Right Place, Wrong Time

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After finishing her shower, Millicent dried herself off and got dressed in a black, skintight bodysuit. Suddenly, she heard the door knocking and quickly put on some clothes to cover it up.

“One moment!" she called out as she put on her shoes. Once she was ready, Millicent answered the door to find Piranha. “Oh. Hi, Piranha. I wasn't expecting to see you."

“Hermosa, you love my surprise visits," he reminded her. “You know that, right?"

“Yeah, I know," Millicent lied. “So... darling... what brings you here?"

“Gabi, I know you've been uneasy," he said, stepping inside. “You seemed a little out of it at the party."

“Oh, was it that obvious?" Millicent asked meekly.

“Hey, it's okay, I'm not blaming you," Piranha assured her. “I'd be scared, too, if the guy who treated me the way Marmalade treated you busted out of prison."

“Yeah, that's what it was."

“Well, you don't have to worry," he continued. “I won't ever let anything bad happen to you. I promise."

“That's a really big promise," Millicent pointed out. Oddly, she felt the urge to tell him she was promising the wrong girl, but she held back.

“Is there anything else you'd like to tell me, mi amor?" Piranha asked.

“Well, I..." she stammered. “The truth is... I'm not..."

“You're not what?"

“I'm not... comfortable," Millicent answered. “What I mean is... I just don't feel very safe."

“Well, if you'd like, we could move up the wedding," Piranha suggested. “Then, we can get out of here and find a place Marmalade won't find you."

“Ye-Yes!" Millicent quickly agreed, remembering Marmalade's words. “That... That would be perfect!"

“Great, I don't wanna wait anyways," Piranha admitted. “So, you wanna get married in Vegas? Or just go down to the courthouse right now? Or..."

“Piranha," Millicent interrupted, “I'm tired right now, so can we discuss this in the morning?"

“Right, sorry," Piranha replied, kissing her cheek. “See you tomorrow, hermosa."

“I'll see you tomorrow, too," Millicent replied, rubbing her cheek. Once Piranha was gone, Millicent felt as though her brain was spinning. She knew how wrong it was, but couldn't deny it.

Millicent was in love with Mr. Piranha.


At that moment, not too far away, Webs and Diane, who was wearing her signature Crimson Paw jumpsuit, arrived at the apartment complex where Millicent's next victim lived. The goal was to get whoever was living there out before she showed up.

“It's a good thing Shark loaned me this disguise," Webs said as she adjusted her wig, which perfectly matched her glasses and brown shirt. “Although this is supposed to be my Halloween costume."

“Your Halloween costume is a delivery person?" Diane asked.

“Delivery zombie," Webs corrected. “You'll see it when I put my makeup on."

“Save it for October," Diane said. Once they found the right door, Diane knocked on it and hid while Webs stayed put. Once the resident opened the door, Diane snuck in and began packing some of their stuff into a suitcase without being noticed.

“Congratulations," Webs announced, “you've just won a weeklong trip to Napa Valley!"

“But I never entered any contests," the person claimed.

“You were selected at random," Webs explained. “The train leaves tonight at 10:30, so I'd get going if I was you."

“What?! But I'd have to pack all of my bags first!"

“Look behind you," Webs said. The person turned around and, much to their surprise, found a suitcase already packed up. “Here are your train tickets and your hotel reservation card, have a fun trip!"

“Uh, great. Thanks!" the person said, grabbing the suitcase, and headed out the door to the elevator.

“Someone's gonna have a good old time," Diane said as she closed the door. “Now, let's go find our girl."

An hour later, Millicent arrived at the apartment, but by the time she broke in, she found it deserted. She looked around for any sign of life, but all she found was cockroaches. Confused about what to do next, she decided to call Marmalade.

“Yes, Millicent?"

“Sir, this place is empty," she said. “What do I do?"

“Are you sure you're at the right address?" Marmalade asked. At that moment, she heard someone banging at the door.

“Open up!" Luggins shouted. “We know you're in there, we got a tip!"

“Yeah, I'm sure," Millicent answered in horror. “The police are outside."

“The police?!" Marmalade exclaimed. “Millicent, be a dear and get out of there now!"

Having no other choice, Millicent busted through a window, shattering the glass, right before the cops knocked the door down. She fired a grappling hook so it would catch a ledge, swung up to the roof, and climbed up. Millicent took one last look down and saw Luggins looking around.

“Chief, there's no body," an officer pointed out. “I guess our killer showed up at the wrong time."

“And apparently, so did we," Luggins said angrily. “I know you're out there, Marmalade! And when I find you, I won't hesitate to throw you back in jail!"

“Good girl, Millicent," Marmalade said in approval. “Luckily, I found a place you and Piranha can get married at tomorrow. I'll fill you in with the details in the morning. Goodnight, my dear."

Millicent lied on her back and stared at the sky in distress. If she was a good girl... why did she feel so bad?

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