not marrying her. She loved him enough to sacrifice her reputation and future for him.

Husna pursed her lips, her fiery stare on Anahita's guilty face.

"Husna Baji, Bhaijaan does not love you. He asked you multiple times to move on and if you can't. Then you have no one to blame but yourself."

Before Husna answered her, Nausheen continued, - "And don't think you can emotionally blackmail or guilt trip anyone here to get what you want."

Anahita nudged her sharply with her elbow. Nausheen leaned against her and whispered urgently, - "She is just bitter because Bhaijaan loves you and doesn't reciprocate her feeling."

"Bhaijaan might have his reasons, but I would want anyone but you as my brother's wife."

"What is happening? Can anyone tell me, Husna?" Badi Ammi interjected.

Husna crossed her arms and exhaled deeply, - "This woman who you are entertaining. She is the reason Asif is how he is now."

"Just because he refused to marry you, you are bizarrely accusing my friend." Nausheen shot back. Anahita placed a gentle hand on her friend's lap to calm her.

"Shut up! You are this woman's chamchi, Nausheen." Husna was harsh with her words. Anahita flinched. She had always assumed Asif's cousin to be gentle.

Badi Ammi looked around, puzzled and slightly worried.

"What are you talking about, my child? Anahita is the sweetest and sorted child I have met."

Husna huffed, - "Don't fall for her charms as Asif did. First, she enticed him, made him fall in love with her, and then ditched him, for some petty reason."

"Excuse me, it wasn't some petty reason." Anahita almost toppled the cup from her hand. Redness and warmth crept down her cheeks as she struggled to control her boiling anger.

"My mother was on her deathbed. I had to choose, and I chose her because she was dying." Anahita shook with anger. Nausheen grabbed her shoulders. While an ayah hurried to get hold of the crying kids. Husna was stunned to react, while Badi Ammi's mouth dropped open.

It surprised Anahita herself. She hadn't raised her voice for a long time. But when those terrible memories came back, it pinched her hard.

Nausheen completed the rest in a shaky voice, - "And Bhaijaan supported her. Don't vomit nonsense about someone you know nothing about."

Badi Ammi frowned at Husna, - "What is this behavior, Husna?" She reprimanded her.

Husna sighed, rolling her eyes, - "Don't believe these girls, Badi Ammi. I and you are more concerned about Asif than them."

Nausheen gasped, - "I am his own sister." She was offended. Before Husna countered her, a manly voice disrupted them.

"Enough, Husna."

Asif's presence made Anahita feel emotional and embarrassed by his cousin's accusations.

"Excuse me, I need some air." Anahita gathered herself but was careful to not push against Asif.

Standing under a Semal tree, she kept her eyes closed and arms folded until she felt better. A whiff of familiar rose attar distracted her. She sensed the same feeling of comfort. Negativity venting out, and her heart calmed down. Anahita felt a gentle tap on her head. Something delicate passed by her, caressing her cheek. Something that was cotton soft. Slowly, she opened her eyes and noticed a fallen red flower at her feet. She looked up and saw the blooming red flowers on the branches.

Asif cleared his throat, and she straightened. He limped towards her and stood by her side.

"I am ashamed on behalf of Husna. I have spoken to her and she is ready to apolo—"

"It is okay, Asif," Anahita replied, relaxing her arms around her waist.

They looked away, and there was silence between them. Anahita felt his presence close to her, but there was an agonizing distance. So close, yet so far. She sighed.

Then, a few more flowers fell over them, and together they looked up. Anahita wished these flowers were a blessing on them, to be together forever. But, Alas!

"How—is your mother?"

Anahita pressed her hand against her trembling lips and lowered her head. Reliving those memories was agonizing. She doesn't look at him. It was another painful feeling, to be in the presence of the man who comforts her and aches for the easiness, yet can't have it. She can't even confess her true feelings anymore, then how can she seek the tranquillity of his embrace?

Anahita tried to modulate her voice, - "She is no more." She turned away from him, covering her face with her hands.

There was silence, except for her faint sobbing. But his nearness gave her some comfort. At least he was here with her and listening to her. It lightened her heart.

"I am sorry to hear about your mother."- Asif began. Anahita removed her hands and swiftly wiped her tears.

"My father and Leela poisoned her." Anahita revealed, - "But, the police closed the case, stating it as suicide."

"What?" Asif was flabbergasted, - "Why didn't you do something about it?"

"What could I? Abhay proposed getting a lawyer to fight our case. But no lawyer would take it up. They say it is an open and shut case."

"But you knew, right?"

Anahita nodded. The feeling of an icy knife seeping through her chest, painfully slowly, engulfed her once again as she described finding the poison and seeing her mother's dead body.

