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Marmalade was more than certain that he would get his revenge. He had Cuddles send invitations to as many people as possible overnight, including the Bad Guys and the Rat Pack. Even though they found it questionable that things were going so fast, they were happy for the young couple nonetheless. The wedding would be held at the fish park near a forest, where he had hidden a few cameras so he could force Gabi to watch Millicent marry Piranha and be found stabbed to death during the reception. With all of the other murder victims in the past two months, who else would there be to blame but the Bad Guys?

To the sadistic guinea pig, things had never been sweeter.


“Oh, Gabs, you look so pretty!" Monique gushed as Millicent was fitted into a dazzling white gown with long gloves and a sparkling tiara.

“Thanks, Monique," Millicent replied. “You all look real nice, too."

“So, Gabi, is there any particular reason you and Piranha decided to move up the wedding so suddenly?" Brenda asked curiously.

“Oh, well, uh... We just thought, ‘why wait,' you know?" Millicent answered.

“Still, this isn't normally like you," Brenda pointed out. “You've never been one to rush things. Why would you rush something as important as this?"

“Well, I..."

“Brenda, this is Gabi's big day!" Monique pointed out. “She needs to be full of joy, not force-fed your negative vibes. She's gonna walk down the aisle towards the man she loves, and seal their vows with a kiss."

“Mo-mo, do you ever think about anything besides romance?" Sapphire wondered.


“Sorry, Gabi," Brenda said. “It's just we worry for you sometimes. You're like a sister to me, y'know that?"

“Yeah, I know," Millicent replied.

Meanwhile, Wolf, Snake, and Shark were just as skeptic about the sudden move up.

“Hey, you sure it's a good idea to move up the wedding like this?" Shark asked Piranha while adjusting his tie.

“Yeah, something about this just seems weird," Wolf agreed quietly.

Hermanos, I know what I'm doing," Piranha insisted.

“Well, if you know what you're doing, perhaps you can tell us how this place got ready for a surprise wedding almost overnight," Snake suggested.

“Well, uh..." Piranha stammered. "Gabi wasn't very specific, but I think she said something about a one-day rush thing."

“You can't just deliver decorations, food, and invitations for fifty people in just thirteen hours," Snake pointed out.

Knowing he couldn't explain his way out of this, Piranha felt queasy all of a sudden and excused himself to the restroom.

“Uh, guys?" Wolf said.

“Don't tell me," Snake said. “We shouldn't make Piranha nervous. Today just needs to be about him and Gabi."

“That's not what I was going to say," Wolf insisted. “I was going to say, ‘Where's Webs? And Diane?'"

“I haven't seen them since yesterday, man," Shark admitted. “They're probably just with the other girls."

“Or Webs is upset over the thought of losing Piranha," Snake figured.

“What are you talking about, Snake?" Wolf asked.

“On the night Piranha proposed to Gabi, Webs admitted that she was afraid that they would leave together and she'd never see her best friend again," Snake explained. “I just told her young love never lasts, so she has nothing to worry about."

Wolf rolled his yellow eyes. “Well, when we see her later, maybe we can talk to her about it."


Unbeknownst to anyone, Webs was nowhere near the wedding. Instead, she and Diane, without being seen, were searching all over Serenade Cliff for any sign of Marmalade or Gabi, but there was nothing but a few teenagers singing off-key.

“Where could she be?" Diane asked as they hid under a car. “We've looked everywhere!"

“Not everywhere," Webs said in realization. She crawled towards the edge of the cliff and looked down to find a metal platform attached to the cliff and over the crashing water.

Knowing this had to be it, the two ladies jumped off the cliff and onto the platform. Inside the cliff, they found a metal door with a keypad.

“Too bad Snake isn't here with us," Webs said. “He could figure it out and help us get in."

“I think I got a better idea," Diane said, and pulled out some powder from her briefcase. She blew it onto the keypad and found fingerprints on some of the keys. After some consideration, she entered a random code and it unlocked instantly.

“Oh, you're good," Webs said as they went inside. Cuddles was standing at the end of the dark hallway, so Diane snuck up to him and karate-chopped his neck.

“You go on ahead, I'll take care of him," she said as she tied Cuddles up. As she snuck deeper into the lair, Webs began hearing voices.

“Sir, I've been thinking, and..."

“Millicent, what have I told you about thinking for yourself?" Marmalade said sternly.

“You told me not to," she answered. “But still, I just... What if I stayed married to Piranha? He could take care of me. Not that you haven't, of course, but..."

“Oh, my poor little Millicent," Marmalade interrupted. “Falling in love with an enemy who will never love you back."

“But sir..."

“Darling, try to understand," Marmalade said. “He only has eyes for Gabriela and he may think you're her now, but the moment he finds out the truth, he'll want nothing to do with you. That's why your marriage can't last. Am I clear?"

“Yes, sir," Millicent replied.

“There's a good girl," he said coolly. “Now, be a dear and hide something long and sharp underneath your dress."

Millicent didn't know why the Professor would tell her to do that, but she impulsively found a big knife and tucked it into her garter. As Marmalade hung up, Webs found a tiny door slot just the right size for her to crawl through. On the other side, she found...

“Gabi!" Webs exclaimed quietly, scurrying up to her. “Gabi, wake up! It's me!"

The poor angelfish looked terrible. Her clothes were filthy, her pink scales looked pale. There were bags under her eyes, burn marks on her neck underneath the metal collar she was wearing. When she opened her blue-green eyes, they appeared bloodshot.

“Webs?" she groaned in a raspy voice. “How did you...?"

“Diane and I are gonna get you outta here. Just hold on a little longer," Webs said gently before sneaking back out. She connected her laptop to Marmalade's computer and quickly started hacking. Unfortunately, due to how complex he made his system, it would take a while.

“Now, Gabriela, watch as the love of your life marries your fool of a younger sister," Marmalade said as the window opened back up. “After that, the real show begins."

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