The attack on atlantis

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At the city, Kida, princess and Diane is being sealed in a metal crate as Audrey seals it and looks Milo who glares angrily with Mr wolf at her and she angrily turns away.

The rest of the crew and mercenaries are about to load the crate to the truck as Kida covers the glass.

"All right, step back"

"Sergeant, Keep those people back!"

"You heard him, step back!" pushing Milo and wolf back when wolf is angry.

"I'm warning you" Moles rails the crate into the truck.

"So... I guess this is how it ends, huh? You're wiping out an entire civilization, but, hey... you'll be rich. Congratulations, Audrey, guess you and your dad can probably start that second garage after all" Audrey get in the truck and slams the door.

"And Vinny, you can start a whole chain of flower shops. I'm sure your family's gonna be very proud. But that's what it's all about, right? Money"

"Get off your soapbox, Mr wolf . You've read Darwin. It's called natural selection. We're just helping it along"

"we're ready"

"Yeah, give me a minute"

Wolf tries to go for the cargo with princess in it but helga and rourke aimed their guns at him.

"You can't be serious, she is just a little girl"

"Look at it this way, son. You were the man of a father of a daughter who discovered Atlantis, an extraordinary little girl and now, you and your friends are now part of the exhibit. Let's move, people"

"That was an order, not a suggestion. Let's go!"

Audrey then closes the truck, about to take off as she starts thinking, as she sighs. She kicks the door open and gets out of the truck. She walks up to Milo and the heroes. Then Vinny walks up to them.

Then Cookie and Mole get off the truck, and look at Ms. Packard as she smokes the cigarette. Then Cookie and Mole walk to Milo's group

"We're all gonna die"

She throws out her cigarette and then goes to join the rest of Milo's group.

"Oh, you can't be serious"

"This is wrong, and you know it"

"We're this close to our biggest payday ever and you pick now of all times to grow a conscience?"

"We've done a lot of things we're not proud of: robbing graves, eh, plundering tombs, double parking, but nobody got hurt. Well...maybe somebody got hurt, but nobody we knew"

"Well, if that's the way you want it, fine. More for me. P.T. Barnum was right"

Rourke, Helga and their mercenaries drives away and departs Atlantis with Kida in it and causing the waterfall to be stop and the Atlanteans' crystals lose power.

"We can't let them do this!"

"Princess" wolf ran but he gets held back by snake.

"Wait a second!" Vinny Holds Milo back.

After crossing the bridge, Rourke presses a detonator, and everybody dives for cover as the bridge is blown up.

"Okay, now you can go"

"Milo! You better get up here"

At the throne room, Sweet is checking up on King Kashekim as Milo come in.

"How's he doing?"

Mr wolf joins the the bad guys and the rest of the crew see attend to the king who is dying.

"Not good, I'm afraid. Internal bleeding. There's nothing more I can do"

"What a nightmare. And I brought it here"

"Ah, don't go beating yourself up. He's been after that crystal since Iceland"

"The crystal. Sweet, that's it! These... these crystals, they have some kind of healing energy, I've- I've seen it work"

"No. Where's my daughter?"

"Well, she... she... Mmm"

"She has been chosen. Like her mother before her"


"In times of danger, the crystal will choose a host one of royal blood to protect itself and its people. It will accept no other."

"W-Wait a minute. Choose? So this thing is alive?"

"And how is my wife and daughter connected to this" wolf asked

"What do you mean?"

"Well, back when kids got turned to a crystal, Diane and princess got turned to crystals too"

"If that is so then they were chosen in the goodness of their hearts. In a way. The crystal thrives on the collective emotions of all who came before us. In return, it provides power longevity, protection. As it grew, it developed a consciousness of its own. In my arrogance, I sought to use it as a weapon of war but its power proved too great to control. It overwhelmed us and led to our destruction"

"That's why you hid it beneath the city to keep history from repeating itself"

"And to prevent Kida from suffering the same fate as my beloved wife"

"What do you mean? Wh...What's going to happen to Kida?"

"If she remains bonded to the crystal, she could be lost to it forever"

"Is the same thing gonna happen to princess and Diane too" wolf asked.

"if ours daughters and your wife remain fused with the crystal then they'll will be lost forever, The love of my daughter is all I have left. My burden would have become hers when the time was right, but now it falls to you"

"Me?" He hands Milo the crystal necklace.

"Return the crystal. Save Atlantis. Save my daughter"

"I owe you an apology" snake says to the king.

"What for? You didn't do anything?"

"Yeah but I didn't believe in you I told princess Atlantis was just phooey but here I am talking to the king"

Then Kashekim takes his last breath as he then dies and the guards all bow down in sorrow.

"Hmm. So, what's it going to be?"

"What are we gonna do" shark asked.

"I don't know what do we do Milo" wolf asked him.

"What? Excuse me?"

"I followed you in,and I'll follow you out. It's your decision" dr sweets says.

"It's one thing to mess with an ancient city but no one messes with our daughter" wolf says.

"I'm sorry our daughter?" Milo asked.

"Yes, you didn't think I was princess only dad did ya, so what's it gonna be Milo, your decision"

"Oh, my decision? Well, I think we've seen how effective my decisions have been. Let's recap. I lead a band of plundering vandals to the greatest archeological find in recorded history, thus enabling the kidnap and/or murder of the royal family, not to mention personally delivering the most powerful force known to man into the hands of a mercenary nutcase WHO'S PROBABLY GONNA SELL IT TO THE KAISER!!! HAVE I LEFT ANYTHING ELSE!?"

"Well, you did set the camp on fire and drop us down that big hole" wolf says

"Thank you. Thank you very much" He walks to the rocks and sits down sulking.

"Milo? Do you know why I gave up being a criminal" wolf asked.

"To start a family" Milo says.

"Exactly, I became a good guy because I have something to believe in if it's one thing I learn, when life gets you down you just got to fight what's right"

"Of course, it's been my experience when you hit bottom the only place left to go is up"

"Who told you that?"

"A fella by the name of Thaddeus Thatch"

Milo Thatch looks at the crystal that he is wearing and he gets serious, so he walks out of the entrance, finally going to make a right decision.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going after Rourke"

"Milo, that's crazy"

"And I thought I was the crazy one" piranha says.

"I didn't say it was the smart thing but it is the right thing"

"Come on. We better make sure he doesn't hurt himself" Milo Thatch gets on a fish mobile, Audrey asks him.

"Milo, what do you think you are doing?"

"Just follow my lead" And so, Milo starts the fish mobile's engine.

"Wow. I'm impressed"

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