The battle of atlantis

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"It's simple. All you got to do..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shut up. We get it, OK?"

"No, no, wait!"

"Gently. Just gently"

"Hey, Milo, you got something sporty? You know, like a tuna?"

"How is this done?"

"All you got to do is use the crystals. Kida showed me. Half-turn right, quarter-run back. Keep your hand on the pad"

"Saddle up, partners. Bring jerky and ammo"

"I'm so excited"

"All right, this is it! We're going to rescue the princess. Wolf's family We're going to save Atlantis. Or we're going to die trying. Now let's do it!"

"Did he just say die trying"

Meanwhile with rourke, they blew up the top to get the only entrance out, then they had a air balloon

"I love it when I win"

Wolf ride with Milo, snake with cookie, piranha with mole, shark with sweets and webs on Audrey.

"OK, here's the plan. We're going to come in low and fast... and take them by surprise"

"Well, I've got news for you, Milo. Rourke is never surprised, and he's got a lot of guns"

"Well that's helpful" snake says sarcastically.

"Great. Well, do you have any suggestions?"

"Yeah. Don't get shot"

"Ok that's not helpful" wolf added.

"There they are!"

"We've got company! Take off! Take her up!"

They started shooting and send in planes, "Holy smokes! You told me he only had guns"

"What I said was, he's never surprised"

"Now what!"

Vinny presses a button and sends a huge blast, "OK, now things are getting good"

"Vinny! Heads up! We can't let them reach the top of that shaft!"


"Vinny, new plan. You and me, we're going to be decoys. Audrey, Sweet, fly up underneath that thing... and cut her loose"

"We're on it"

"And here I thought I was loco" piranha says.


"I thought you said this thing... could cut through a femur in 28 seconds!"

"Less talk, more saw"

"Uhh! Looks like somebody's working overtime"

Helga drops a bomb down on them, "Come on, girl. Time's up"


"All right, Milo, this is it. Any last words?" Wolf asked.

"Yeah. I really wish I had a better idea than this!"

Milo and wolf crashed the vehicle into one of the balloons.

"We're losing altitude. Lighten the load"

Helga starts dropping stuff, "Unh! That's it, unless someone wants to jump"

"Ladies first" rourke pushes her but she pulls herself back in.

"Uhh!" Helga was furious she started beating him, "You said we were in this together! Uhh! You promised me a percentage!"

"Next time, get it in writing"


"Nothing personal"

Wolf tries to get the cargo down while Milo fights rourke.

"Unh! Yaah! Aah! Uhh! Unh! Aah! Uhh!"

"Well, I have to hand it to you. You're a bigger pain in the neck... than I would have ever thought possible. I consider myself an even-tempered man. It takes a lot to get under my skin... but congratulations... you just won the solid-gold kewpie doll"

Helga still alive but hurt, uses her flare gun, "Uhh... Uhh! Uhh! Nothing personal" she blows the balloon and get gets on fire.

"Milo look out" wolf warned him.

"Tired, Mr. Thatch? Hyah! Aw, that's a darn shame... because I'm just getting warmed up"

Milo uses a glass to cut him, then he turned to a crystal.

"Thank heaven. Whoa!" He tries to attack Milo but gets shatter.

" Uhh! Ahh. Oh, great! Ahh"

"The volcano... she awakes!"

"Hey, I had nothing to do with it"

"This here would be a good place not to be"

"No, wait. We got to get her back... or the whole city will die"

"And if we don't get out of here, we'll die"

"It's the only way to reverse this. Just do it!"

"Milo, no! Go!"

"Aah! Whoa! Whoa!"

"The fissure... it is about to eject... its pyroclastic fury!"

"Milo, Mole says the wall's going to blow!"

"Hurry Milo"

"Unh! Uhh!"

"Uhh. Milo?"

At Atlantis, the crew, the bad guys, princess and Diane who are back to normal except for Milo, are getting ready to leave, as Kida gives them crystal necklaces.

"Atlantis will honor your names forever. I only wish there was more we could do for you"

"Uh, you know, thanks anyway... but I think we're good"

"They'll take you as far as the surface"

"We are really going to miss you, Milo"

"You know, I'm gonna re-open a flower shop, and I'm gonna think of you guys every single day. Monday through Friday 9:00 to 5:00, Saturday until 2:00. Sunday, I'm going to take Sunday off probably, and Maybe I'll go for a couple of hours, you know, but... August, I'm going to take August"

"I ain't so good at speechifyin'...but I wanted you have this. It's the bacon grease from the whole trip"

"Cookie, I--"


Audrey kisses Milo's cheek and she hit but misses the face.

"Ah-ha. Two for flinching!" playfully punches Milo's arm, "See ya, Milo."

"Hey, Milo! Heh-heh!" dirt with a flies buzzing.

"Mole. Mole. Wow. Hey, well, goodbye, Mole"

"Now, you sure you want to stay? There's a hero's welcome waiting for the man who discovered Atlantis"

"Well I guess this is goodbye" wolf and look shake hands.

"So long Mr wolf thank you for everything"

"No thank you for giving my daughter the chance to see Atlantis"

"Ah, I don't think the world needs another hero. Besides, I hear there's an opening down here for an expert in gibberish"

"You take good care yourself, Milo Thatch"

"Yeah. You too, Sweet"

"Come here!" he gives big hug to Milo and squeeze it.

"Sweet, uh, before you go quick, could you--?"

"No problem"

"Ah. Oh. Thanks"

"Oh, you're getting a bill"

"Can we go home now?"

"So long Milo" princess waves.

"Bye princess"

"Come on Y'all! Let's get one last shot in front of the fish"

an Atlantean Photographer takes last picture to everyone in the treasure chest.



Cut to Mr. Whitmore's basement room with the remaining group.

"Now, let's go over it again, just so we got it straight: you didn't find anything"

"Nope. Just a lot of rocks. And fish. Little fish. Sponges"

"What happened to Helga?"

"Well, we lost her when a flaming zeppelin come down on her" Packard hits him with her parasol, "Uh, missin'"

"That's right. And Rourke?"

"Nervous breakdown. You could say he went all to pieces"

"In fact, you could say he was transmogrified, and then busted into a zillion--He's missin', too"

"What about Milo?"

"Went down with the sub"

Audrey got Fluffy as Milo's cat, Sweet look at Mole take off a clothes and bury himself in pottery, Mole chuckles.

"Oh, lord, give me strength"

"I'm gonna miss that boy" see the pictures with Milo and Kida, "At least he's in a better place in now" Mr. Whitmore sees a card, he wraps it up and saw Milo got a present the pendant crystal. Milo writes about grandfather's photo.

"Dear Mr. Whitmore. I hope this piece of proof is enough for you. It sure convinced me. Thanks, from both of us. Milo Thatch"

Then Mr. Whitmore then puts on the crystal necklace as the shines to Milo, now the king, finishes something on the stone, as Kida, now the queen, uses her crystal to power the stone as it was curved into the face of King Kashekim and it flow up as Milo and Kida watch it go. Kida grabs Milo and taken him up the tower to see the stone curving go into the crystal as the scene zooms out to the entire city of Atlantis while the flying vehicle, the bad guys return home, princess looks back and smiles wearing the crystal, goes to the screen and it showed the title as the movie ends.

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