Asif reached out to hold her shoulder, but he pulled back. Anahita wiped her tears with the helm of her dupatta. In her mind, she desperately wanted him to console her. His touch always gives her solace.

She had cried alone in her room, and in front of him in her dreams. Yet, she couldn't find that ease that she found when physically close to Asif. Taking in his words, feeling the warmth of their embrace and the comfortable yet strong grip of his hands.

"My friend Shankar, is a lawyer in Jaipur. I will telephone him and he will take up this case. He has done tricky cases in the past." Asif added he will get his card to Anahita.

"Thank you."

Asif passed her a half smile.

At that moment, Anahita wanted to give up everything and just embrace him, so that he would never slip away from her. Ever.

"Um, I heard about your father from Nausheen." Anahita paused. She didn't know if it would hurt him. She learned how Ijazul Haq remarried for the third time. His wife turned out to be a gold digger. She and her son from her previous marriage deceived him.

"You have a very big heart, Asif." Anahita felt pride in him.

Even with Ijaz's awful behavior and ruthlessness, Asif had taken him in. The time, when Ijaz had come dejected and in poor health. Asif took the expenses of his treatment, also, following the instructions of the doctor nursed his ailing father.

"He was my father. I didn't realize, but I didn't feel terribly upset about his passing." Asif shook his head. Anahita noticed him clench tighter on the walking stick.

"Even after this." She pointed at it.

Asif nodded, - "He might be the evilest father on earth. Indifferent and uninterested in us. Mean and abusive, but I am what I am because of him. He brought me into this world, fed and raised me, and paid for my education to get me to be a barrister. If I spend all my earnings on him, and spend all my time on him, I couldn't repay him."

It was a strange feeling for Anahita. She wished she could be big-hearted and forgiving.

"You know, forgiveness is not in my nature. If I hate someone, I just hate them. I can never get myself to love them. Even if it's my father."

She recollected Prathuman telephoning her. She didn't bother to talk to him, only Abhay did. Also, she strictly asked her husband to never disclose what her father wanted to tell her. Ever.

"And when I love someone—" She stopped mid-sentence and looked at him. He looked back.

Without glancing away, Anahita stared into his eyes and completed, - "I can never love anyone else. Ever."

Asif passed her a half smile again, - "I am honored that you love me. But also, I feel guilty. All I want is to see you happy, and it pains me to know that I am the one holding you back."

"And I want you to be happy, Asif." Anahita spoke desperately. He blinked at her, then lowered his head.

There was silence between them. Anahita clenched her fingers as her hands itched to hold him. Comfort him with her touch.

"I want you to live, love again, and be happy." She said, folding her arms across her chest.

Asif sighed, he leaned back, - "The guilt of not being there with you destroyed my will to do anything. Now, that—" He paused. Anahita looked at him with tears glistening in her eyes.

"But there is one thing, Anahita. I too can't love anyone else. You are and will be the only woman in my life and—don't force me otherwise, please." He pointed his index finger.

Anahita swallowed the tightness in her throat and nodded without meeting his gaze.

Silence again.

"You are an emotional fool," Anahita interjected.

Asif chuckled, - "You too."

They looked at each other and laughed through their tears. Tomorrow, she will go back to her life in Bombay, and this perhaps was their last meeting. The pain of parting from him was even more agonizing. Anahita looked away, chuckling with him. She swiftly wiped tears from the corner of her eyes.

Asif talked about pleasant memories, mostly childhood ones. Anahita pointed out how she found him "bawlo" the first time they met as adults.

"And I thought you were quirky and a rude girl."

"Was I?"


"That is there. I don't easily let strangers into my life."

"Stranger?"- Asif raised his eyebrow, a cheesy smile playing on his lips.

Momentarily, Anahita forgot how badly things changed between them. Once again, she found herself to be the Anahita Agarwal from four-five years earlier.

"Not exactly, stranger, but you were what—my best friend's brother." Anahita shrugged.

Asif exhaled deeply and shook his head.

Anahita's smile dropped, - "It is so strange. How a person who once means nothing to you eventually becomes your entire world."

"Your reason for existence. Your lifeline, your comfort." Asif completed her sentence. Anahita turned her head and looked at him. Now, a brittle smile replaced his jolly one.

"Yes."- she replied, transfixed at him.

"And how badly you want that stranger to become your destiny. Your world revolves around them until you become them. Their happiness, and sadness mirror your feelings." He added. Anahita nodded, looking away.

She never thought she would be happy if Asif moved on with someone else. Yet now, she was badly wanting him to at least survive. Knowing he was content and successful in life will let her live in peace for the remaining of her life.

How was the Chapter, my lovelies? Tragic isn't it *heartbreak* Drop your thoughts in the comments, please. And don't forget to vote, you all.

The book is ending, and I have mixed feelings about it. Please write down your expectations, guys.

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