Change of heart

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"Aw, what do you mean, we're not going back yet? We got the horn, don't we? let's-"

"I still need to take care of the kid"

"and sasha has nothing to do with it"

"What? no, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna stop trying, I still have personal matters with her" he points to princess.

"Oh Charlie, you're making me crazy here, why can't you just let the girl be, she makes the guys happy"

"You really think their happy itchy"

"Well yeah I do, they look happy"

"Just a little more time. The horn will be safe here" he puts it in a crab trap.

"No! charlie! Please leave the poor kid alone, she's done nothing bad to us"

"You're wrong itchy she's changed the bad guys, she has them gone soft and weak well I'm about to change that"

"Charlie please have a heart, I really like the girl"

"Oh you only say that because she gives you belly rubs"

"That is not true, Charlie? Charlie? I'm telling you as a friend if you go this, you're only gonna cause heartbreak for everyone"

But Charlie didn't listen he just pushed itchy aside, "you'll see once I get rid of the kid everything will be normal when I leave, the guys will thank me"

"Charlie don't-aw nuts"

"Ok Charlie so what now, you got the horn now, I guess this means you're going home now"

"Actually I was think-we have a little fun like the old days...we're Going to cannery square. Easy street"

He brings them to a street of performers.

"What?" At first wolf was confused.

But then Charlie wrapped his arm around wolf.

"I figured it'll be a good chance for me to get to know princess more"

"You really mean it Charlie"

"Of course I do, I realize that you were right, I shouldn't judge someone until I get to know them first"

"Ok Charlie if you really want to, go on head princess" wolf scoots her over to Charlie and he takes her hand.

"Come on kiddo, I'll show you around"

"I knew she would get to him" wolf says.

"Here, let me sing you a song I used to sing to your dad" he grabs her by her tiny waist and places her on the water fountain.

"Oh you can't keep a good dog down No you can't keep a good dog down I've seen pain and hurt, I've eaten dirt It's hard to buy but even I have been jilted by a skirt" he takes her hand dances with her.

"But look out, I'm still around Cause you can't keep a good dog down Ya can't keep a good dog down" he leaves her by a guitarist and as he ran he looks down to see her looking up at him, he was annoyed.

"No no no no, you can't keep a good dog down
I've been bought and sold been been warm and cold
But ten to one I'll still be runnin' rackets when I'm old" he has she stand in one spot when he pushes a hot dog cart but she moves out of the way.

"Not in some cage in the city pound" he facepalm himself.

"Cause you can't keep a good dog Can't keep a good, I say you can't keep a good dog down In me the luck of the Irish The pride of the German And even a bit of Siam You see the calm of the English The charm of the Spanish A pedigree a certainly ain't what I am
So call me a mixed up pup But the only way this pup knows is up" he takes her to a test your strength game, he swings the hammer but she ran and he missed.

"Ya can't keep a good dog down Ya can't keep a good dog down i been fat and thin I've been out and in
I tried a life of virtue But prefer a life of sin
So tonight when we own this town I've known hunger, I've known thirst Lived the best and seen the worst
But the only way I know to finish best to finish first
So watch out when you hear this sound (howls)"

He tries one last attempt to eliminate her, by pushing her in the water as she is distracted.

"Cause you can't keep a good dog, no ya
Can't keep a good, I say you can't keep a good dog down You can't keep a good dog down" but she turns stopping him.

"Ugh, I give up" Charlie sulks by the fountain when princess approaches him.

"You sing amazing"

"Thanks squeaker, why don't you give it a try" he suggested.


"Yes, can't you sing?"

"I do but I get a little nervous around people"

"Ah don't worry kid I think I can help"

He gets close to a microphone near by, "now just sing"

"But I can't"

"Yes you can just take a deep breath" so she does then she starts to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I'm trying to hold my breath" the way she sang caught everyone including the bad guys her attention.

"Let it stay this way Can't let this moment end
You set off a dream in me Getting louder now Can you hear it echoing? Take my hand Will you share this with me? 'Cause darling, without you"

"That's our girl" wolf says.

"You must be very proud" Sasha tells Diane.

"I am"

"All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the night sky Will never be enough
Never be enough" itchy watches her sing, he watch in awed.

"Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll Never be enough Never be enough For me Never, never Never, never
Never, for me For me Never enough Never enough
Never enough For me For me For me"

Charlie's watches in pride but he was starting to fall for her and not in a romantic way but unconditional love for her.

