One Last Victim

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“No, no, no!" Marmalade shouted as his computer crashed. With the push of a button, Webs opened up the door to Gabi's chamber. Once they were in, Diane used a small blowtorch to cut the chain off Gabi's collar.

“It's okay, Gabi. You're free now," Diane assured her, picking up the weakened angelfish. “Come on, Webs. We gotta get her to a hospital."

“I wouldn't do that if I were you," Marmalade said viciously, holding a pistol up to the three ladies. “Drop the fish."

With a soft growl, Diane gently put Gabi back down.

“Hands up, both of you," Marmalade ordered. Webs and Diane obeyed. “Now, Gabriela... come to me."

“Gabi..." Webs muttered as Gabi struggled to get back on her feet. She stumbled towards Marmalade and passed out the moment he grabbed her by the neck.

“Do whatever you want to us," Diane said, “but why would you hurt Gabi? She did nothing wrong!"

“Nothing wrong?" Marmalade laughed. “I took her in and she left me for a bunch of petty thieves."

“I take it that hurt your ego," Webs said with a smirk. “But I do have to hand it to you, Marmalade, you're a criminal mastermind."

“Why thank you, Ms. Tarantula!" Marmalade replied.

“If you don't mind my asking, how'd you come up with this scheme?" Webs asked.

“Well, it's a long story," he admitted, “but since I'm going to shoot you anyway, what's the harm?"

“Mind if we sit down?"

“Why not? We're all animals," Marmalade answered as Webs and Diane sat on the metal bed. “Shortly before you had me framed as the Crimson Paw and thrown in jail, I researched genetic editing in case I wanted to clone myself. Instead, I told Cuddles to find an angelfish, gene-altering steroids, and any shred of Gabriela's DNA. Once he helped me get out of prison and kill all of the guards and inmates, I used those three things to create Millicent. Her brain took longer to develop, so I used that time to condition it so she would ultimately obey me whenever I said ‘be a dear.' I said it every single time I wanted her to kill someone, including herself, ultimately."

“And you were going to frame the Bad Guys for it," Diane added.

“Yes, though I would've had to take care of you later," Marmalade admitted. “But you're here now, Crimson Paw. Consider this a death sentence for all the crimes you've committed."

“WHAT'S UP, PAPA?!" someone shouted, and suddenly, Piranha tackled Marmalade, who dropped Gabi and the pistol, and started pounding him like a steak. “Take that, and that!"

“Excellent timing Wolf," Diane said, grinning as Wolf rushed in with Snake and Shark.

“You'd think I'd miss this party?" Wolf asked. “Okay, Piranha. That's enough."

“Hey! I'm not done with him!" Piranha shouted as Shark picked him up and Snake grabbed Marmalade. “Lemme at him!"

“Let's have the police take it from here," Shark suggested.

“We shall," Marmalade agreed in a malevolent tone, and carefully pressed a button on his watch.

“Self-destruct sequence initiated," said a computer's voice, causing everyone to freeze. “Total destruction in T-minus one minute."

In the shock of it all, Snake accidentally dropped Marmalade, who picked the pistol back up and pulled the trigger, only for water to squirt out. He tossed it aside and stared at the group.

“I had a feeling things would backfire," he admitted. “That's why I installed a self-destruct function separate from my main system. Didn't count on that, did you, Tarantula?"

“Why you fuzzy little..."

“Well, if I have to go down, you're all coming with me," Marmalade declared. “How fitting."

At that moment, Piranha bit Shark in the fin, making him drop him and yelp in pain, and ran towards Marmalade... only to see something shiny fly straight out of the shadows and into the guinea pig's back. Marmalade shrieked in pain at the feeling of the cold knife buried in his flesh. He turned around to see what hit him and everyone watched as a familiar, pink angelfish in a white dress stepped out of the darkness with a look of defiance on my her face.

“MILLICENT?!" everyone exclaimed except for Piranha.

“But... you're supposed to be dead!" Marmalade groaned.

“Maybe I just need to work on my aim," Piranha admitted with a smug grin.

“Total destruction in T-minus thirty seconds."

Without warning, Millicent grabbed Marmalade by his shirt collar and began carrying him to the door.

“Millicent, what are you doing?" Marmalade asked. “Never mind, just... be a dear and–"

“And never obey him again," Diane finished.

“Believe me, I won't," Millicent assured the fox as she took off Marmalade's watch with her free hand and tossed it to Webs, who began hacking into it.

“Darling, let's be reasonable," Marmalade tried to tell her once they were outside. “I... I created you... We're family.... You kill me... you'll have no one!"

“Sounds better than spending another minute with the likes of you!" Millicent declared, throwing him off the cliff. She watched as he crashed into the ocean, never to return.

Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven..."

“I can't believe she did that," Shark exclaimed.

“Six... Five... Four..."

“Yeah," Snake agreed. “I really wish it could've been me."

“Three... Two..."

“And done!" Webs declared as she hit one last button.

“Self-destruct sequence terminated."

“Gabi!" Piranha exclaimed as Diane carried her outside. She placed her down so Piranha could hold her. “Oh, Gabi... Lo siento, mi amor..."

“Wolf, take this to the chief," Diane said, handing him a tiny voice recorder. “It may help Millicent."

“Of course," Wolf replied as Diane jumped off the cliff, opened up a pair of wing flaps on her suit, and glided out of his sight.

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