Getting the horn

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"bah ha! ♪ If you got romance ♪ ♪ on your mind ♪ ♪ ya da ta da da ♪♪ you sing pretty good for a stray"

"Can I have my prize now?"


"what? You advertised a meal for the winner. If it's a meal you want, I'm off at 10:00"

"Honey, I'd rather eat out of the garbage"

"That's what I had in mind"

"Huh. bonsfrenchy It's your lucky night"


"You show me yours, and I'll show you mine"

"What do you serve with that shake, baby?"


"This is going to be fast, right?"

"We got a horn to find"

"Charlie wait" Diane tires to warn him.

"Ah. take notes, itch" Charlie gargling.


"You're about to watch a master"

"Charlie I don't think this is a good idea aren't you supposed to be looking for that horn" wolf says.

"You must hear this ..But you sing like an angel"

"Excuse me"

"Charlie barkin And you are?"

"Not even remotely interested"

"Yeah really smooth Charlie" snake says.

"Oh. that's a mouthful"

"Down boy"

"Let me help"

"Ah, come on"

"Give me that"

"No, please"

"It's no problem"


"Hey, sister"

"No free eats"

"I'll take care of it Put it on carface's tab"

"Ok.Where were-- huh?"

"Sorry to break it to you Charlie but she left" wolf points out and they laughed at him.

"Hey, charlie--I noted how you swept the lady off her feet" itchy says.

"Yeah really smooth Casanova" wolf teased.

"Ok So, I'm rusty. Let's make a little home delivery"

"Charlie, Charlie, I don't think that's such a good idea, charlie" wolf followed him.

Itchy groan, "I'll never get back to heaven"

"Oh-ho, shucks"

"something tells me you're forgetting about the horn"

"Yeah Charlie aren't you supposed to be getting the horn you're on a mission after all" wolf says.

"Would you take it easy? There's plenty of time for that. come on"

"Anabelle is not going to like this, charlie"

They followed sasha to her house, "Hey Nice digs, huh, itch?"

"Grrrrrr!" Sasha tries to attack them.


"You! what do you want?"

Then Diane gets between them, "Sasha it's ok it's me, Diane"

Sasha recognizes her and was surprised, "Diane, is that you?"

diane decides to take this change to catch up with her old friend.

The two hugged, "how you been girl" Sasha says, "I haven't seen you since we split up"

"well I became the crimson paw, retired to be governor and well...we kinda need your help"

Diane motion to Charlie, "did this creep followed you" Sasha asked.

"Oh no, he needs my husband" she shows her ring.

"You're married that's amazing I'm so happy for you, but What's going on here? And I want the truth"

"The truth? It's very hard to explain but Charlie here is an angel we're helping him trying to find Gabriel horn"

"You can't be serious" but Sasha doesn't believe her.

"It's true"

"I don't believe this, he was was a Now, that would be a miracle"

"One miracle, coming up"

before she can leave charlie gets a idea in his head and uses his miricle tag to give her the ability to talk to them and see angles by kissing her on the lips.

"Of all the arrogant, presumptuous, egotistical mutts I've ever met"

"Now you talk"

She sees them as angels when they talk their collars off.

"Hey, charlie, you used up your miracle, and that was for an emergency"

"It seemed like an emergency"


"Now do you believe me" Diane says, "I could use your help"

But Sasha looks down at princess who looks up at her.

"Met my adopted daughter princess"

"A cat? Oh Diane, that is low"

"You sing beautifully" princess says earning her trust.

"Aw what a sweet little thing"

"You with us, Sasha?"

"I don't know what he's up to, but I'm staying your side, Diane" then Sasha turns to Charlie, "not keeping an eye on you" She goes through and her tail touches Charlie.

"I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm such a genius I could kiss my myself"

So princess kisses his cheek and he gets grossed out, "AH, not you! Ew" Then, Annabelle appears on a garbage can lid.

"Charles, we've got a traffic jam up here. New arrivals can't get in. We need that horn"

"Put them on a holding pattern. I'm really onto something here" He kicks the can lid.

