Chapter 4

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I woke up bright and early the next morning, ready to fix things before they went to far...

   Jo looked up from her spot on one of the deck chairs as I approached. "Hey..." She greeted, looking down.

   I gestured to the chair next to her. "Mind if I join you?"

   She just nodded, still avoiding eye contact.

   I sat down next to her. "Jo... I'm sorry for what I said. Trust me, I understand being weary of Madison. I am to. But, Lola's your girlfriend and if you really love her, you should be telling her that instead of blowing up at her..."

   She let out a sigh. "I know... Madison is her friend and she's trying to help her... And I'm trying really hard to be supportive... But, it's not easy... I guess I just lost my cool..."

   I took her hand in mine then. "It's not to late to apologize, you know?"

   She finally looked at me, a small smile on her lips. "Thanks, Bri."

   I returned it. "Don't mention it. Now, get your butt inside, I'm sure Lola would like to talk to you."

   She rolled her eyes, but gave my hand a squeeze anyway.

   I watched as she stood, heading back inside, Gwen coming out shortly after. "How'd it go?"

   "It went good. She just needed a little nudge." I replied.

   Gwen sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "Good, because I have a feeling Madison won't be so easy."

   I sighed. "Tell me about it."

   Gwen placed a light kiss to my lips. "You know, you're an amazing person, Briana."

   I looked up into her eyes. "How so..?"

   She flashed me a gentle smile. "You're kind and helpful. You see the good in people, even if they probably don't deserve it..."

   I rested my hand against her cheek then. "Gwen, you know I think you're a good person, right?"

   She looked down, a slight smile still playing at her lips. "I don't think I am... But, it's nice to hear..."

   I pressed a kiss to her lips. "I'll just have to spend the rest of my life trying to convince you then."

   She chuckled as she stood up. "If that isn't determination, then I don't know what is."

   I returned her laugh. "I mean it, Gwen."

   She gave me a little wink. "I know." Then, she headed back inside.

   I stayed outside for a little longer, awaiting Madison's presence. But, she never came out.

   After a little while, I headed inside, seeing Jo and Lola sitting on the couch, chatting happily. "Not to break up this nice moment, but have either of you seen Madison?"

   They turned to me, Jo shrugging.

   "She hasn't come out of her room." Lola added.

   "What about Winter?"

   "Up on the balcony." Gwen said, walking out from the kitchen.

   I just nodded before heading to Madison's room, stopping in front of her door.

   'C'mon, Bri, you got this. What's the worst that could happen?' I thought to myself.

   Then, I knocked lightly on the door. "Uh, Madison? Are you awake?"

   The door suddenly opened, causing me to take a step back. "What do you want?" Madison asked.

   I looked down at the floor. Even after everything that happened, she still scared me a little.

   "Well, I was hoping we could talk." I replied.

   "No chance in hell." She said, starting to close her door.

   I spoke quickly before she could close it all the way. "I know how you feel!"

   She stopped, slowly opening the door back up. "How..?"

   "Can I come in first?" I asked.

   She just nodded, leading me into her room, inviting me to take a seat on the edge of her bed.

   I did so, looking down at my hands, nervously fiddling with my nails.

   It was quiet for a minute before she spoke. "So?"

   I let out a small sigh. "When I first came out as gay... everyone made fun of me... all the girls in the locker room avoided me like the plague, like... like I was sick or something and if they stood to close they might catch it... a-and when they weren't avoiding me, they'd call me awful names..."

   Madison looked at the floor, silent.

   "I know what it's like to be afraid of who you are. To dream of being someone else... But, we're only given one life to live and if you spend it worrying about what other people think of you, you won't get anything meaningful out of it... I know it's scary, but we're all just people, trying to live our lives... So, live it..."

   Madison lowered her head further. "Those people you were talking about, the ones who made fun of you... I was part of that...

   I nodded slowly. "I know..."

   She faced me. "Why help me then?"

   I met her gaze. "Because, everyone deserves a chance... Deep down, you're a good person, at least I think you wanna be. And, if I can help you see that, then I'm more then happy to help."

She stood then, pacing around the room. "I... I guess I was just angry and confused about my own sexuality and I took it out on you... I'm so sorry for the pain I put you through, Brianna..."

   I looked up at her, my face softening. "I forgive you..."

   She met my eyes. "You know you really shouldn't..."

   I shrugged. "To late."

   She chuckled a little before looking down again. "I just hope I deserve your forgiveness..."

   I stood, hesitantly pulling her into a hug. "You do... And, if you ever need anything, we're all here for you."

   I could feel her body start to tremble, feel her warm tears against my shoulder. "Th-thank you..."

   I patted her back before pulling away. "Don't mention it. Now, c'mon, you owe Winter an apology as well."

   We stepped out of her room and started heading for the balcony. She stopped at the stairs and turned to me. "I really appreciate your help, but... But this is something I have to do on my own."

   I nodded. "I understand. Just remember to stay true to yourself and be honest about how you feel."

   She nodded, flashing me a small smile before heading up.

   I smiled after her before heading into the living room.

   "So?" Gwen asked, Jo and Lola looking on expectantly.

   I sat down next to Gwen. "So... It went well. She's up there talking to Winter as we speak."

   Jo stood then, Lola following her. "I don't know how you do it, Bri."

   I smiled. "Natural charm."

   She rolled her eyes, a little chuckle slipping past her lips. "Whatever."

   Lola took her hand then. "C'mon, babe, let's go for a walk on the beach."

   Jo nodded. "Lead the way."

   Gwen and I watched them leave. "Well-" She started, but was cut off by squealing sounds coming from upstairs.

   "I love you to!" We heard Winters muffled voice.

   Gwen and I looked up at the ceiling. "I guess they worked things out." She said.

   "I guess so." I replied, taking her hand in mine.

   She pressed a kiss to my cheek, resting her head on my shoulder. "What a weekend."

   I chuckled. "Yeah, no kidding..."

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