"All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the night sky Will never be enough
Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll Never be enough Never be enough For me"

Charlie sighs then his tail starts to wag uncontrollably, even itchy saw Charlie was changing.

"Never, never Never, never Never, for me
For me Never enough Never, never Never enough
Never, never Never enough For me For me For me"

After she finished singing Charlie noticed his tail
And tries to stop it.

"Whoa! That was a close one, you did amazing kid"

"Thanks uncle Charlie"

"say ever thing about considering a solid career"


"You should become a singer, all the great musicians start out small"

"Well I do love to sing"

"Good there you go, there's just one thing you have to do"

"Sure what is is uncle Charlie"

"Run away from your family"


"You heard me run away, you should start now"

"I can't leave my family"

"Look like when I was a pup I ran away from my parents and I turned out great, you're family they are just holding me back"

"They wouldn't"

"But they do" but little did he know itchy was overhearing.

" if you don't go they are just gonna hold you back and you'll never make it out there, trust me these people aren't a good family for you" he leaves trying to find the bad guys before she gets wise.

But then, "Charlie I don't like what you're doing!" Itchy says.

"Relax itchy I'm doing the guys a favor"

"No you're not why can't you accept them for who they are they have a child and there is nothing you can do to change that"

"No but there is something I can do if we don't hurry up now she'll find them and we'll never get rid of you"

"Charlie what happens if the guys find huh, I don't think they'll like that you're trying to ditch their daughter"

"Itchy I'm doing this for them"

"I know Charlie"

"Know what?"

"I know You're in love with the girl"

"What? That's crazy"

"Oh yeah, I saw the way you looked at her, the way you smiled, You've gone soft. You care about her"

Suddenly the bad guys approached them and they overheard.

"Look, I don't care about the girl! I only told them that, I pretend to care so I could get rid of her, but it's baloney!"

The guys looked at each other with hurtful looks including wolf.

"Everything was fine till she should us, she took them away, she made them go soft, it's With her my friends our girl. If it weren't for that little cotton ball brat the Gus wouldn't be these soft gushy weaklings, it's all her fault the bad guys have changed, it's her fault wolf has changed, they should have never left"

Suddenly his insults were making their blood boil in anger.

"When I get the chance we'll dump her in an orphanage! And after that the bad guys will go back to normal and she'll be nothing more but a bad idea?!"

"Uh boss"


Then Itchy notices the guys had heard the whole conversation.

He then around and what Charlie saw was hurt betrayal shame and angry on their faces.

"Ah-wolf? Guys? Hehehe, I was just telling itchy here-"

"I knew it, you are still angry" wolf growls.

"It's not what it looks like" Charlie tries to defend himself.

"How could you do this to us" wolf picks up princess as she ran to him.

"Hey our lives was perfect till this little brat came along"

"This child is this the reason we became good guys today and you want to get rid of her, she's your nephew Charlie"

"She's not even your real kid wolf, she's just an orphan you took pity on" everyone gasped in horror by what he said.

"Charlie, people changed, we changed but'll never changed you're still that-that-arrogant-selfish-egocentric dog you were all those years"


"Yeah, you didn't listen to me about carface framing you, you didn't listen to me what I said he wants you dead and you didn't listen to me what I said don't trust him"

"You guys left me, do you know much that hurt, my only friends leaving me for a child"

"For his sake you been gone for 15 years, 15 years Charlie! We thought you were dead, do you have any idea how much pain I went through, how much I was hurt, how much I cried over your grave every time I went to see you" then wolf's eyes starts to get watery.

"You guys shouldn't have left"

"You were dead, dead! I thought you were gone for good! So we had to move on! I had to move on, then I met princess I thought you would've wanted to see her, but now I see you won't change, not even for us"

"I never wanted you to change and I never wanted you to adopt a kid that's not even yours"

"Times have change Charlie, we change, but'll never change, you never had and you never will be, and you know what-" he pulls out of his pocket, Charlie's collar, and he throws it in front of Charlie, ending their friendship.

"I'm really glad you're dead...that way we won't have to see you anymore"

Charlie felt heartbroken as he watches his only friends leave.

"Come on guys, it's obvious Charlie doesn't want princess, he doesn't want us too"

"Wha-fine, go ahead live the life of a burden of a child, I don't need you guys, you guys were always holding me back, so go"

But as Charlie walks he was feeling hurt too, "just so you know I have I could see you guys again, I guess it was all a big mistake"

As the bad guys walked, wolf was in sorrow, he needed some alone time.