"Wha--wha--wha-- what?" It rolled all the way to the pile. Wolf saw he was annoyed by Charlie.

meanwhile on alcatraz island red and carface plan their biggest plot which is to use gaberials horn to bring all the dogs down to heaven in cages and open the portal to the other side.

"You're going to love this place, boss. It's got everything you wanted. Beachfront location, fenced yard, tight security. The joint's been home to some great pedigrees. The bird dog of alcatraz. Oh ho"

"And ratatouille, too"

"Then I did good?"

Red ate the whole mouse and then takes out a bone from his mouth.

"Have a bone" He puts a bone in Carface's mouth.

after that Charlie and their friends head off to find the horn.

"so, is there a mr. sasha?" Charlie tries to woo Sasha.

"Nope, and I'm not taking applications" but she proves to be complicated.

"Ok, ok. But if you were, ..What qualities would you be looking for?"

He gets a nudge from wolf who mouth, "what are you doing"

"I'm trying to win"

"Will you let it go she's not even interested"

"Shut up"

"Oh, I don't know"

"Ah, of course you do"

"Hmm. Loyalty, strength, .."

"I'd be good at that"



Then Charlie falls, "Oh! And of course, style"

"Look out!"

"Charlie, you ok?" Itchy and the guys surrounded him.

"Are my ears ringing. Yeah, you're right"

"Wait a minute Wait a minute"

"What is it itchy?" Wolf asked.

"That's not your ears....."

"The horn"

"The horn, where" wolf says.

"Hey I think I hear it too" shark says abd they follow the sound.

the bad guys along with their new friends spot the horn but it's in police cusody.

"There it is" wolf says.

"Go get it, itch. I'll stay with sasha"

"Uh-uh That's your job. I'll stay with sasha"

"Hmm. Be back before you can say hallelujah. Come on wolf" Charlie takes his hand.

"Whoa I can't go in" wolf stops him.

"Why not?"

"I still got arrest warrants we all do"

"But I thought you guys said you were redeemed" itchy asked.

"We are.." webs says, "in Los Angeles but not in San Francisco"

"Come on it'll be like that time we try to get the car back from custody"

In Alcatraz, Carface is in a cage, and gets out.

"You dogs have enjoyed a state of grace for far too long. Wouldn't you agree, Carface?"

"Sure, whatever you say, boss"

"All these cells filled with dogs. Can you see it?"

"Yeah, sure"

"And me playing Gabriel's horn. Can you hear it?"

"Yeah, sure. Just, uh, put your lips together and blow"

"And then, the grand finale"

"Oh, um, that ain't, uh, that's not coming in so clear, actually"

"Oh, it will. And all thanks to Charlie Barkin" red laughs menacingly.

"Make sure he doesn't disappoint me" red gives carface another chance to get the horn again.

"You got it, boss"

It's so, so stirring, I feel like purring!

It's deeply pleasing, to be the richest!

So many will be so SAD!

Three cheers for treachery,
It feels so good to be bad!

"Bah! hH!"

"Step through. Good boy. Nice little dog there" Charlie distracts the policemen while wolf sneaks in the vents to the inside and opens the door for him.

They sneak in the air duct ventilations, "GET THIS, McDOWELL. "Man finds genie "

"last week you believed that scientists created intelligent lunch meat"

"That's why everyone's afraid to ride in a car with you"

Charlie raise his eyebrows to wolf then he reaches next to the sarge.

"Hey, sarge, where's the lost and found room"

" room 112 through the squad room"

"Thanks" he goes back in the vent.

"I'm telling you, McDOWELL, There are some mighty weird things in this world"

But as they do so, Charlie reminds wolf what they good life they used to have before princess.

"Isn't this wonderful wolf, like the old days remember we used to heist every gallery pawn shop and casinos that was great"

"Yeah and when those cops were on our tails you made our car chase amazing"

"Yeah it was great, such the thrill of the's just too bad you had to throw it all away for a child I mean if you get rid of the child you could live the life we used to have no responsibility no giving up your freedom, you can steal whatever you want and no one will stop you"

"You raise a good point but I live the life I have"

"Look, remember the risks we took? Bringing kids into this mess is a guarantee they'll face danger. It's not a life for us to raise kids."

