Chapter 3

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"Since when?" Gwen asked.

"Couple weeks ago." Jo replied.

"Her and Winter came out as a couple to us at dinner." Lola added.

"Wow, I can't believe it." I said.

Lola sighed. "We're trying to support them, but Madison is really uncomfortable with the whole thing."

Jo rolled her eyes. "I don't know why, it's not like they're gonna stone you for being gay these days."

"Sometimes it's not that simple." I said, looking down.

Gwen took my hand in hers then. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just remembering what it was like when I came out... I was a nervous wreck for most of my childhood. Luckily, I had Jo and my mom there to support me."

Gwen looked down then. "Yeah... My parents just laughed in my face... I don't even know why I bothered telling them..."

I gave Gwen's hand a gentle squeeze, but, before I could speak, Madison and Winter came back inside.

"Why are you guys moping around? We're at the freakin' beach." Madison said.

Winter chuckled. "I think what she meant to say was: the water's great, you guys should join us."

Madison rolled her eyes slightly. "Yeah, what she said."

Everyone shared a look and a shrug before heading back to our rooms to change into our swimsuits.

We all met out on the beach after that.

Madison and Winter challenged Jo and Lola to a game of chicken while Gwen and I wandered down the shore.

I took in the sights, breathing in the salty air. "It's beautiful out here."

Gwen took my hand, keeping pace next to me as the waves gently splashed against our ankles. "Maybe we should get a place out here."

I stopped her then, turning to face her. "Hold on a second, are you suggesting we..?"

She flashed me a smile, taking both my hands now. "Move in together?"

My breath hitched as I nodded.

She looked down, shrugging. "I love you, Bri... And I wanna take our relationship to the next level... I know there's still a lot for us to do before we can take that step... But, I wanna know there's something we're stepping towards..."

A smile grew on my lips, a warm feeling settling in my heart. "I think so to... Like you said, we still have a ways to go, but I'm in..."

She returned my smile, leaning in for a soft, slow kiss, resting her forehead against mine afterwards. "I love you."

"I love you to." I replied.

We found a seat on some nearby boulders after that, Gwen popping a cigarette between her lips before offering me one.

I exhaled smoke with a long sigh. "You know, my mom would kill me if she knew I was still smoking..."

Gwen smirked. "I'm surprised she didn't kill you when she found out."

I chuckled lightly, staring off down the beach.

"Everything ok?" Gwen asked.

I took a long hit from the cigarette. "Yeah... Just, nervous I'm still trying to be someone I'm not..."

She studied me for a second before pulling her pack of cigarettes back out and chucking them into the ocean. "Let's quit then."

I faced her, cigarette still hanging from my lips. "Are you sure?"

A small smile tugged at her lips as she took my cigarette and flicked it into the ocean. "Yeah, I'm sure."

I nodded, taking her hand. "Alright, we'll quit... Also, like, you totally just littered in that nice ocean."

She rolled her eyes as she stood. "C'mon, dork, save the tree hugging for someone else."

I chuckled as I let her lead me back down the beach towards the others.

As we approached, though, we could hear raised voices.

"... Just because you suddenly realized you're gay, doesn't give you the right to push us around." Jo said defensively.

"That's not fair, everyone deals with things differently." Winter replied.

"C'mon, guys, it was an accident. Let's just all calm down." Lola added.

Madison shook her head before walking off. "I knew this was a mistake."

"Maddy, wait." Winter called as she followed after her.

We watched them disappear into the beach house before joining Jo and Lola.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We were playing chicken and it got a little rough." Lola said.

Jo rolled her eyes. "Bullshit, she slapped me."

"Jo, you pushed her pretty hard." Lola defended.

"Of course you're taking her side. Once a lackey, always a lackey." Jo replied before storming off as well.

I started to follow her. "C'mon, Jo, that was uncalled for and you know it."

Jo spun on me then. "I don't care! You know, I was trying to do the right thing, but after all the shit Madison put us through, why should she deserve our sympathy? And Lola of all people should know that. Madison treated her just as bad, yet she's still willing to take her side over mine... The whole reason I agreed to come out here is because I love her, the least she could do was see things from my perspective."

I froze. "I didn't realize you loved her... Does she know that?"

Jo shook her head, her shoulders slumping. "I just need some space..." Then, she continued on her way.

I let out a big sigh as Gwen came up behind me. "Everything ok?"

I shrugged. "I don't know..."

The rest of the day passed by slowly. Madison agreed to let us stay, but everyone avoided each other.

   Gwen and I sat in our room.

   "Well, that didn't take long." Gwen said.

   "Yeah, no kidding." I replied, sitting next to her on the bed.

   "What're we gonna do?" She asked.

   "Is there anything we can do?"

   She shrugged. "Well, clearly Jo and Lola need to work through some stuff. But, Madison is the big problem here. She's to stuck in her ways to open up and accept the help being offered to her and given your guy's past, it's causing a rift."

   I thought for a long minute, letting Gwen's words swirl around my head. She was right, Madison needed help and because of our history, she wouldn't accept it from us. But, we were likely the only ones who could help. At least Winter seemed to think so.

   "What're you thinking about?" Gwen asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

   "I think I should talk to her..."

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