"I need to-I need to clear my head you guys, take princess to the apartment" wolf hands princess to Diane and they watch him walk off.

Wolf: I saw the sun begin to dim And felt that winter wind blow cold

Charlie: A man learns who is there for him
When the glitter fades and the walls won't hold
'Cause from then, rubble What remains Can only be what's true

Wolf:If all was lost There's more I gained

Both: 'Cause it led me back
To you

Wolf: From now on These eyes will not be blinded by the lights

Charlie: From now on What's waited 'til tomorrow starts tonight

Both: Tonight

Wolf: Let this promise in me start

Charlie: Like an anthem in my heart

Both: From now on From now on

Then they both started to run.

Wolf: I drank champagne with kings and queens The politicians praised my name

Charlie: But those are someone else's dreams
The pitfalls of the man I became

Wolf: For years and years I chased their cheers

Charlie: The crazy speed of always needing more

Wolf: But when I stop And see you here

Charlie pulls out a picture of him itchy and the bd guys and wolf pulls out a picture of princess.

Both: I remember who all this was for

Wolf: And from now on These eyes will not be blinded by the lights

Charlie: From now on What's waited 'til tomorrow starts tonight It starts tonight

Wolf: And let this promise in me start

Charlie: Like an anthem in my heart

Both: From now on From now on From now on
And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!

And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!

And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!

Both: (From now on!)

And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!

And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!

And we will come back home
And we will come back home (Yes)
Home, again!

And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!

Both: From now on

Wolf: These eyes will not be blinded by the lights!
From now on!

Charlie: What's waited 'til tomorrow starts tonight!
It starts tonight!

Wolf: Let this promise in me start

Charlie: Like an anthem in my heart

Both: From now on, From now on, From now on
And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!

And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again!

And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home, again

Both: From now on From now on Home, again, ooh, ooh From now on From now on Home, again

Charlie stands by the boardwalk looking into the sea, thinking.

Till Sasha approaches him, "nice work, Charlie Barkin. You really are an angel"

"No, I'm not an angel, just a bad dog"

"But What you did for that child and your friends was wonderful"

"You didn't see it, I'm not his angel. I'm just an errand boy sent to fetch Gabriel's horn. Sasha, my whole life would have been about making and breaking promises. And now, I'm going to do it again"

"What do you mean?"

"I have to go back. Just when I finally found someone special.and see my friends again, they won't see me again"

"Oh, Charlie"

I will always be with you
Makes no difference where your road takes you to
Even if we're apart
Now we're joined at the heart
Though our moments may be gone
You and I will still live on

I will always be with you
I'll be by your side whatever you do
All the memories may fade
But the ones that we made
Are eternal as a star
Now I'm part of who you are

And I'll be there with you in the sound of your laughter
I'll be in the tears you cry
'Cause the way you and I have touched one and other
Doesn't end with goodbye
I will always be with you
Like a guardian-angel constant and true
When you're lost in the night (Lost in the night)
And you can't see the light
My love will see you through

I will always be there

You'll have me there

I will always be with you

But then the sun went down as Charlie was about to kiss her.

"Charlie?" His time was up and he became invisible again.

"Oh, no, no. Not now. Sasha!"

"Sasha, I can't find Itchy. Where's Charlie?" Wolf asked, he came to apologize.

"Sasha, I'm right here. Right here"

"I don't know He's gone" Sasha sounded worried.

"He wouldn't leave, would he?" Wolf asked.

"We got to do something" Charlie says.

"They'll be fine, Charlie" itchy says.

"No, I got to-I promise princess-" Charlie ran.

"Short legs. ooh. I guess I'm short. Charlie!"

wolf heads back to the apartment to tell the guys what happened.

"GUYS!" He came bursting through the doors.

But all he saw was annabelle, he was surprised to see her.

"Oh, uh hi, listen charile's in trouble-"

But she will take this chance to introduce herself to them and gives wolf a special mission.

"Do not be alarm Mr wolf I am Annabelle"

"You-you know me?"

"Yes we know all about you and Charlie friendship, it seems you two have a quarrel"

"Ah he doesn't anything to do with us, he doesn't care about our daughter"

"But that's just it, I have a special mission for you"

"Ok, what is it?"

"Well it involves your daughter princess"

"What? What do you need her for?"

"I believe that princess might be the key to help charlie reform and get a second chance, to finally be with his true friends"

"You really think so?"

"Yes, we see how he is with her, he just needs to show that he cares deeply about princess like you do, but the question is: do you believe he can change, to deserve a second chance, do you...believe in him"

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