"But everyone deserves a chance at happiness. Kids could bring joy, not just trouble."

"Joy? In a world like ours? It's a gamble, my friend. Why risk it for a kid I mean what's so great having kids? Having kids, in our line of work, is a liability. They'll tie you down, no more thrill, just mundane routines. Soccer games, school plays – a life filled with obligations. Is that what you want? No more excitement, just domestic monotony. You'll be tired all the time no longer a free wolf you'll be missing out a lot not to mention the adventure you have is raising a kid which will be not but boring"

"Sorry but you can't change my mind Charlie"


"Stop, we're here"

"I can't believe this.Now, where'd I put that lost-and-found list?"

"Allow me" Charlie takes his collar off and he floats through, "Come to charlie"

He successfully grabs the horn,,"Charlie wait?" Wolf whispers.

"Of course, it couldn't be gabriel's flute or gabriel's kazoo"

Charlie and wolf devise a plan to break into the polivce station and get the horn did not go so well as they planned.

"Well that went great" wolf says.

"So, where's the horn" itchy asked.

"Minor setback, itch"

"Looks We're just going to have to bust it out" wolf cracks his knuckles.

"all right, here's the plan-" but before he could Charlie interrupted him.

"Wait a minute you guys are out of game do you even know how to do it"

But the gang just stared at him deadpanned, "Charlie, we used heist for good"

"Of course you do well wish us luck" Charlie says, then princess hugs him.

"Good hug uncle Charlie"

"Ugh" he tries to pull her off when he hears Sasha giggling.

"I'm not your uncle"

so they put on disgisues to blend in and sneak in but not knowing carface was following them.

"heh heh heh heh! Just keep moving. Doing great guys" they all dressed up as officers.

They posed as officers taking princess as cover for they found a lost girl.

"Act like you belong here"

"Just through the door"

"I don't think this is going to work" wolf was anxious.

"Nobody even sees us. No eye contact. Am I good, or what?"

"You're horrible as this" wolf says.


"aah!" But then wolf bumps into someone losing his mustache.

"Don't you--"


"uh-oh. Plan "b, guys"

"On it, princess" wolf turns to snake who holds up princess.

"Doughnuts! Fresh off the truck!" before the cops can get wise of them princess uses the old trick that gets cops wiled.


"Look out!"


"Ohh! oh!"

with the cops distracted they take this chance to get horn.

"Somebody get that mutt!"

"Hey! hey! come back here!"



"Get over here!" He's headed for the file--"whoa!"


"Oh, no!"

"Somebody help me!"

"Ooh! ooh!"

"File this!"


"Mission accomplished"

"Come on!..ohh! Ooh!"

and make a run for it not before they run into a female police officer.

"oh, my gosh. It's the bad guys! Freeze!" she easily reconses them.

"You're under arrest"

"Uh oh" wolf says.

"What the-- move! move! move!"

They ran outside and hijack a small velicel, "Kick it, charlie!" Wolf says.

"Hey!  Short legs! Aah! It's the dog pound for sure! whoa! jump, itch  Aah-aah!"

and a car chase inssues with carface using a skateboard to catch up with them.

"Yahoo! aren't guardian angels supposed to protect people?" Sasha asked.

"Hey, it's my first day on the job"

"Well you aren't good at it" wolf says.

"aah! whoa!"

"I'm going to barf"


"Having fun, are we?" Charlie asked his pals.

"NO!" But they all glared at him.

"We got a kid here"

"Hah! See what tour life is like, think how much fun it'll be without princess"




"eee, naranja" the officer charges her car. Along with careface hitting a mailbox.

"Aah!" Itchy went flying and shark catches him.

"You finally got your flying lessons, eh, itch?"

"I'm going to get you for this, charlie"

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