The Wedding

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And so, we return to where we began. With Millicent and her twisted path to the altar.

As everyone stood up from their seats to watch Millicent walk down the aisle, Wolf, Snake, and Shark looked around for any sign of Webs and Diane.

“Do you see them?" Wolf whispered.

“Nope," Shark replied. “Weird."

“Know who I do see?" Snake asked bitterly, glaring at Allison, who was sitting with Quentin and their two children.

“Oh, yeah, I invited them," Wolf revealed. “I thought you guys could talk things over."

“There's nothing to talk about," Snake hissed.

“I still can't believe you said yes without talking to me first," Allison grumbled.

“Honey, let's not talk about this now," Quentin muttered. “My father's friend is getting married. Besides, it's actually for the best we came."

“What do you mean?"

“Dearly beloved," the priest began, “we have gathered here today, suspiciously quickly, to celebrate the union of this piranha and this angelfish. Now, before we begin, I understand that Mr. Piranha wishes to say a few words first."

“Thanks, chico," Piranha said, pulling out a piece of paper. “Gabi, they say that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but I don't think there will ever be another like you. You are the love of my life, I will never have eyes for anyone else, not even someone who looked exactly like you, for I will always know that no matter how beautiful she is, she could never be you. Hoy y mañana, por siempre, mi amor."

Millicent couldn't understand Spanish, but she realized that Marmalade was right. Piranha would never truly love her, he just wanted Gabi.

“If anyone has any reason that these two shouldn't be married, speak now or forever hold your peace," the priest said. Already knowing the truth, Quentin got up from his chair and was about to speak up when...

“I object."

Everyone gasped in shock as Millicent said those two little words.

“What?" Piranha exclaimed in disbelief.

“I'm sorry, Piranha, but I can't marry you," Millicent admitted.

“But, Gabi... Why?" Piranha asked, heartbroken.

“Because... I'm not really Gabi."

“Not Gabi?" Shark wondered.

“She's telling the truth," Quentin revealed. “The real Gabi had a scar on the side of her head. She doesn't."

To prove it, Millicent took off her tiara and veil to show that the left side of her head was completely bare of any marks.

“You think one of us would've noticed that," Monique pointed out.

“I knew there was something off about you," Brenda said, crossing her arms.

“But if you're not Gabi, who are you?" Snake questioned.

“My real name is Millicent," she explained. “I was ordered to pretend to be Gabi while my boss kept her hidden away. I'm also the one who killed all those people. I don't know why I did it, but I did."

“You're the one who killed my wife?!" shouted Holly Wilson's widower as his baby began crying. Wolf suddenly realized that most of the wedding guests were actually the murder victims' families.

“He also told me to hold onto this," Millicent added, revealing the knife. Piranha pulled it out and stared at it, then her.

“But why are you telling us this now?" he asked.

“Because she wasn't supposed to!" a voice shouted. Everyone noticed a giant, flat screen TV turn on, revealing the face of an all-too familiar rodent.

“Marmalade..." Wolf growled.

“Did you miss me, Wolfie?" Marmalade asked in a sinister tone. “I know I missed you. Unfortunately, Millicent was supposed to kill herself and make it look like you and the rest of the Bad Guys were the mystery mass murderers everyone's been talking about."

“What?!" Millicent exclaimed. He wanted her dead this whole time?!

“But, clearly, it's too late for that now," he continued. “Piranha, you have the knife. Kill Millicent where she stands, all these people here will thank you for it. And if that's not enough for you, watch this."

Marmalade adjusted his camera so it would focus on Gabi being electrocuted once more.

“Gabi!" Piranha exclaimed as she collapsed. “Let her go, you rat!"

“Kill Millicent, and I'll let her go," Marmalade warned. “If you don't... I'll give her a lethal dosage and she will die. Who will it be, the woman you love or this evil creature?"

“Kill her!" someone shouted. “She killed my brother!"

“She needs to pay with her life for taking my Gene!" another person insisted.

“What do we do?" Shark asked.

“We can't force Piranha to make this decision," Wolf said.

“It's okay, go ahead," Millicent insisted. “I wouldn't blame you. But I just want to say... I'm really sorry. Truly, I am."

Knowing what needed to be done, Piranha raised the knife, and plunged it towards Millicent. Clutching her abdomen, she fell on her knees, then, onto her side, and let out one last breath.

“Now, let her go," Piranha said angrily.

“Did I say I'd let her go?" Marmalade wondered before laughing. “Oh, silly me. The whole reason I did all of this was to get revenge on you. And now that I think about it, what better way to do that than to take away the one thing you care about more than anything else in the world?"


“Say goodbye to your precious Gabriela," Marmalade said maliciously as he pushed a big button. Much to his surprise, however, nothing happened. “What the f–"

At that moment, the TV screen cut to black and the words “YOU HAVE BEEN HACKED!" appeared.

“Webs!" the Bad Guys exclaimed in delight. Wolf suddenly got a text from Diane that read, “Serenade Cliff. Look out below."

“Come on, gang, let's bounce," he said as the four of them began to leave.

“Good luck, Dad!" Quentin shouted to Snake.

“Thanks, son!"

Piranha took one last look at Millicent, who suddenly opened her eyes and stared at him, before rejoining the others to save his true love.

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